DeSantis says, if elected president, he'd consider pardons for Jan. 6 offenders

Goodness White6, are you trying to change the subject? Move the goalposts?

How many guns were confiscated from J6 defendants? How many guns were fired that day?

I didn't vote for Trump, but it's clear to me that election fraud was rampant. Those who showed up were well within their rights.

What has happened since would make Stalin jealous.
Not at all. The poster thought Desantis actions to get publicity by snagging aliens in Texas was some kind of free speech 1st amendment thing. My responses here on the subject started with disapproval of anybody that would run on a promise to release anti-American criminals that had attacked our country from prison time, assigned by courts, judges, juries and the support of most of the American people. He is free to talk about it, but just another sign of his unfitness for the office. Advertising, you are not a law and order kind of guy, in the slightest, even when it is about people that attacked the country, the Capital, trying to overthrow an election, just isn't too bright.
Not at all. The poster thought Desantis actions to get publicity by snagging aliens in Texas was some kind of free speech 1st amendment thing. My responses here on the subject started with disapproval of anybody that would run on a promise to release anti-American criminals that had attacked our country from prison time, assigned by courts, judges, juries and the support of most of the American people. He is free to talk about it, but just another sign of his unfitness for the office. Advertising, you are not a law and order kind of guy, in the slightest, even when it is about people that attacked the country, the Capital, trying to overthrow an election, just isn't too bright.
Right. The point is that if DeSantis does not recognize the role of First Amendment rights in what happened on J6, he is no better than Liz Cheney or Lindsey Graham, pure garbage traitors.
Everything to do with it, that part found in the last sentence of the amendment. "....or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
The First Amendment doesn't allow you to smear shit down the hallway of the Capitol Building.

I will note the liberals here seem petrified of DeSantis, as they should be. He could wipe the floor with your demented (literally) candidate.
Nobody is petrified by DeSantis. But his ravings against support for the constitution, law and order, the courts, decisions of juries, etc, does not have any positive resonance with Democrats (including left wing liberal Democrats), centrists, Independents or even republicans that give a damn about supporting free elections, and peaceful transition, free from attempts at overthrow by Republicans that would tear it all down, if their guy loses. I'm and an Independent. No way on earth, I could support a candidate openly saying he is against punishment of people that attacked our capital, as anarchist suck and nobody's tent should be large enough to welcome that kind of scum.
Trump said the same thing 18 Months Ago...

... and again at the CNN Townhall last month where he made all the leftists cry.

Doesn’t “look” like that at all, you dumbass.

Instead, it appears that DeSantis recognizes the shit for what it was. A portion of a group of protestors who committed some crimes — but no insurrection or anything akin to it.

Some of the punishments are bizarrely Draconian. It would be nice for a President to correct that to some extent.
They committed...trespassing, unauthorized entry. Fine them and give them each a hearty, "YOU DUMBASS!"

DeSantis says, if elected president, he'd consider pardons for Jan. 6 offenders​

Looks like DeSantis wants to also be a traitor to this country and must be rejected like we're going to reject Donald Trump!
I agree that all the Jan. 6 protestors should be pardoned.
They committed...trespassing, unauthorized entry. Fine them and give them each a hearty, "YOU DUMBASS!"
Trespass depends on whether they were part of the group that was permitted in by Capitol Police. But even if not, i’d focus on the ones who can be proved to have done physical damage to our Capitol building.

Beyond that, I’d pay the heaviest attention to those who engaged in ANY physical violence against any Capitol Police Officers. Again, as to that set of the protestors, I have no issue with prosecution and appropriate sentencing. Prison works.
The First Amendment doesn't allow you to smear shit down the hallway of the Capitol Building.
In all the videos I've seen from that day, I did not see anybody smearing the hallways.

If it actually happened, it was most likely done by Ray Epps or one of the hundreds of 'federal assets' stirring up the crowd that day.
In all the videos I've seen from that day, I did not see anybody smearing the hallways.

If it actually happened, it was most likely done by Ray Epps or one of the hundreds of 'federal assets' stirring up the crowd that day.
Man up, cult boi. Find your gonads and admit that your side did it all, and you're just making up really stupid stories to avoid taking responsiblity.

Now, I do get that the entire reason for being conservative is so that you never have to take responsiblity for anything (because whatever it is, the evil libruls didit), but you could reject conservatism, and choose to act like an adult instead.

Remember, votes hate whiny sore-losers. Well, at least a majority of them do. The Trump cult loves them, but they're a minority.
Man up, cult boi. Find your gonads and admit that your side did it all, and you're just making up really stupid stories to avoid taking responsiblity.

Now, I do get that the entire reason for being conservative is so that you never have to take responsiblity for anything (because whatever it is, the evil libruls didit), but you could reject conservatism, and choose to act like an adult instead.

Remember, votes hate whiny sore-losers. Well, at least a majority of them do. The Trump cult loves them, but they're a minority.
Sorry pal, I'm independent and a loner. I think for myself and I know human behavior, especially the dirtbags in Congress. Liz Cheney is every bit the Deep Stater that her old man was.

I make a habit of not believing known liars like her and the rest of the deep state interests. I'm not nearly as gullible as you seem to be.

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