DeSantis Publicly Takes President To The Woodshed: 'Until You Secure The Border & Stop Importing COVID-19 I Don't Want To Hear Anything From You!'

WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

- 'Every COVID variant on this planet' is coming through his open border

- 'Biden lectures Americans on COVID restrictions while letting largely unvetted migrants disperse across the country'

- 'Biden is off base demanding Americans follow his edicts while he allows illegal immigrants to flood in from any country they want via Mexico.'

- "This is a guy that ran for president saying he would shut down the virus. He was not going to shut down America or the economy. He would shut down the virus. Yet what is he doing? He is bringing in people from over 100 different countries across the southern border"

- "He is lecturing people about imposing COVID restrictions and lockdowns and not only doing nothing to stop the border surge but actually facilitating it on the on the other hand, he just loses all credibility when it comes to COVID."


DieSantis is as much a liar and demagogue as Trump.
Xiden stopped the wall construction to have open borders, and to let in covid infected migrants, duh.
Mexico could pay for the wall if congress imposed a new "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US.
Trump had the southern border solved, migrants waited in Mexico for their hearing, Xiden has it totally fucked-up.
Of course he did, you nut job need to turn off Tuck.

May 13 2021
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has resumed construction on 13.4 miles of levee in the Rio Grande Valley that had been left unfinished after President Biden signed an executive order on his first day in office pausing construction on the southern border.

Of course, now Trumptards are blaming migrants for their own stupidity.
Just like their fat, orange, dear leader.

"Remittance tax"?
I guess Trump figured that didn't have the same ring to it, to capture his gullible cult's outrage.
'Who gonna pay for the wall'?
"A US imposed Mexican remittance tax".
Our law enforcement has sold us out for their salaries, benefits and pensions. When people defend themselves they are targeted as haters and charged with crimes. They follow the dictums of elected/unelected radicals in Prog areas and perhaps Good Old Boys in others. The wall is not about immigration.
I know, the wall was all about Trump's fragile ego.
Being tested is one thing, the infected walking away is another, this is from the NYT:
"In April, the New York Times wrote an expose' detailing how the Biden administration contracted numerous hotels asking them to quarantine thousands of infected COVID-19 migrants. The infected individuals then simply walked away and continued their journey into the interior of the United States. Border czar and VP Kamala Harris has not come up with nor implemented any plan that would slow down the crisis at the border, and the heat just keeps rising."
From "patriot fetch"?
"He issued a number of Executive Orders that, in effect, allows the United Nations to actually set immigration policy for America".

Trumptards will believe anything.
So, what does your stupid comment have to do with your fat, orange, dear leader's vanity wall, not stopping illegals?
"Blame everyone else"?
That's what Trump and his cult are famous for.
They blame illegals for spreading covid, meanwhile they don't take any precautions, meanwhile Trumptards are ones on TV, in a hospital bed on a ventilator, of course, begging for a vaccine, they claimed doesn't work.
Then Trumptards try to blame Biden for THEIR STUPIDITY.

Stupid, fucking, morons. (YOU)
thats all you fucking retards have---deny, deflect, and twist to are a pathetic piece of continue to live your pathetic life in denial....
everybody in their right mind is blaming the illegals for spreading the chinese flu, because they are you fucking are idiots, you, that think they received a vaccination for the chinese flu----there isn't 1 you fucking moron, but that just shows the lack of a brain in your dimly lit head
blaming xiden, the corrupt, pedophile is the asshole to blame...and then the 1's that got the death jab, for spreading the chinese flu even more....
try hitting walmart up for a functioning brain
I know, the wall was all about Trump's fragile ego.
anyone w/ a brain, that leaves you out, knows that the illegals were staying in mexico while their cases were being decided, under TRUMP---thanx for saving AMERICA $$$ mexico!!!!!
now, beijing xiden and the scum demonRATS are allowing the illegals to roam AMERICA freely, without the death jab.....
you are a brain dead shit stain, just like your masters.....bitching about the wall is all about your fragile ego-
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
everybody in their right mind is blaming the illegals for spreading the chinese flu

Right wing Trumpers trying to deflect from their OWN refusal to vaccinate are trying to blame immigrants for the spike THEY caused
So, why didn't Trump's vanity wall work?

No, Biden suspended wall construction.

May 12 2021
The Biden administration will allow a short stretch of former President Donald Trump's border wall in southeastern Texas to be completed following a three-month freeze on all projects up and down the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border.

'Then he got rid of the Executive Orders that had kept the border under control during the Trump Administration".

No, he didn't.

April 8 2021
In total, more than 172,000 migrants were apprehended at the border in March, officials said, marking a 15-year high in monthly crossings. Of those, the majority — more than 100,000 — were almost immediately expelled. That’s because the Biden administration has continued to use Title 42, a public health authority former President Donald Trump invoked in March 2020 at the start of the pandemic to kick out migrants without letting them seek asylum.

