DeSantis Disciples are just as big a menace to America as MAGA Republicans. we need a uniter like Vivek Ramaswamy as President Of The United States

Vivek is the political uniter we need who will implement policies with input from Americans of different political views

Uh...he's actually worse. He's Trump but without the baggage and self control issues. He could actually pull off implementing a lot of the policies that Trump espoused both efficiently and quietly. All with the support of the majority of people.
His culture war laws and pressers in Florida look VAGUELY familiar. :)
As soon as he used the word “debate” he lost any chance of gaining my support. To treat one’s enemies with even the slightest bit if respect or dignity is a major sign of weakness. To sit and talk or eat with them even more so.

"DeSantis Disciples are just as big a menace to America as MAGA Republicans".​

You got that right and DuhSantis is just as dangerous as Trump.

DuhSantis took over disney.

DeSantis takes over Disney district, punishing company​

AP News › article › ron-desantis-politics-flor...

Feb 27, 2023 — TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill that gives him control of Walt Disney World's self-governing ...

DuhSantis took over colleges.

New College of Florida takeover by Gov. Ron DeSantis risks ...​

USA Today › nation › 2023/03/13 › flo...

13 hours ago — Gov. Ron DeSantis' takeover of New College of Florida puts $29 million in donations at risk. Zac Anderson. USA TODAY NETWORK.

Banned mask mandates in public schools at the height of the COVID pandemic, at a time when close to 70,000 Floridians had already died of the highly contagious virus and Florida led the country in children hospitalized with serious COVID-related illness.

Authored the Stop WOKE Act, which restricts how race is discussed in workplaces, schools, and colleges. He has now gone to war with the college board over the content of advance placement coursework in Black studies.

Created an Office of Election Crimes and Security in response to the nonproblem of voter fraud in Florida so he could arrest former felons, most of them poor and Black, for mistakenly thinking they could vote again after serving their time.

DeSantis used Florida tax money when migrants sent to ...​

Tallahassee Democrat › 2022/09/16 › 10399505002

Sep 16, 2022 — Gov. Ron DeSantis paid $615000 in Florida taxpayer money to relocate almost 50 migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard.
Vivek is the political uniter we need who will implement policies with input from Americans of different political views

Nope, we need a fighter like Trump who is willing to fight for the people who elected him. DeSantis fits that bill. Trump is the likely candidate and DeSantis would be a great VP and President for the following eight years. It will probably take twelve years to overcome the damage Biden is doing today. That of course assumes Biden doesn’t manage to get us into an all out nuclear war with Russia or China or both.
IF I can't live my life in peace, go to the store or walk down the street I sure as hell don't believe any of these republicans belong in power.
Nope, we need a fighter like Trump who is willing to fight for the people who elected him. DeSantis fits that bill. Trump is the likely candidate and DeSantis would be a great VP and President for the following eight years. It will probably take twelve years to overcome the damage Biden is doing today. That of course assumes Biden doesn’t manage to get us into an all out nuclear war with Russia or China or both.
Trump and DuhSantis, need to move to Russia, China or N.Korea.
Their policies, and ideologies are already in place, they don't have to do a thing.
Of course, both are snowflakes and would cower in a challenge to Putin, Jinping or Jong-un
We were told by the leftists Barrack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm was the great uniter.
Then we were told by the leftists You Ain’t Black *Joe is the great uniter.
Hate, anger and division has gotten progressively worse.
Anybody see a pattern here?
Trump and DuhSantis, need to move to Russia, China or N.Korea.
Their policies, and ideologies are already in place, they don't have to do a thing.
Of course, both are snowflakes and would cower in a challenge to Putin, Jinping or Jong-un
It is the Democrats who are advocating Marxist socialism. I have even heard rumors about the Dems running the Marxist Bernie Sanders for President.

Also note it is the Democrats who are pushing for gun control and want to ban all semi-automatic firearms. Dictators do stuff like that. Notice Trump never pushed for another assault weapons ban and DeSantis is favoring Constitution Carry in Florida at this time. That means a citizen could carry a firearm concealed without a license and when passed the law might allow for open carry.

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It is the Democrats who are advocating Marxist socialism. I have even heard rumors about the Dems running the Marxist Bernie Sanders for President.
The only people advocating for the US to become communist was Trump, and his cult.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

IN 2018, EIGHT REPUBLICAN LAWMAKERS celebrated the Fourth of July in Moscow, Russia: Senator Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, who led the delegation, along with Senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, John Neely Kennedy of Louisiana, Steve Daines of Montana, North Dakota’s John Hoeven, Jerry Moran of Kansas, South Dakota’s John Thune, and Rep. Kay Granger of the 12th District of Texas. The ostensible reason for the trip was “engagement”—the same tired excuse Senator Rand Paul routinely provides to justify his own shadowy meetings with our enemies.

The GOP octet was denied an audience with Vladimir Putin—a subtle and characteristically petty show of his dominance—but the group nevertheless met with a number of key Russians, including foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and former Russian ambassador to the US Sergei Kislyak—the two jackals who 14 months earlier were photographed by the Russian press yukking it up with Trump in the Oval Office,
Also note it is the Democrats who are pushing for gun control and want to ban all semi-automatic firearms. Dictators do stuff like that.
As they should be.
Why should gun nuts, who obviously can't shoot, be able to outgun the police and sheriffs?
Notice Trump never pushed for another assault weapons ban and DeSantis is favoring Constitution Carry in Florida at this time. That means a citizen could carry a firearm concealed without a license and when passed the law might allow for open carry.
Sure he does, DuhSantis is dumber than Trump and Abbott.
No license, no training, no experience, no problem.

