Dershowitz is up

Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal Its not a crime
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice Comey will be in jail before Trump, ask Barr
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Justice Trump has due process rights, just ask the USSC (Trump's tax records)
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad OK, not a crime
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad OK, not a crime
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad OK, not a crime
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad OK, not a crime
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad OK, not a crime
9) Being accused of child rape is bad Now you're delusional
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad Now you're delusional again
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad OK, not a crime
12) Stealing children at the border is bad That's the cartels and sex trafficking
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad no its not
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad no its not
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad Oppo research is ok
Is that enough? Its nothing, so no.

I understand that life as a Trumpette is truying.

I was responding to a "orange man bad" trypical post from on of your brothern Trumpettes. Note that I did not call, Trump's lying illegal, I called it bad. Are you arguing that Trump's lying to the American people is good?

Certainly, using federal funds to gain political gain is illegal.

Firing the man investigating you is obstruction of justice.

The idea that you know of no trashing of our military leaders and vets by Trump is proof of your ignorance.

I see you are OK with Trump lying & his destruction on our environment.

You keep overreaching on stuff just because you hate Trump. If you don't like him vote him out or wait for 8-years like we had to do with Obama.
1. Trump didn't use federal funds to gain political advantage. There was no quid, no pro and no quo.
2. Firing Comey was totally justified, he falsified FISA warrants and was part of Crossfire Hurricane, the biggest scandal in US history, using the Federal agencies to illegally spy on the Trump campaign
3. Trump fixed the VA by giving vets vouchers to use at any hospital if the VA was unresponsive. Trump fully funded the DOD after years of neglect.
4. Trump is not destroying the environment, and all pols lie. Its in their DNA.
Because we want the slums to select our Commander In Chief.

jim crow is dead.
Because we want the slums to run our nation.

because one man = one vote & money shouldn't dictate which man gets to vote.

sounds rather american don't it?
Define the connection between the Electoral Vote and wealth.
I would agree that a wealthy contributor has more influence than a poor individual.

make the connection between 'slums' & the popular vote & why they shouldn't matter or count.
You think most people in slums have the educational credentials to manage a city’s infrastructure?
If so, let’s discuss all the elements of maintaining a city.
Because we want the slums to run our nation.

As opposed to white privilege? This is not the US circa 1789. One person, one vote. If voting was done along those intelligent enough to make a decision the Orange Buffoon wouldn't have gotten within a Bull's Roar of the WH. The fact that about 1/3 of his votes were from his Deplorables suggests privileged white crackers have no right to talk about slums running the country.
Name me 3 things in a city that one must have an education for in order to prevent a health disaster.
Bingo TOOBIN ..All Dershowitz has to support his proposition on abuse of power is someone who does not agree with him.
Dershowitz deflecting to Hillary. You know when you do that you lose.
Hey Alan when someone says you are wrong you don’t quote him to say you’re right.
Can somebody please explain something to me. Dial-a-lawyer Dershowitz keeps on banging on about treason and bribery being the only crimes the Orange Buffoon should be impeached for. Er, isn't promising the Ukrainian president aid if he looks into Biden jnr bribery?
That buffoon whooped Hillary’s ass and her $1.5 billion.

He is so dumb that he defeated “The most qualified candidate in history”.

So if he is a buffoon, what is HIllary, a fucking retard?

Is that the same Hillary that got 3 million more votes than him?
Not 3.
Not 30.
Not 300.
Not 3,000.

It tells me the US political systems sucks donkey balls. But there are a tonne of threads on that topic on this board. No need to pollute this thread with it. Just pointing out the obvious to a Dimwitted Deplorable...

In the US its electoral college votes that count dumbass. If you liked 2016 you'll love 2020. Bernie, Biden, Warren, Buttplug, Bloomberg? LOL!!


howeverrrrrrrrrrrr.... this just might put a flying monkey wrench in yer hopes.

More States Join Interstate Compact to Bypass Electoral College

Notwithstanding any of the legal issues with the NPV Interstate Compact, it's not relevant to this discussion in any case as it won't be in effect for the 2020 election.
The senator from Connecticut, Whitehouse..Told Bill Hemmer that Dershowitz had no idea what he was talking about and his statement was “AN EMBARRASSMENT”

Bill was so shocked, he repeated....”You’re saying what Alan Dershowitz was an embarrassment?”

Dude says......YES.

