DeSantis Publicly Takes President To The Woodshed: 'Until You Secure The Border & Stop Importing COVID-19 I Don't Want To Hear Anything From You!'

We have a general welfare clause not a general malfare clause. This is what we are supposed to be doing with our form of federal Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
what does that have to do with Republicans ignoring illegal immigration when it's not about Hispanics?
We have a general welfare clause not a general malfare clause. This is what we are supposed to be doing with our form of federal Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
"Malfare" What exactly would that be, Daniel? Has your butchery of the English language now extended to using words that don't exist?
what does that have to do with Republicans ignoring illegal immigration when it's not about Hispanics?
With all due respect, Leviticus...Europeans are not pouring across our Southern border by the millions. Hispanics from Central and South America ARE! Why you think we should ignore that escapes me!
- 'Every COVID variant on this planet' is coming through his open border


Delta has spread world wide from India. WTF does that have to do with Mexican border?

Maybe Canada and Russia also have a South American migrant problem?

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Nothing more than partisan nonsense.

We know illegal aliens, by and large, aren't being tested for the virus,

That is just laughable horseshit.

Delta is highly contagious and spread fast throughout the world, illegals are but a drop in the ocean of all the travel in and out of this country.

American tourists bringing Covid to and from Mexico is probably a thousand fold factor.
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That is just laughable horseshit.

Delta is highly contagious and spread fast throughout the world, illegals are but a drop in the ocean of all the travel in and out of this country.

American tourists bringing Covid to and from Mexico is probably a thousand fold factor.

That "drop in the ocean", if we believe those on the left, is sufficient to destroy us. We're constantly told how much more contagious the variant is. Knowing thjat, how does it make sense to not test illegal aliens when they're coming into the country? If he's going to let them come in and go wherever the fuck they want, Biden can at least make sure they're not brining disease with them...
That is just laughable horseshit.

Delta is highly contagious and spread fast throughout the world, illegals are but a drop in the ocean of all the travel in and out of this country.

American tourists bringing Covid to and from Mexico is probably a thousand fold factor.
Anything NOT to blame illegals...right, Anton?
thats all you fucking retards have---deny, deflect, and twist to are a pathetic piece of continue to live your pathetic life in denial....
everybody in their right mind is blaming the illegals for spreading the chinese flu, because they are you fucking are idiots, you, that think they received a vaccination for the chinese flu----there isn't 1 you fucking moron, but that just shows the lack of a brain in your dimly lit head
blaming xiden, the corrupt, pedophile is the asshole to blame...and then the 1's that got the death jab, for spreading the chinese flu even more....
try hitting walmart up for a functioning brain
Sure, Q NUT accuse others of what you're guilty of.
Blame China.
Blame illegals.
Blame the vaccine.
Then blame Biden for YOUR STUPIDITY.
"Can't be MY fault I got the Trump flu".

Try Dr. Trump's cure.
"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

That "drop in the ocean", if we believe those on the left, is sufficient to destroy us. We're constantly told how much more contagious the variant is. Knowing thjat, how does it make sense to not test illegal aliens when they're coming into the country? If he's going to let them come in and go wherever the fuck they want, Biden can at least make sure they're not brining disease with them...

What you are saying is just nonsense.

Illegals do not go through some sort of checkpoint, they sneak in, DUH. How the hell can you administer anything to them?

US is a Delta hotspot, everyone who has not gotten Delta yet, WILL BE exposed to it at some point. Not because of illegals coming in, but because it has spread all around us, from many parts of the world by all kinds of LEGAL travel.
Trump isn't President Dumbass.

Captain Super Spreader is.
No shit, retard.
Just like I stated, Trumptards blame everyone and anything but themselves for THEIR STUPIDITY.
Trumptards blame Biden for telling them to get vaccinated, they don't, so they blame the person who warned them.

Then again, look who they defend and support, a retard.
What you are saying is just nonsense.

Illegals do not go through some sort of checkpoint, they sneak in, DUH. How the hell can you administer anything to them?

US is a Delta hotspot, everyone who has not gotten Delta yet, WILL BE exposed to it at some point. Not because of illegals coming in, but because it has spread all around us, from many parts of the world by all kinds of LEGAL travel.
You're not paying attention, Anton! They don't NEED to "sneak in", DUH! They just show up at the border and we put them on a bus to wherever they want to go in the US with a phone number to set up a court date that almost none of them are showing up for! The Border Patrol is so overwhelmed by the sheer volume of illegals coming in that they CAN'T administer anything to them! Border security under the Biden Administration has become a joke.
No shit, retard.
Just like I stated, Trumptards blame everyone and anything but themselves for THEIR STUPIDITY.
Trumptards blame Biden for telling them to get vaccinated, they don't, so they blame the person who warned them.

Then again, look who they defend and support, a retard.
Gee, Smokin...who had a border policy that actually worked...and who's border policy is such a disaster that border Democrats like Henry Cuellar are calling it a crisis? There's only one "retard" in this conversation when it comes to the border and it sure as hell isn't Donald Trump!
Gee, Smokin...who had a border policy that actually worked...and who's border policy is such a disaster that border Democrats like Henry Cuellar are calling it a crisis? There's only one "retard" in this conversation when it comes to the border and it sure as hell isn't Donald Trump!
Trump's border "policy" was a disaster.
Trumptards are looking for any scapegoat except Trump and themselves.
Just the usual theatrics by Trumptards.
When Trump was president, his cult blamed China.
Now Biden is president his cult blames immigrants.
Trump always has been and always will be, a retard.
You're a clueless moron if you think the Biden Administration has closed the border. Illegals are literally pouring across our southern border in numbers so large that the Biden Administration is overwhelmed and they're sending people into America with nothing more than a phone number that they should call to set up a future hearing for amnesty...hearings that almost nobody is showing up for!
You're a moron if you believe the fake crisis, that Trump's cult made up.
They're releasing people with a phone number?
Sure they are, a phone number and $500, that will be the next BS lie Trumptards will spread.
What you are saying is just nonsense.

Illegals do not go through some sort of checkpoint, they sneak in, DUH. How the hell can you administer anything to them?

Biden is doing nothing to stop them. He's allowing the vermin to infect us further...

US is a Delta hotspot, everyone who has not gotten Delta yet, WILL BE exposed to it at some point. Not because of illegals coming in, but because it has spread all around us, from many parts of the world by all kinds of LEGAL travel.
You know, it's funny, that's exactly how we got the first Covid. Yet every single swingin' dick on the left decided to blame Trump for it. Sorry, but it cuts both ways. If Trump was at fault for the first outbreak, Biden bear the burden for Delta. As soon as the variant was identified, he could've implemented travel restrictions, but chose not to. All this failed administration has done is recommend wearing masks again.

Everyone will likely be exposed at some point, and it'll be Biden's fault...

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