DeSantis Publicly Takes President To The Woodshed: 'Until You Secure The Border & Stop Importing COVID-19 I Don't Want To Hear Anything From You!'

Care to take a stab at why that ISN'T the policy of the Biden Administration?

Kindly explain why Hispanics from Central America and South America are allowed into the country while Cubans are being turned away!
because it's stupid to give someone automatic Asylum just because they come from a certain country. Not everyone coming from Cuba deserve the silent just like not everyone coming from Columbia or other countries with the cartels in power deserves Asylum.

if someone was not personally endangered in Cuba then they are not eligible for Asylum and yet under that policy they typically will get it anyway, just because some weird mentality that communism is so evil that in dangerous people just by existing.
Attempted takeover of people’s constitutional and legal liberties and choices over a vague and ill defined virus
Communism 101
DeSantis is a republican AH who has NO REGARD for those record setting covid out breaks and those who are dying
Hopefully you go to florida and spin the wheel
Biden when he was running for President promised to reinstate the Cuban Family reunification parole. He opened the way for illegals coming to the Mexican border on his very first day in office. It's been over six months and he hasn't done jack shit for Cubans even as their communist government cracks down on those begging for freedom! Explain that!
He's got lying AH republican governors who are killing people by their inactions to deal with
because it's stupid to give someone automatic Asylum just because they come from a certain country. Not everyone coming from Cuba deserve the silent just like not everyone coming from Columbia or other countries with the cartels in power deserves Asylum.

if someone was not personally endangered in Cuba then they are not eligible for Asylum and yet under that policy they typically will get it anyway, just because some weird mentality that communism is so evil that in dangerous people just by existing.
Ah but your argument falls on it's face, Leviticus because giving people automatic entrance to the US just because they come from certain South and Central American countries is what the Biden Administration has been doing. You don't have to prove that you're deserving of asylum before you're released into the just have to say that you'll seek it some time in the future. Contrast that to the way that Biden has been treating the Cuban people who you know very well are being maltreated by an evil Communist system! Care to try again? Why are the Cubans treated differently?
He's got lying AH republican governors who are killing people by their inactions to deal with
So he took care of illegals from Central and South America on day one...but he's been too busy in the seven months since to take care of Cubanos? Interesting, Eddie! (eye roll)
DeSantis is a republican AH who has NO REGARD for those record setting covid out breaks and those who are dying
Hopefully you go to florida and spin the wheel
Emotionally and mentally ill liberals Always wish death on those who dispute their propoganda. Shows the USA emphatically who is in control of theirself and who should Not be listened to.
And yet the average age of covid hospitalizations and deaths in Fla has dropped 15 years to the mid 40s

You can attempt to guilt me into getting a Covid can attempt to scare me into doing so...but my reply will remain the same. I don't put things into my body that I don't trust and quite frankly I don't trust the vaccines that were rushed into production. I've had Covid. I got over it in a few days. Tell me again why I should play Russian Roulette with the vaccine?
You can attempt to guilt me into getting a Covid can attempt to scare me into doing so...but my reply will remain the same. I don't put things into my body that I don't trust and quite frankly I don't trust the vaccines that were rushed into production. I've had Covid. I got over it in a few days. Tell me again why I should play Russian Roulette with the vaccine?
Because they feel you should and if you do they will Feel better
That’s the only “reason” they need and the only one they got
because it's stupid to give someone automatic Asylum just because they come from a certain country. Not everyone coming from Cuba deserve the silent just like not everyone coming from Columbia or other countries with the cartels in power deserves Asylum.

if someone was not personally endangered in Cuba then they are not eligible for Asylum and yet under that policy they typically will get it anyway, just because some weird mentality that communism is so evil that in dangerous people just by existing.
Do you even know what it's like to live in Cuba, Leviticus? People were afraid to even use Castro's name in public. If they were referring to him they would stroke their chins instead of saying his name because his nickname there was "The Beard"! Neighbors report on neighbors. You can go to prison for years simply for doing some under the table capitalism to feed your family.
Because they feel you should and if you do they will Feel better
That’s the only “reason” they need and the only one they got
I don't really care what they "feel", Weather! Tell them to get back to me when they've done enough testing on the vaccines that we know what the potential long term effects are! Until then...I'm good!
So he took care of illegals from Central and South America on day one...but he's been too busy in the seven months since to take care of Cubanos? Interesting, Eddie! (eye roll)
OLD I just don't think it's the right time to be sticking our noses into other countries business
I don't really care what they "feel", Weather! Tell them to get back to me when they've done enough testing on the vaccines that we know what the potential long term effects are! Until then...I'm good!
We agree
Has anyone ever notice that when Republicans talk about illegal immigration they only focus on Hispanics.

They are apparently completely fine with the millions of illegal Europeans, at least the white ones. And it's those illegal European such as the Armenian and a Russian mafia that make up the vast majority of human trafficking
We have a general welfare clause not a general malfare clause. This is what we are supposed to be doing with our form of federal Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Of course he did, you nut job need to turn off Tuck.

May 13 2021
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has resumed construction on 13.4 miles of levee in the Rio Grande Valley that had been left unfinished after President Biden signed an executive order on his first day in office pausing construction on the southern border.

Of course, now Trumptards are blaming migrants for their own stupidity.
Just like their fat, orange, dear leader.

"Remittance tax"?
I guess Trump figured that didn't have the same ring to it, to capture his gullible cult's outrage.
'Who gonna pay for the wall'?
"A US imposed Mexican remittance tax".
1. Xiden did stop the border wall construction, and he wasted $2b doing it, duh, he's Putin's Whore.
2. The levee isn't the wall, not sure why you're even posting that.
3. Just saying, Mexico can pay fopr the wall via a remittance tax.
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From "patriot fetch"?
"He issued a number of Executive Orders that, in effect, allows the United Nations to actually set immigration policy for America".

Trumptards will believe anything.
If you can't refute the link, don't whine about it. There are many more links confirming Xiden's disaster at the border:

"According to the city of McAllen, since mid-February of 2021, there have been over 7,000 confirmed COVID-19 positive immigrants released into the City of McAllen by CBP, including over 1,500 new cases in the past seven days.

“But now we’re seeing that they’re coming in with a high infection for COVID, and there’s no room for them anymore,” said Cortez.
Cortez also told ValleyCentral the infection rate for migrants rose to a shocking 16%, doubling the numbers from last time."
OLD I just don't think it's the right time to be sticking our noses into other countries business
So you're alright we us "sticking our noses" into Central and South American business but not with us doing the same thing in Cuba? That's pretty weak, Eddie!

Allowing people who are willing to risk their lives in a perilous journey over open ocean entry into the country doesn't seem that much to ask when you're giving other people entry just for walking across the border and surrendering to the Border Patrol!

It's pretty obvious that the reason Cubans aren't being granted the same status as others is that they aren't seen as potential votes for Democrats while the others are. That's sad.

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