Why are we doing this bullshit dog and pony show? Everyone’s minds are made up. This is a waste of time and money.

sheldon whitehouse is from rhode island.

richard blumenthal & chris murphy are CT's senators.
Bingo TOOBIN ..All Dershowitz has to support his proposition on abuse of power is someone who does not agree with him.
STILL waiting on proof that trump did this to get dirt on biden.

suppositions and assumptions don't count. don't think they ever did in a court of law. but then, we're not really interested in laws anymore.

just satisfying our emotional imbalances.
jim crow is dead.
Because we want the slums to run our nation.

because one man = one vote & money shouldn't dictate which man gets to vote.

sounds rather american don't it?
Define the connection between the Electoral Vote and wealth.
I would agree that a wealthy contributor has more influence than a poor individual.

make the connection between 'slums' & the popular vote & why they shouldn't matter or count.
You think most people in slums have the educational credentials to manage a city’s infrastructure?
If so, let’s discuss all the elements of maintaining a city.

education, just like cash in the bank or the amt of property owned, doesn't factor into who is eligible to vote in america. maybe it should be in yer vision of amerika, but as it stands right now, the constituion says ne'eh.

your straw man is duly noted & dismissed.
Because we want the slums to run our nation.

because one man = one vote & money shouldn't dictate which man gets to vote.

sounds rather american don't it?
Define the connection between the Electoral Vote and wealth.
I would agree that a wealthy contributor has more influence than a poor individual.

make the connection between 'slums' & the popular vote & why they shouldn't matter or count.
You think most people in slums have the educational credentials to manage a city’s infrastructure?
If so, let’s discuss all the elements of maintaining a city.

education, just like cash in the bank or the amt of property owned, doesn't factor into who is eligible to vote in america. maybe it should be in yer vision of amerika, but as it stands right now, the constituion says ne'eh.

your straw man is duly noted & dismissed.
You don’t have an ounce of knowledge about how to manage a city and you would vote for any clown who hands out public assistance.
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.
funny as fuck when you call people ignorant and then say our president is "doping".

you must get up in the morning and make it a challenge to be more stupid than the day before.
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.
funny as fuck when you call people ignorant and then say our president is "doping".

you must get up in the morning and make it a challenge to be more stupid than the day before.
Doping: Turning people into dopes.

Trumpettes have been doped.
because one man = one vote & money shouldn't dictate which man gets to vote.

sounds rather american don't it?
Define the connection between the Electoral Vote and wealth.
I would agree that a wealthy contributor has more influence than a poor individual.

make the connection between 'slums' & the popular vote & why they shouldn't matter or count.
You think most people in slums have the educational credentials to manage a city’s infrastructure?
If so, let’s discuss all the elements of maintaining a city.

education, just like cash in the bank or the amt of property owned, doesn't factor into who is eligible to vote in america. maybe it should be in yer vision of amerika, but as it stands right now, the constituion says ne'eh.

your straw man is duly noted & dismissed.
You don’t have an ounce of knowledge about how to manage a city and you would vote for any clown who hands out public assistance.
So your solution is to offer no assistance? Really?

Trump's solution to homelessness is bulldozer their tent cities.
So now the defense is this: It is OK for a sitting President to base his decisions on what is best for his campaign. We can no nothing if that includes using federal funds. We can do nothing if it includes bribes.

The "he did it, so what" defense lives.
because one man = one vote & money shouldn't dictate which man gets to vote.

sounds rather american don't it?
Define the connection between the Electoral Vote and wealth.
I would agree that a wealthy contributor has more influence than a poor individual.

make the connection between 'slums' & the popular vote & why they shouldn't matter or count.
You think most people in slums have the educational credentials to manage a city’s infrastructure?
If so, let’s discuss all the elements of maintaining a city.

education, just like cash in the bank or the amt of property owned, doesn't factor into who is eligible to vote in america. maybe it should be in yer vision of amerika, but as it stands right now, the constituion says ne'eh.

your straw man is duly noted & dismissed.
You don’t have an ounce of knowledge about how to manage a city and you would vote for any clown who hands out public assistance.

^^^ translation - you want cash & property to be the deciding factor in who has the right to vote in your amerika ; & will mask that notion by throwing in a straw man about city management to hide your very pathetic view, because the conversation was about voting & not whatever you are trying to throw in as a deflection from that conversation & seem to trying to say who I would or would not vote for with absolutely no basis whatsoever.

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