September 8 2022
From June 13, 2020, to June 13, 2021, when Abbott signed the permitless carry law, Texas had 40 mass shootings. In that same time period from 2021 to 2022, the number of mass shootings rose to 65. The numbers were compiled using the databases from the Stanford University MSA Data Project, the Mass Shooting Tracker, Vox’s Gun Violence Archives, Mother Jones, The Washington Post, the FBI, and the Congressional Research Service.

The math is even more damning when taking the number of victims into account. In the one-year period before the bill was signed, 187 people were killed or injured in mass shootings in Texas. In the one-year-after period, it was 375 people killed or injured, a 100 percent increase. Even if the 40 people killed or injured in the Robb Elementary School Massacre are excluded, the increase is 79 percent, an enormous jump in bloodshed.
Levin, the looney tune?
Wouldn't know a "Marxist" if one fell on him.
Trump invited them into the oval office.
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IF I can't live my life in peace, go to the store or walk down the street I sure as hell don't believe any of these republicans belong in power.
Where would you rather walk down a street
NYC, Phila, Chicago, SF
Dallas, Tampa, Miami, Iowa City?

Your argument is ass-backwards.
So your proof that American conservatives are not racist is by pointing to the British Conservative Party? :itsok:
No. It's not 'proof', which would be impossible in any case. And it's odd that you think white people in England ... a racist colonialist imperalist power, remember? -- would be virtuous and good, while American whites would not be.

If I wanted to talk about 'racism', I'd start by deconstructing this largely meaningless term.
I would show that the attitudes of American white conservatives re. Blacks -- the real attitudes not the pious declarations of virtue that people make when they know they're on the record -- are more or less the same as for whites on your side. Blacks don't like whites, and whites fear Blacks.

(The Asians and Hispanics on your side, not being so constrained, would have more robust attitudes to Blacks, in fact, were their real feelings to be known. I laugh when I hear the term 'rainbow coalition', knowing about the violent clashes between Latino and Black gangs in Los Angeles, and that Asians know perfectly well the race of who's been violently assaulting them recently, despite the cover-up in the mainstream media.)

I would then examine how when conservatives respond when Blacks who agree with them politically turn up. When Ben Carson entered the Republican primary for President, what was the response? When Hershell Walker entered the Republican primary for Senator in Georgia, what was the response? (Neither man was fit for office, but let that pass.)

We fell all over ourselves to welcome them! I promise you that genuine racists -- and there are some -- would not do this. The Evropa Front or whatever they call themselves these days does not have Black or Jewish members.

On YouTube, there will be political videos, of a pro-American sort, which get tens of thousands of views and hundreds of comments. More than once, I've seen a Black person, or an immigrant, comment, expressing pro-American, conservative views. And then some genuine white racist replies, with disparaging remarks about all immigrants or all Black people. And .. there will then be literally hundreds of comments from conservatives condemning this man, welcoming the (legal) immigrant or Black person into our ranks.

Now you don't want to hear this. In your universe, we're all green-toothed sub-literate rednecks, doing whatever our fundamentalist preacher-man says. It's easier that way -- you don't have to think. Don't worry, plenty of people on my side are exactly the same.
As soon as he used the word “debate” he lost any chance of gaining my support. To treat one’s enemies with even the slightest bit if respect or dignity is a major sign of weakness. To sit and talk or eat with them even more so.
What you express is the law of the jungle, not the rule of democracy. I love debates, because I am confident in my ability to prevail.
Uh...he's actually worse. He's Trump but without the baggage and self control issues. He could actually pull off implementing a lot of the policies that Trump espoused both efficiently and quietly. All with the support of the majority of people.
His culture war laws and pressers in Florida look VAGUELY familiar. :)
I like a lot of Trump's policies, but I hate his low class vulgarity, his ignorance, and his dishonesty.
I like a lot of Trump's policies, but I hate his low class vulgarity, his ignorance, and his dishonesty.
History proceeds in detail via accidents of personal character, whatever fundamental social forces are involved as well.

If Winston Churchill had been killed by the taxi that knocked him over in New York City in the early 30s ... we might well have had a Conservative government that would have been realistic after Dunkirk and done a deal with Hitler, allowing him to focus his forces on the USSR.

If FDR had been as isolationist as his Republican opponents, and, to be honest, the American people, we would not have goaded the Japanese into attacking us, allowing them to divide the British Empire with Hitler, after both of them had finished off Stalin.

If Hitler had been more rational, he wouldn't have gratuitously declared war on us, three days after Pearl Harbor.

We had a close call, but History was kind to us, as she was with our Founders, and with Abraham Lincoln.

JFK had read Barbara Tuchman's Guns of August, and knew how it was possible to sleepwalk into a disastrous war. So when Khruschev put missiles into Cuba, and Kennedy's generals were straining at the bit to invade -- he did the smart thing.

Thank God, because an invasion would almost certainly have meant the Soviet commanders in Cuba firing the nuclear missiles that were already there.

And we almost had a war anyway, except for the cool-headedness of one Vasilly Arkhipov, the Soviet submarine flotilla commander, who over-ruled a Soviet sub's captain who wanted to fire their nuclear torpedoes at the Americans who were dropping (non-lethal) depth charges on them.

Just accidents of personality. We were lucky, over and over.

We may have run out of luck. Donald Trump? Joe Biden? This is the best America can do?

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