About 28 percent of those expelled were repeat crossers that had previously been expelled, officials said.

Meanwhile, more than 52,000 migrant families arrived in March, officials shared. More than 17,000 — almost one-third — of the families were expelled under Title 42.

You've GOT be kidding, turn off FOX.
You're a clueless moron if you think the Biden Administration has closed the border. Illegals are literally pouring across our southern border in numbers so large that the Biden Administration is overwhelmed and they're sending people into America with nothing more than a phone number that they should call to set up a future hearing for amnesty...hearings that almost nobody is showing up for!

Right wing Trumpers trying to deflect from their OWN refusal to vaccinate are trying to blame immigrants for the spike THEY caused
Let me get this's OK for you on the left to release unvaccinated illegals into the country by the tens of thousands...but the problem is "Trumpers" that won't risk a vaccine that hasn't been tested adequately? That REALLY makes sense to you?
Let me get this's OK for you on the left to release unvaccinated illegals into the country by the tens of thousands...but the problem is "Trumpers" that won't risk a vaccine that hasn't been tested adequately? That REALLY makes sense to you?
On the one hand we have a few thousand children and families (who have been tested) and on the other we have tens of millions of Trumpers who are NOT being tested and who refuse to vaccinate.

And you are obsessed on those few thousand and trying to blame the spike on THEM?

Right wing Trumpers trying to deflect from their OWN refusal to vaccinate are trying to blame immigrants for the spike THEY caused
you are a very delusional retarded scum demonRAT....
so you don't think the illegals are spreading the chinese flu? being bussed all over AMERICA, even to your town....
this communist administration wants to force AMERICANS to get the gene altering death jab, but not the illegals they are bussing across AMERICA....something wrong with that picture, and your head for not thinking the illegals are not spreading the chinese flu.....
so, you should stop spewing your scum demonRATS lies, and get a grip on reality, you moron
On the one hand we have a few thousand children and families (who have been tested) and on the other we have tens of millions of Trumpers who are NOT being tested and who refuse to vaccinate.

And you are obsessed on those few thousand and trying to blame the spike on THEM?
On the one hand we have thousands of children and families (who have NOT been tested) and on the other we have tens of millions of illegals who are NOT being tested and who refuse to vaccinate.....
that has more TRUTH to it than your lies.....polly want a cracker?
On the one hand we have thousands of children and families (who have NOT been tested) and on the other we have tens of millions of illegals who are NOT being tested and who refuse to vaccinate.....
that has more TRUTH to it than your lies.....polly want a cracker?
Sorry...but your deflection from the failure of YOUR buddies to get vaccinated is as bogus as everything else you post
So, what does your stupid comment have to do with your fat, orange, dear leader's vanity wall, not stopping illegals?
"Blame everyone else"?
That's what Trump and his cult are famous for.
They blame illegals for spreading covid, meanwhile they don't take any precautions, meanwhile Trumptards are ones on TV, in a hospital bed on a ventilator, of course, begging for a vaccine, they claimed doesn't work.
Then Trumptards try to blame Biden for THEIR STUPIDITY.

Stupid, fucking, morons. (YOU)
Trump isn't President Dumbass.

Captain Super Spreader is.
WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

WATCH: DeSantis speaks out after his epic takedown of Biden’s border and COVID policies goes viral

- 'Every COVID variant on this planet' is coming through his open border

- 'Biden lectures Americans on COVID restrictions while letting largely unvetted migrants disperse across the country'

- 'Biden is off base demanding Americans follow his edicts while he allows illegal immigrants to flood in from any country they want via Mexico.'

- "This is a guy that ran for president saying he would shut down the virus. He was not going to shut down America or the economy. He would shut down the virus. Yet what is he doing? He is bringing in people from over 100 different countries across the southern border"

- "He is lecturing people about imposing COVID restrictions and lockdowns and not only doing nothing to stop the border surge but actually facilitating it on the on the other hand, he just loses all credibility when it comes to COVID."


Can #deathsantis prove that assertion thru contact tracing?

No, so it's just another xenophobic rant of a clueless conservative.
On the one hand we have a few thousand children and families (who have been tested) and on the other we have tens of millions of Trumpers who are NOT being tested and who refuse to vaccinate.

And you are obsessed on those few thousand and trying to blame the spike on THEM?
lies. They aren't tested, treated, or quarantined.
A few children and families here and there? And you accuse ME of lying? (eye roll)
Over 800 unaccompanied trafficked children crossed in 1 day, yet you still defend the 'the border is closed/ 'the border non-crisis is getting better criminal, treasonous bastards facilitating it all...

Just far does Biden's handlers' hands go up your ass, puppet?

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