DeSantis moves to fix liberal college in Florida

Schools opened in this country before the country was founded, tell us Struth who set the curriculum. Just can't bring yourself to say White folks, can you.

Your silly as hell, doesn't sound like someone with a doctorate degree.
i don’t know or care. it’s not relevant

i know the difference between. your and you’re
Obviously, American tax dollars should not support cultural Marxism strategies at public schools. You can fly a hammer and sickle flag and teach in Mao suit at private universities (It would be appropriate in some cases).

DeSantis is the MAN. He's late to the fight, but better late than never.
It's very relevant, it just shows why you are lost in the sauce.

That's about all you know.
1) no it’s not. we don’t need to teach kids to speak Cherokee…we need the. to know the difference between. your and you’re
2) which seems to be more then you
wow, you bastards really hate any views that don't meet your narrow standard. Is this russia or saudi arabia or something?Goddamn.

You people are fascist to the core and can't accept freedom or democracy.
Stormer. You'll enjoy this. He explains it well
From a dollar & sense perspective I'm not wholly convinced this move ensures the long term viability of New College.

First ---- small colleges are really suffering in enrollments. (the mega schools are doing OK though). Small liberal arts' colleges are shrinking in particular. New College had carved out a niche....albeit a small one .... in appealing to a particular type of student and a particular type of parent who would pay the tuition.

New College is only 700 students now. That's a pretty small base to spread expenses across. I could be persuaded the school may not thrive if it loses its' 'brand'......'its' secret sauce.

And yeah too........ I think the Governor is cynically playing the 'culture war' shell-game to appeal to the MAGA/AQnon fringies that are well known to vote as a pretty unified block......and thus, have political clout. The Guv wants that 'block' in his column.
Yes, we are in the United States where white folks set the curriculum in these schools.

Glad I am not a boot licking, sell out like you. Why am I a racist, because I want black kids to be taught true history and not His-Story.

Did you attend school?
Plenty of non white people are involved school cirriculum in the USA. But someone white people should not be? Who should do it Chinese, Nigerians, Pakis, Japs? Are white people allowed to have anything. We build everything and you want to tear it down.

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