DeSantis Nukes Leftists Who Trump Up Lawsuit from Illegal Immigrants! He Has Signed Waivers, in English and Spanish. Game Over.

We see it was the racist democrats not wanting these people different then them in their cities and states. My apologies, it was @SweetSue92 that made the statement that it was the Christians.
Our cities and states are full of them because they want to get away from racist republican states DUHH. The border states have the infrastructure and systems to handle these people. That's why we send all the money down there. I'm in favor of sending them where they have friends and family which most of them do. you brainwashed functional racists refuse to allow them any dignity at all. I am also in favor of ending sanctions on their countries and actually spending some money on their countries so they don't wanna get out, also end the war on drugs that have turned their countries into shooting galleries run by gangs. Thanks GOP!
Also nothing wrong with it in a civilized country. I know you won't be satisfied except by throwing 15 million undocumented people out of the country lol. It's the GOP that refuses to organize the system so we could handle this. We don't have visas for foreign workers much anymore because of your crap and it's totally ridiculous- everything you idiots do or want. Brainwashed functional morons.
Sure they should go through the proper method to enter the United States. I don't deny that in the slightest. However, record numbers are coming over the improper way and that is on Biden and the left as they refuse to do anything about it. They are the party in power, but ignoring the issue.
Sure they should go through the proper method to enter the United States. I don't deny that in the slightest. However, record numbers are coming over the improper way and that is on Biden and the left as they refuse to do anything about it. They are the party in power, but ignoring the issue.
They are fixing the system and putting it back in place as fast as they can. They are doing everything they can about the people coming but the numbers are huge because it's been five years since people were allowed in at all on the southern border and their countries have gone communist, these people, and all they want to do is apply for asylum and we don't have the numbers to do it. life is tough. Not to worry, the Democrats are going to win in landslides for a while and they will fix these problems finally, without stupid ridiculous obstruction from the racist GOP and the dupes
Hoax #164 down the drain
Liberals will contend that no matter the language these people were victims of someone trying to put them into a better place.
Our cities and states are full of them because they want to get away from racist republican states DUHH. The border states have the infrastructure and systems to handle these people. That's why we send all the money down there. I'm in favor of sending them where they have friends and family which most of them do. you brainwashed functional racists refuse to allow them any dignity at all. I am also in favor of ending sanctions on their countries and actually spending some money on their countries so they don't wanna get out, also end the war on drugs that have turned their countries into shooting galleries run by gangs. Thanks GOP!
What are you talking about? It is the leftist that are racists. The way they are treating the sending of these illegal aliens proves it. Their "not in my neighborhood" mentality is embarrassing. They are showing their true racist colors. Texas and Florida house millions, but the rich democrats complain about 50 in a sanctuary local.
Our cities and states are full of them because they want to get away from racist republican states DUHH. The border states have the infrastructure and systems to handle these people. That's why we send all the money down there. I'm in favor of sending them where they have friends and family which most of them do. you brainwashed functional racists refuse to allow them any dignity at all. I am also in favor of ending sanctions on their countries and actually spending some money on their countries so they don't wanna get out, also end the war on drugs that have turned their countries into shooting galleries run by gangs. Thanks GOP!
The border states have the infrastructure and systems to handle these people.

Our cities and states are full of them because they want to get away from racist republican states DUHH. The border states have the infrastructure and systems to handle these people. That's why we send all the money down there. I'm in favor of sending them where they have friends and family which most of them do. you brainwashed functional racists refuse to allow them any dignity at all. I am also in favor of ending sanctions on their countries and actually spending some money on their countries so they don't wanna get out, also end the war on drugs that have turned their countries into shooting galleries run by gangs. Thanks GOP!
you brainwashed functional racists refuse to allow them any dignity at all.

You talking about the elitist Dimtards on Martha's Vineyard who bumrussed 50 brown asylum seekers off their island using National Guard Troops in under 48 hours after they arrived?

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