DeSantis says, if elected president, he'd consider pardons for Jan. 6 offenders

DeSantis says, if elected president, he'd consider pardons for Jan. 6 offenders​

Looks like DeSantis wants to also be a traitor to this country and must be rejected like we're going to reject Donald Trump!

If DeSantis does not pardon ALL of the J6 individuals, he is working for the Deep State.
It sounds like you can't tell the difference between a scientist and a snake oil salesman, an imposter and a legitimately elected POTUS
Absolutely. I am totally against a presidential candidate that run on a promise to disregard courts, juries, laws, and supports people attacking the capital. But, let's face it. We knew DeSantis was nuts when he first started going to Texas to get migrants for his protest bussing to Martha's Vineyard, as he didn't have any of his own.
Absolutely. I am totally against a presidential candidate that run on a promise to disregard courts, juries, laws, and supports people attacking the capital. But, let's face it. We knew DeSantis was nuts when he first started going to Texas to get migrants for his protest bussing to Martha's Vineyard, as he didn't have any of his own.
Are you in favor of the First Amendment?
What does that have to do with it?
Everything to do with it, that part found in the last sentence of the amendment. "....or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Everything to do with it, that part found in the last sentence of the amendment. "....or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
You think that sentence makes it right to voice your opinion, by sending a bus to another state to load up with migrants, because you don't have any, and trick them into being dumped by surprise and some resort community 1500 miles away, thinking it makes some kind of political statement? That is ludicrous. It was stupid. All normal people knew it was stupid. By in large, the American Public is not going to support somebody, that repeatedly, publicly does stupid sh#t, thinking there is some nebulous political benefit to a group of malcontents, that don't have the number to elect, even if they all voted for him (and they won't) as that half-baked idea really appealed to the fringe. You really ought to wait until elected to do stupid sh#t on purpose, so it is hard to do anything about it for 4 years. Oh, you can talk about stupid sh#t all you want, and people can blow it off, but to actually do stupid sh#t to get attention? No. You need to wait until elected to do stupid sh#t, like Donny and Joe. That way you at least get 4 years.
You think that sentence makes it right to voice your opinion, by sending a bus to another state to load up with migrants, because you don't have any, and trick them into being dumped by surprise and some resort community 1500 miles away, thinking it makes some kind of political statement? That is ludicrous. It was stupid. All normal people knew it was stupid. By in large, the American Public is not going to support somebody, that repeatedly, publicly does stupid sh#t, thinking there is some nebulous political benefit to a group of malcontents, that don't have the number to elect, even if they all voted for him (and they won't) as that half-baked idea really appealed to the fringe. You really ought to wait until elected to do stupid sh#t on purpose, so it is hard to do anything about it for 4 years. Oh, you can talk about stupid sh#t all you want, and people can blow it off, but to actually do stupid sh#t to get attention? No. You need to wait until elected to do stupid sh#t, like Donny and Joe. That way you at least get 4 years.
Goodness White6, are you trying to change the subject? Move the goalposts?

How many guns were confiscated from J6 defendants? How many guns were fired that day?

I didn't vote for Trump, but it's clear to me that election fraud was rampant. Those who showed up were well within their rights.

What has happened since would make Stalin jealous.

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