Desantis says J6 was just a rally that got out of hand

DGS49 seems to ignore the attempt was to prevent the Electoral Count not overthrow the government.

That was sedition, too.

Trump is so much worse than Biden as a man, a father, a husband, and a President.
The granddaughter Sloppy Joe refuses to acknowledge and treats like she doesn't exist makes him my nominee
for ''Father Scumbag of the Decade"
Well yeah. There wasn't any arson involved which is common with left wing demonstrations and the only person who was killed was a unarmed female who was shot by a Capital Cop.
They appear to think Broken doors and windows in an afternoon at the capital are worse than arson and murder by rioters across America by BLM… so weird to devalue human lives because it’s convenient
That's so silly. A phony 'impeachment' by Dems / Marxists based on phony evidence.
1. He tried to bribe Zelensky to investigate Biden.
2. He incited the mob to attack the Capitol...and did nothing to stop it until he saw the coup attemp woyld fail.
Maybe he missed the attack as he was watching a Disney movie? The DOJ is not going to charge trump for a "rally out of control." This was a planned coup.
Biden’s corrupt DOJ would charge Trump for breathing if they could.

Each stage of TDS makes you clowns less and less coherent. That you can communicate at all is amazing.
It definitely wasn't an 'insurrection' like you drama queens try to claim it was.
Democrats and MSM have repeated the calculated, exaggerated, inaccurate narratives so much that sadly large segments of the population believe the propaganda, and hold heavy resentment and hostility towards the “other side”

There’s never been a more divisive administration than Biden. He promotes the mass public to hold horrible views of conservatives (aka half of the country).. he also pressures big tech, media, and DOJ to be his arms in attacking those who he holds disdain for. Joe doesn’t appear to be a nice person in his actions and words, I hope one day he can let go of some of his judgments/anger towards so many people.
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Democrats and MSM have repeated the calculated, exaggerated, inaccurate narratives so much that sadly large segments of the population believe the propaganda, and hold heavy resentment and hostility towards the “other side”

There’s never been a more divisive administration than Biden
That's the whole point of their create hostility & conflict.
1. He tried to bribe Zelensky to investigate Biden.
2. He incited the mob to attack the Capitol...and did nothing to stop it until he saw the coup attemp woyld fail.
Nonsense. Is the above script from the Jihad manifesto of Ilhan Omar?
1. He tried to bribe Zelensky to investigate Biden.
2. He incited the mob to attack the Capitol...and did nothing to stop it until he saw the coup attempt would fail.

1. He tried to bribe Zelensky to investigate Biden.

To tell the truth about Biden's crimes.

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