desantis says some slaves may have been taught to be a blacksmith...a good thing!

In downtown Jacksonville last week, Harris said “that in the State of Florida, they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery,”

I have never defended anything Harris has ever done but she is simply factual there. There is no justification in
"Yeah, but they learned a trade" like they couldn't have other than being a slave.

And now the truth....

As its full text confirms, the program establishes “the harsh conditions and their consequences on British American plantations (e.g., undernourishment, climate conditions, infant and child mortality rates of the enslaved vs. the free)”; highlights “the harsh conditions in the Caribbean plantations (i.e., poor nutrition, rigorous labor, disease)”; notes the “overwhelming death rates” that were caused by the practice; records that there were many ways in which “Africans resisted slavery”; and reports that Florida, like the entire “South[,] tried to prevent slaves from escaping.” There is not a person in America who, when trying to convince children that a given practice was good, lists “harsh conditions,” “undernourishment,” “mortality,” “poor nutrition,” “disease,” or “overwhelming death rates” as its consequences. The idea is absurd.

Asked why the course contains the one line that has been cherry-picked by critics, one of its architects, Professor William B. Allen — a black man who was born into segregation in Florida — offered up an observation that, in any other context, would be unobjectionable: While America’s millions of slaves were most certainly victims of the most abhorrent violence, domination, sexual assault, and more, they were not onlyvictims, but people. Is this controversial now? At Oxford, I had a professor who liked to say that “Abraham Lincoln wasn’t the only man alive who had agency, you know.” His exhortation — always — was to remember that, however subjugated a man might be, he remained an individual rather than an automaton, and that to acknowledge that is not to endorse the disastrous circumstances in which he has been forced to struggle, but to recognize his humanity.

She took a tiny, tiny mention out of the entire she essentially lied about what the curriculum teaches.......

This is a brazen lie. It’s an astonishing lie. It’s an evil lie. It is so untrue — so deliberately and cynically misleading — that, in a sensible political culture, Harris would be obligated to issue an apology. Instead, NBC confirms that she will repeat the lie today during a speech in Jacksonville.
I have been trying to work out how best to illustrate the sheer scale of Harris’s falsehood, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way to achieve it is to list in one place all the relevant parts of the course about which she is complaining. So, below, I have copied and pasted every single reference to slavery, slaves, abolitionism, civil rights, and African Americans that is in the document. For those interested, the full curriculum (along with the curriculum for the teaching of the Holocaust) is here.
There is simply no way of perusing this course and concluding that it “gaslights” people or whitewashes slavery. Among many, many other things, it includes sections on “the conditions for Africans during their passage to America”; “the living conditions of slaves in British North American colonies, the Caribbean, Central America and South America, including infant mortality rates”; “the harsh conditions and their consequences on British American plantations (e.g., undernourishment, climate conditions, infant and child mortality rates of the enslaved vs. the free)”; “the harsh conditions in the Caribbean plantations (i.e., poor nutrition, rigorous labor, disease)”; “how the South tried to prevent slaves from escaping and their efforts to end the Underground Railroad”; the “overwhelming death rates” caused by the practice; the many ways in which “Africans resisted slavery”; “the ramifications of prejudice, racism and stereotyping on individual freedoms”; and “the struggles faced by African American women in the 19th century as it relates to issues of suffrage, business and access to education.” Many of these modules apply to Florida specifically.

Here’s the list. It’s 191 items strong. It contains the word “slave” 96 times, “slaves” 23 times, and “slavery” 45 times. I’ve pulled each line out in the order in which they appear, which is largely chronological. It starts with “the earliest slaves” and ends with “the integration of the University of Florida”:

DeSantis elaborated on the benefits of slavery to slaves. There's no mistake.

Of course, he may have lost his children when they were sold to another plantation master? But at least he was taught a trade that kept him happy...when he wasn't thinking about the children he lost. But, he should be happy that he can now shoe a horse and stoke a bellows to keep the fire going.
This shows just how fucked up this country is! For people who actually think slavery was a benefit to African-Americans, I have this to say..

Yeah right, we flourished under Trump. Bidenomics is a shit show. People are struggling

Put down the crack pipe
You are just itching to get the rapist/criminal back in the White House, aren't you?

Morgan Stanley raises economic growth forecast, citing Biden infrastructure âboomâ

MAGA is struggling because their "god" is about to be indicted again and again. That is what happens when a man who is a career criminal finally is held accountable for his crimes.
You are just itching to get the rapist/criminal back in the White House, aren't you?

Morgan Stanley raises economic growth forecast, citing Biden infrastructure âboomâ

MAGA is struggling because their "god" is about to be indicted again and again. That is what happens when a man who is a career criminal finally is held accountable for his crimes.
DeSantis is just ignorant. He should have left this alone.

You are just itching to get the rapist/criminal back in the White House, aren't you?

Morgan Stanley raises economic growth forecast, citing Biden infrastructure âboomâ

MAGA is struggling because their "god" is about to be indicted again and again. That is what happens when a man who is a career criminal finally is held accountable for his crimes.

The rapist criminal is already in the White House with his crack addict son......he is also a traitor, selling out our country to China.
This shows just how fucked up this country is! For people who actually think slavery was a benefit to African-Americans, I have this to say..

MAGA is twisting itself into a pretzel trying to figure out a way to show slavery was actually a benefit. Sadly, the blacksmith that little Ronnie was crowing about may have lost all his children when they were sold to a neighboring plantation.

The MAGA come back to this is, "Black men don't care about their kids."

Of course, he may have lost his children when they were sold to another plantation master? But at least he was taught a trade that kept him happy...when he wasn't thinking about the children he lost. But, he should be happy that he can now shoe a horse and stoke a bellows to keep the fire going.

No, he didn't say that. Someone told you he did, and you're too dumb to realize you were lied to. In other words, a typical day for you.
Despite the presence of slavery everywhere since the beginning of human history and its acceptance by man's religions, there is nothing to recommend it. There is no genuine defense of it. There is no compensation for having suffered in it. Certainly, there have been instances of 'humane' slave conditions, but their rarity is exceeded only by their irrelevance to arguments in favor of the vile practice.
Everybody should be obliged to hear Jordan Peterson distinguish between classical liberalism and its modern extremist psychotic version .The Augustines and Jims of this world need medical and neurological assessment. Their deviant behaviour has removed them from common decency and balance. We are "growing" a sub species .All imho .
Despite the presence of slavery everywhere since the beginning of human history and its acceptance by man's religions, there is nothing to recommend it. There is no genuine defense of it. There is no compensation for having suffered in it. Certainly, there have been instances of 'humane' slave conditions, but their rarity is exceeded only by their irrelevance to arguments in favor of the vile practice.
Little Ronnie cooked his goose as a repub nominee when he bought up the "blacksmith" comment. As my grandma used to say, "That boy showed his true colors."


Of course, he may have lost his children when they were sold to another plantation master? But at least he was taught a trade that kept him happy...when he wasn't thinking about the children he lost. But, he should be happy that he can now shoe a horse and stoke a bellows to keep the fire going.
So did your relatives pass that skill down to you jimboliar???
In the America of 1865, having almost any skill was a goldmine. It is entirely doubtful that anyone would be grateful to slavery for having obtained the skill.
The MAGA repubs are 180 degrees away from Lincoln. desantis showed his total ignorance when he tried to spin slavery as a good thing. I actually had to play his words over and over, thinking I had misunderstood him. He showed his true colors with that statement.

It is as if he is saying, blacks should thank white slave owners for teaching them a trade. Wait...that is EXACTLY what he is saying!
Poor jimboliar, off on another wacko tangent.

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