DeSantis will finish the wall.

" Removing Flippant Disregard For Elementary Meaning Of Citizenship And Subject To Jurisdiction "

* Repatriation Without Encouraging Deception And Abuse *

All we ever needed was a tall chain link fence covered with razor wire, some electronic sensors, and armed personnel and dogs to guard it. Rotating Army and Marine units can set up field units along the border to provide manpower. Guarding perimeter fences is very familiar duty to all soldiers (been there, done that).
Some have levied an interpretation that the destruction of sodom and gomorrah was less about sexual debauchery than it was about the brutality for which it peoples treated sojourners .

Suppose a us were to enter a foreign nation that is hostile to the us , and supposed that the us citizen is not a subject by title in the legal immigration system of the foreign nation whereby the foreign nation incurs are legal responsibility to issue a retort for civil liberties violations of the us citizen , and suppose the civil liberties of the us citizen were violated within the borders of the foreign nation , and that the foreign nation declines responsibility to collaborate with the us in issuing a retort for the violations , clearly the us citizen remains subject to the jurisdiction of the us , which is responsible for implementing a retort for violations of civil liberties against one of its citizens .

A subject to the jurisdiction clause thereof ensures children of foreign nationals , whom are not subjects by title in us legal immigration system , and whom are subject to the jurisdiction from the country of which they are a citizen , are given citizenship in the country from which their mother is a citizen - jus sangunin and not jus soli .

To disincentivize the most egregious reasons and consequences of illegal immigration , simply apply the law , as per " and subject to the jurisdiction thereof " , with a modicum of basic sense and self evident foundations of political science .
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" Removing Flippant Disregard For Elementary Meaning Of Citizenship And Subject To Jurisdiction "

* Repatriation Without Encouraging Deception And Abuse *

Some have levied an interpretation that the destruction of sodom and gomorrah was less about sexual debauchery than it was about the brutality for which it peoples treated sojourners .

Suppose a us were to enter a foreign nation that is hostile to the us , and supposed that the us citizen is not a subject by title in the legal immigration system of the foreign nation whereby the foreign nation incurs are legal responsibility to issue a retort for civil liberties violations of the us citizen , and suppose the civil liberties of the us citizen were violated within the borders of the foreign nation , and that the foreign nation declines responsibility to collaborate with the us in issuing a retort for the violations , clearly the us citizen remains subject to the jurisdiction of the us , which is responsible for implementing a retort for violations of civil liberties against one of its citizens .

A subject to the jurisdiction clause thereof ensures children of foreign nationals , whom are not subjects by title in us legal immigration system , and whom are subject to the jurisdiction from the country of which they are a citizen , are given citizenship in the country from which their mother is a citizen - jus sangunin and not jus soli .

To disincentivize the most egregious reasons and consequences of illegal immigration , simply apply the law , as per " and subject to the jurisdiction thereof " , with a modicum of basic sense and self evident foundations of political science .
Most would-be immigrants claim that they are seeking refuge from the "jurisdiction" of their homeland.
" Stop Making The United States A Latin American Dumping Ground "

* Irony Of How Dumb Must Others Be In Allowing Obvious Abuses Of Law *

Most would-be immigrants claim that they are seeking refuge from the "jurisdiction" of their homeland.
The us is not obligated to comply with extradition except by diplomacy .

In whichever foreign country sojourner are seeking refuge , the foreign country should not be handing out jus soli citizenship to children of sojourners who are not subjects by title in its legal immigration system , when it is lawfully necessary from " and subject to the jurisdiction thereof " to provide jus sanguinis citizenship in the country of maternal origin , as the nation of origin is lawfully responsible for issuing a retort for civil liberties violations of its citizens as subjects of its jurisdiction , by direct inference .

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" Opportunities Change So Due Knot Fore Get It "

* Taunting While Ignoring That Suppositions Exist Without A Trial Of More Valid Premises *

Monk-Eye can rattle and roll all he wants, but he can't get around the 14th Amendment.
The collective of imbeciles cannot get beyond being traitors with lies about the " and subject to the jurisdiction thereof " clause , while this moniker has demonstrated its validity in law by means of the us 14th amendment .

The fools proffering for the collective of imbeciles do so based on consensus through populism , rather than by precedence from more valid premises of pure reason .
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" Democrat Trickle Down Economics Is Government Contacts At Contractor Wages That Affect Supply And Demand Of Currency "

* First Rule Of Keynesian Economics Is That Fractional Increases In Money Supply Creates Inflation *

Watched DeSantis speak in Iowa where he offered to send 'his people' down to finish the wall. A subtle poke at Trump, Biden, and Governor Abbot methinks.

That aside DeSantis hit all the right themes in his speech. He's way behind Trump in the polls, but that might change if he gets more exposure. Thoughts?
DeSantis is as much a hateful racist and bigot as Trump – as are most on the right, as is anyone who advocates for a ‘wall.’
" Communist Crazies Who Wants Meritless Immigration Standards "

* Playing Gringos For Chumps *

DeSantis is as much a hateful racist and bigot as Trump – as are most on the right, as is anyone who advocates for a ‘wall.’
What does racism have to do with a wall , when there are 600 million in latin america who cannot , who refuse to not , to take care of their own ?

What does " big got tree " have to do with a wall , other than making latin america deal with its problems of overextended economic and environmental carrying capacities and plethora of despotic governments ?

How about getting those politicians off their lazy asses and apply the " and subject to the jurisdiction thereof " 14th amendment clause , and setup diplomatic channels to ensure jus sanguinin citizenship is provided to children of sojourners , whom are not subjects by title in us legal immigration system , and whom are subject to the jurisdiction of their nation of origin , where subject to the jurisdiction of their nation of origin means that the nation of origin is responsible for issuing a retort for civil wrights violations of its citizens ?

If you have a link to that effect it would be appreciated. I’ve not seen desantis take a stance in either direction.
Here's one on energy.

This on manufacturing.

“Expanding domestic manufacturing capability is important for Florida and our nation,” said Governor Ron DeSantis.

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Watched DeSantis speak in Iowa where he offered to send 'his people' down to finish the wall. A subtle poke at Trump, Biden, and Governor Abbot methinks.

That aside DeSantis hit all the right themes in his speech. He's way behind Trump in the polls, but that might change if he gets more exposure. Thoughts?

He seems like he's trying to be Trump, which is weird, because there's already a "better" version of Trump out there.
Here's one on energy.

This on manufacturing.

“Expanding domestic manufacturing capability is important for Florida and our nation,” said Governor Ron DeSantis.

Well, that’s encouraging.
But being "Trump" is making baggage all the time. And the wall, the unnecessary wall... I mean, talk about pandering to people with no clue how things work
Walls (fences) work. You just have to finish them. ;)

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