DeSantis Nukes Leftists Who Trump Up Lawsuit from Illegal Immigrants! He Has Signed Waivers, in English and Spanish. Game Over.

Cool story.

I don't see anything about flying illegals around the country in the middle of the night.

Try again.

First you bitch that border countries are left to deal with it, then you bitch that they are spread around. It's clear all that you want to do.
Then why did the Christians on MV send them packing?
Link? All I saw were racist bigoted Democrats sending them packing, and complaining about having to deal with 50 people when Texas and Florida deals with millions (Texas - 1,739,000 as of 2019, and Florida 772,000 as of 2020).
Link? All I saw were racist bigoted Democrats sending them packing, and complaining about having to deal with 50 people when Texas and Florida deals with millions (Texas - 1,739,000 as of 2019, and Florida 772,000 as of 2020).
Try news instead of propaganda sometime....

That's why the country has invested in infrastructure for immigration in those states.... The great majority of these people lately have been from Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela, refugees from communist countries which you Republicans should be all over instead of trying to keep them out all of them because they're brown.
That is what I love about PolitiCrap. They say mostly false, but if you read the article they state it happened :).
Not secret, not at night, mainly children with relatives here wanting asylum. Sorry about Americanism instead of brainwashed racism.
They claim they were lied to. This is why we have judges and courts.
That appears to be a boiler plate disclaimer that protects FL officials in the event the plane crashed or the passengers of the plane incurred some sort of bodily harm. It in no way absolves DeSantis of criminal exposure for misrepresenting the conditions the asylum seekers would find when they got to MV.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has been spending state funds for months to send migrants to Democratic cities in an effort to score political points against the Biden administration’s border policies. But after dozens of migrants were flown to Martha’s Vineyard last week as part of Florida’s copycat program, the controversy over the scheme reached a fever pitch.

Now, the policy is being challenged in federal court and is the subject of a criminal investigation. Those legal issues could eventually stop GOP efforts to continue to transport migrants to Democratic strongholds, though Republicans have already succeeded at bringing national attention to the border and playing it up as a midterms issue.

On Tuesday, three of the 48 Venezuelan migrants who were sent from San Antonio to Martha’s Vineyard sued Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and other Florida officials on behalf of their group. They accuse DeSantis of conducting “a premeditated, fraudulent, and illegal scheme ... for the sole purpose of advancing their own personal, financial, and political interests.”

Got you. In summary, you just want it to be so. The left is showing their true colors with their "keep Mexicans, Central American's, and South Americans in the southern states" actions. They don't want none of their kind in their leftist cities. Even to the point of a frivolous lawsuit. We knew the left were racists bigots, but now they are really showing it.
LOL. That's where the courts are, BORDER STATES. It's not easy to put the whole system back together again after trump just kept them all out and down in Mexico. Another reason he is going to hell comma that's not America, brainwashed functional moron racist.
Try news instead of propaganda sometime....

That's why the country has invested in infrastructure for immigration in those states.... The great majority of these people lately have been from Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela, refugees from communist countries which you Republicans should be all over instead of trying to keep them out all of them because they're brown.
Did you forget your link about the Christians? It was the democrats who did this. Not my opinion, it was on every news outlet. Even the ones you like. I will be waiting for your link about the Christians.
The 48 "illegal immigrants" that were in fact used as pawns (IMHO) have received ten times the MSM coverage of the fifty "pawns" that died horrifically while trapped in a truck just a few weeks ago. I implore all readers to let that last sentence sink in....Seriously read that again...... They are all pawns!!!!! The ones drowning in the river. The ones dying and suffering in the dessert. The little kids that are so valuable to the cartels. The pregnant women desperate to cross before she has her anchor baby. The migrant that is "sexually trafficked" to pay for their $5,000 "ticket" to Gringoland" ,etc.. ALL OF THEM ARE PAWNS.
...the last 100 or 1000 years...try ending racism,
Did you forget your link about the Christians? It was the democrats who did this. Not my opinion, it was on every news outlet. Even the ones you like. I will be waiting for your link about the Christians.
WTF? What Christians? THESE ARE COMMIE REFUGEES for crying out loud, dupe. This is about putting our immigration system back together again after four years of racist blockade...
Got you, so you agree it happened, but just the word secret is the problem. Noted.
They were going to their families. CHILDREN. These GOP kidnapees aren't. Just a criminal stunt.... It is not easy putting our American immigration system back in after four years of racist blockade by you brainwashed functional racist swine... Everything you know is wrong.
WTF? What Christians? THESE ARE COMMIE REFUGEES for crying out loud, dupe. This is about putting our immigration system back together again after four years of racist blockade...
We see it was the racist democrats not wanting these people different then them in their cities and states. My apologies, it was @SweetSue92 that made the statement that it was the Christians.
Got you, so you agree it happened, but just the word secret is the problem. Noted.
Also nothing wrong with it in a civilized country. I know you won't be satisfied except by throwing 15 million undocumented people out of the country lol. It's the GOP that refuses to organize the system so we could handle this. We don't have visas for foreign workers much anymore because of your crap and it's totally ridiculous- everything you idiots do or want. Brainwashed functional morons.
Desantis is playing democrats like a fiddle
Indeed.....He provides proof then....


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