DeSantis will finish the wall.

Finish the wall? As far as I can see we haven’t started a wall. I have yet to see photos of ANYTHING that I would classify as a perimeter defense wall. You know, like the one in China, or at least the one that used to separate the city of zberlin.
Walls (fences) work. You just have to finish them. ;)

Depends what you mean by "work", I guess. If by "work" you mean, Trump will get his supporters excited and enthusiastic, then sure, if you mean "they stop people" then probably not so much.
Depends what you mean by "work", I guess. If by "work" you mean, Trump will get his supporters excited and enthusiastic, then sure, if you mean "they stop people" then probably not so much.
You just have to make them so they stop people.
And the thing is, other options than "the wall" work better.
Israel's "wall" is 90% fence, because walls are expensive and not the best use of money in most cases.
I have always suggested a fence as well. European countries that want to stop the illegals have built fences. They report great success, but they have to be patrolled and guarded.

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Desantis is the only republican who has a chance at beating Trump in the primary. The other republicans are too weak or unknown to have a chance. Of the two, I think Desantis has the better chance of beating Biden, and he is my choice of the two, but I will gladly vote for Trump if he wins the nomination.....
Great minds think alike
All we ever needed was a tall chain link fence covered with razor wire, some electronic sensors, and armed personnel and dogs to guard it. Rotating Army and Marine units can set up field units along the border to provide manpower. Guarding perimeter fences is very familiar duty to all soldiers (been there, done that).
We protected the borders of Iraq and Afghanistan and we cannot protect our own borders?

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