DeSantis: 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen

I should have listened to LA RAM FAN. DeSantis has officially lost my respect. Especially when he actually blamed Trump for what happened in 2020 when that was all the work of the democrats. He just went the route of Mike Pence.

Yep he is a RINO in bed with the Demonrats a globalist same as them and Pence,Romney,Bush,Mcconell,and Graham.All RINOS in bed with the Dems.
I should have listened to LA RAM FAN. DeSantis has officially lost my respect. Especially when he actually blamed Trump for what happened in 2020 when that was all the work of the democrats. He just went the route of Mike Pence.

Honestly? I think DeSantis made some valid points here.
I think anyone who supports Trump's trying to overthrow the government should be investigated.

Yell at DeSantis all you want.
Honestly? I think DeSantis made some valid points here.
Ron is controlled opposition.a traiter to America same as Pence. He says things that ring true to the American people to get them to think he is one of them but he showed his true colors what a globalist he is in bed with the dems when he said there was no election fraud.The op is finding out what i have known for the past six months that he is in bed with the dems same as pence.
Good to see Ron articulating reality. But since most of the GOP isn’t interested in reality, this hurts him in the primary. Too bad.

One day after former president Donald Trump was arraigned on charges that he conspired to overturn the 2020 election, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said that the claims Trump and his allies pushed about a stolen election were false.​

DeSantis, one of several candidates challenging Trump for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has for months dodged questions about Trump’s efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss. On Friday, however, the Florida governor offered the strongest rejection he has so far of the notion of a stolen election.​

“I’ve said many times: The election is what it is,” DeSantis said, according to audio from an Iowa campaign event Friday. “All those theories that were put out did not prove to be true.”​

Sad commentary on the GOP when one of its presidential candidates feels compelled to comment at all on this.
I think anyone who supports Trump's trying to overthrow the government should be investigated.

Yell at DeSantis all you want.

The Biden/Harris Administration is the one overthrowing the government while Trump is going to try and stop it.

Ron is controlled opposition.a traiter to America same as Pence. He says things that ring true to the American people to get them to think he is one of them but he showed his true colors what a globalist he is in bed with the dems when he said there was no election fraud.The op is finding out what i have known for the past six months that he is in bed with the dems same as pence.

:thankusmile: exactly,that hardly sounds like good points to me.

Yep!! He exposed himself. No wonder he doesn't answer questions. He's just like Biden.
Every single person running for office has associated themselves with someone you and I don't like. That's politics. If I had my choice, the man running for office would be a hardcore, patriotic, nationalistic, far-right, Constitutional conservative. And he would end up with 25 votes (maybe).

Just so we all can see with our own eyes:





So on and so forth. We're simply not going to find perfection in a politician no matter how hard we try or how much we dream. Sad fact but a true one.
The Biden/Harris Administration is the one overthrowing the government while Trump is going to try and stop it.
:yes_text12: you handed his ass to him on a platter and gave him a major ass beating his butt is very red and sore now.

Yep!! He exposed himself. No wonder he doesn't answer questions. He's just like Biden.
yeah when he refused to start answering questions i knew he was a fraud.NOW your starting to figure out WHY i was posting on one of your threads a month or so ago i didnt want Desantis as president anymore than I want Biden in there. Desantis was clever for a while getting people to believe he is one of us,he isnt transparent as Bush was whom the awake from day one he became potus,they all knew HE was evil. controlled opposition like him,they are much clever not transparent like Bush,Romney and Pence.
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Every single person running for office has associated themselves with someone you and I don't like. That's politics. If I had my choice, the man running for office would be a hardcore, patriotic, nationalistic, far-right, Constitutional conservative. And he would end up with 25 votes (maybe).

Just so we all can see with our own eyes:





So on and so forth. We're simply not going to find perfection in a politician no matter how hard we try or how much we dream. Sad fact but a true one.
what you dont realise is that Trump was hanging around them to infiltrate them,He is very clever that way.He always does things that make you say WHY THE HELL DID HE DO THAT? But he always has a clever reason for it. He is the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system,that is why there have been over forty five assassination attempts on his life.he was good friends with JFK jr

The deep state is falling into his trap,by indicting him that will allow him to get into discovery and reveal election fraud. what i did not realise for a while was Trump ALLOWED the election fraud to happen,he wanted it to so the sheep that are asleep could wake up and see how corrupt our government is.It worked to. Very few people are left in the world who voted for Biden that dont regret it now. Biden has the lowest approval rating of any president ever. the MSM media is saying it is 38% but they are inflating the numbers same as covid,the reality is it is only around 23%.

