DeSantis Publicly Takes President To The Woodshed: 'Until You Secure The Border & Stop Importing COVID-19 I Don't Want To Hear Anything From You!'

Sorry...but your deflection from the failure of YOUR buddies to get vaccinated is as bogus as everything else you post
sorry....but your deflection of as bogus as everything else you post
But we DO have Governor Covid in Fla and idiot Abbot in Texas
only if you associate yourself w/the scum demonRATS, and you do....quit spewing their lies...
illegals, with no chinese flu jab, are being put on busses and transported all over AMERICA....the governors that you mention, aren't playing politics, and are protecting their citizens.....period
just because they told your master to shove it in ITS diaper, is what pisses you off....
you are a very delusional, one sided is quite obvious how far up their asses you are
On the one hand we have a few thousand children and families (who have been tested) and on the other we have tens of millions of Trumpers who are NOT being tested and who refuse to vaccinate.

And you are obsessed on those few thousand and trying to blame the spike on THEM?
Dude are you STILL trying to pretend that it's just a few thousand illegals that Biden has let into the country? Are you delusional? You can't even admit that there IS a border crisis let alone come up with a solution!
Over 800 unaccompanied trafficked children crossed in 1 day, yet you still defend the 'the border is closed/ 'the border non-crisis is getting better criminal, treasonous bastards facilitating it all...

Just far does Biden's handlers' hands go up your ass, puppet?
I take it that was for Lesh, Easy?
Can #deathsantis prove that assertion thru contact tracing?

No, so it's just another xenophobic rant of a clueless conservative.
Let me get this straight, on the left are fine with blaming the new surge on unvaccinated "Trumpers" without any contact tracing to prove that assertion...but then you demand contract tracing of illegals before you'll believe they're bringing in Covid? How exactly is it we're supposed to do THAT, Einstein? Those illegals are now scattered throughout the country and almost none of them are showing up for their court dates nor will they! Duh?
Let me grasp how idiotic you're going to be with this, Lesh! You actually think a "poll" is going to tell us how the virus is being spread? Like illegals are going to answer the phone and tell a stranger that "Si, I'm Covid positive!" That may be the dumbest thing I've EVER seen on this board and with Danielpalos posting that's saying something!
Let me grasp how idiotic you're going to be with this, Lesh! You actually think a "poll" is going to tell us how the virus is being spread? Like illegals are going to answer the phone and tell a stranger that "Si, I'm Covid positive!" That may be the dumbest thing I've EVER seen on this board and with Danielpalos posting that's saying something!
What did you do. Spend 5 seconds on that link?

Read the rest stupid.

Illegals are THEmost tested group in the nation
Title 42 returnees are mainly single men and are sent back immediately. Many try to return and are caught again (inflating the numbers)

The remainder are families and children and they are tested and quarantined if necessary. Virtually 100% are tested
Let me get this straight, on the left are fine with blaming the new surge on unvaccinated "Trumpers" without any contact tracing to prove that assertion...but then you demand contract tracing of illegals before you'll believe they're bringing in Covid? How exactly is it we're supposed to do THAT, Einstein? Those illegals are now scattered throughout the country and almost none of them are showing up for their court dates nor will they! Duh?
Tens of MILLIONS of Trumpers are refusing to get vaccinated...while the highly contagious Delta strain is sweeping the country

THEY are who is showing up in hospital with covid and dying
What did you do. Spend 5 seconds on that link?

Read the rest stupid.

Illegals are THEmost tested group in the nation
Oh, and by the way? Did you notice that the article YOU posted stated that more than a MILLION illegals have entered the country this year? So much for your thousands claim! Duh?
You can't defend one of your claims without blowing another out of the water!
Tens of MILLIONS of Trumpers are refusing to get vaccinated...while the highly contagious Delta strain is sweeping the country

THEY are who is showing up in hospital with covid and dying.
Interesting. So the data that shows the largest by capita group of Americans not getting vaccinated are Blacks and Hispanic is wrong? Duh? Or are they "Trumpers"?
You should probably retreat and regroup,'re going down in flames today! Just saying...
What did you do. Spend 5 seconds on that link?

Read the rest stupid.

Illegals are THEmost tested group in the nation
Sure they are. :rolleyes:

I would love to read all about it but was it intentional on your part that
you urge people to read a link hidden behind a paywall?
Very crafty of you.
This is the typical Republican reaction to the delta variant that is devastating our country right now.

Seven states -- Arkansas, Arizona, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah -- that have prohibited mask mandates in schools at the state-level. Each are run by Republicans.

Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, is the Republican fair-haired boy. At the recent CPAC conference, DeSantis was second as the conservative choice for the Republican nominee for President in 2024. Believe it or not, the number one choice was Donald J. Trump, who led an insurrection against our government in January following a failed coup in December.

The GOP can sure pick 'em.

Anyway, back to the delta variant. How is Ron's state doing? Not so good.

CNN reports, "Florida reported 134,506 new Covid-19 cases over the last week on Friday, more than any other 7-day period during the pandemic.

"Data published Friday by the state health department shows the state, which releases Covid-19 data on a weekly basis, reported an average of 19,215 cases each day.

"This week's total is about 22% higher than last week, when the state reported 110,477 total cases, for an average of about 15,782 new cases each day."

About 20% of all "Covid-19 cases have been reported in Florida over the past couple weeks, though the state accounts for less than 7% of the US population, according to US Census Bureau data."

What is Ron's reaction to all this? "I think the question is, we can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state, and I can tell you Florida, we're a free state," DeSantis said. "People are gonna be free to choose to make their own decisions about themselves, about their families, about their kids' education and about putting food on the table."

Ron is right. Floridians have the right to be free. They have the right to decide not to get vaccinated, to become hospitalized, and to spread the disease to their children, friends, and co-works. They have the freedom to all that, but it is a leader's job during a deadly pandemic to discourage dangerous choices.

Instead, Ron encourages the wrongheaded thinking.

NPR reports, "More than 97% of people entering hospitals right now are unvaccinated."

But Ron isn't through making a complete fool of himself. "Joe Biden suggests that if you don't do lockdown policies then you should quote 'get out the way,'" DeSantis said. "But let me tell you this, if you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way. I'm not gonna let you get away with it."

Ron isn't paying attention. Our President is not suggesting a lockdown. Ron was lying. Our President is encouraging a rapidly expanding economy. The Times reveals, "The gain of 943,000 [jobs in July] was the best showing in nearly a year, and unemployment was 5.4 percent, the lowest since the pandemic began."

Does that sound like we are going into lockdown? Ron is clueless.

"If you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida." Ron apparently is unaware that parents in Florida bow to state law in hundreds of cases, especially where survival is concerned. For example, Florida tells the parents of teenagers to wear a seatbelt when driving.

DeSantis is an idiot.
Tens of MILLIONS of Trumpers are refusing to get vaccinated...while the highly contagious Delta strain is sweeping the country

THEY are who is showing up in hospital with covid and dying
The more the merrier Wait till Lambda hits them
Attempted takeover of people’s constitutional and legal liberties and choices over a vague and ill defined virus
Communism 101

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