Election fraud WONT be allowed this next election to happen.Trump was clever in allowing election fraud to happen because had he not and took action and protested it in the courts on and on,he would be viewed as a dictater,but by allowing it to happen more and more people who were previously asleep to how corrupt our government really is are waking up finally and seeing for themselves how corrupt the system really is. Before any action gets taken by the alliance working behind the scenes taking out the deep state,before they come out in public with it,they wanted people that were awake and clueless to wake up first.

Biden is being exposed constantly in the msm MEDIA his ties to china and everything,that tells me the MSM media is slowly losing its control on controlling the media.this would never have come out even five years ago on CNN as it is.

the alliance that trump is part of is slowly taking down the deep state.

when the deep state took out kennedy,the white hats in the military started making plans to take down the deep state,this has been in the making for decades now,they approached Trump and asked him to run for potus.

as sson as trump did the unthinkable and beat Hitlery and became POTUS.the deep state panicked,I thought it was very fishy how from day one when it was announced he won thenarrative from the MSM media was there was Russia collusion.I knew something was rotten in denmark the fact it is impossible to find something out so quickly and report it the same day he was won the election.I KNEW something was up back then.
what you dont realise is that Trump was hanging around them to infiltrate them,He is very clever that way.He always does things that make you say WHY THE HELL DID HE DO THAT? But he always has a clever reason for it. He is the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system,that is why there have been over forty five assassination attempts on his life.he was good friends with JFK jr

The deep state is falling into his trap,by indicting him that will allow him to get into discovery and reveal election fraud. what i did not realise for a while was Trump ALLOWED the election fraud to happen,he wanted it to so the sheep that are asleep could wake up and see how corrupt our government is.It worked to. Very few people are left in the world who voted for Biden that dont regret it now. Biden has the lowest approval rating of any president ever. the MSM media is saying it is 38% but they are inflating the numbers same as covid,the reality is it is only around 23%.

Election fraud WONT be allowed this next election to happen.Trump was clever in allowing election fraud to happen because had he not and took action and protested it in the courts on and on,he would be viewed as a dictater,but by allowing it to happen more and more people who were previously asleep to how corrupt our government really is are waking up finally and seeing for themselves how corrupt the system really is. Before any action gets taken by the alliance working behind the scenes taking out the deep state,before they come out in public with it,they wanted people that were awake and clueless to wake up first.

Biden is being exposed constantly in the msm MEDIA his ties to china and everything,that tells me the MSM media is slowly losing its control on controlling the media.this would never have come out even five years ago on CNN as it is.

the alliance that trump is part of is slowly taking down the deep state.
Is it possible that DeSantis is hanging around Dems to infiltrate them?

As for Trump and the deep state: Trump appointed Wray of the FBI and Barr of the DOJ. Why? Well, that's a mind-boggling question. I don't know why -- but he did. His own son-in-law (Jared Kushner) was about as deep state as you can get.

Will I vote for Trump? If he's the nominee, but I put no faith in any man. I just think he can do a better job than most of the others on the field (with the possible exception or Vivek or, in my opinion, DeSantis).
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DeSantis just became a serial killer to his political career and I do not vote for RINOS/traitors, and people who can't answer simple questions. Vivek still has a chance, but I don't think in 2024 though.
Is it possible that DeSantis is hanging around Dems to infiltrate them?

As for Trump and the deep state: Trump appointed Wray of the FBI and Barr of the DOJ. Why? Well, that's a mind-boggling question. I don't know why -- but he did. His own son-in-law (Jared Kushner) was about as deep state as you can get.

Will I vote for Trump? If he's the nominee, but I put no faith in any man. I just think he can do a better job than most of the others on the field (with the possible exception or Vivek or, in my opinion, DeSantis).
that was another one of those head scratchers i could not understand at first when he appointed people that were deep staters to his cabinet but RR is aware of this as well he did so to keep tabs on them to infiltrate them.keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.

when you have had over forty five assassination attempts on your life,then you are for sure not part of the deep state and are pissing off the elite for serving the people instead of them.:biggrin:

Nope not possible with Ron.If he was not part of the corrupt two party system there would be assassination attempts on his life.

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