Describe your religious beliefs.

As far as I'm concerned there is no better way to enjoy a stiff drink than a gin martini expertly prepared. I chill a heavy, oversize glass, and use lots of crushed ice in a shaker, pour in two jiggers of gin and shake it like a madman, then pour it in the glass, then shake some more so ice crystals appear floating on the surface. Then I hit the surface with an atomizer filled with dry vermouth. Top it off with three queen olives, rinsed. The result is that the drink is chilled well below the freezing point of water, which is the secret to an excellent gin or vodka martini. It should be consumed before it warms up, usually about 5 minutes. The heavy glass helps keep the drink cold.
As far as I'm concerned there is no better way to enjoy a stiff drink than a gin martini expertly prepared. I chill a heavy, oversize glass, and use lots of crushed ice in a shaker, pour in two jiggers of gin and shake it like a madman, then pour it in the glass, then shake some more so ice crystals appear floating on the surface. Then I hit the surface with an atomizer filled with dry vermouth. Top it off with three queen olives, rinsed. The result is that the drink is chilled well below the freezing point of water, which is the secret to an excellent gin or vodka martini. It should be consumed before it warms up, usually about 5 minutes. The heavy glass helps keep the drink cold.
I'm soooooo gonna have to try this.
I am still going to the same church I was going to 29 years ago. It's an independent, fundamental Baptist Church. I don't know much about Methodist, or Catholics, or Pentecostals. My church doesn't preach on other religions. We believe that the 66 books of the King James Version are the preserved and inspired Word of God for this generation. We believe that the Bible is without any errors and is our sole authority for all matters of faith and practice. I have been to other churches with friends, and family members whos' curches preach a lot about other religions, and denominations...I don't really get that. I thought church was supposed to be about the word of God....Not about them Methodist, Baptist, Catholics down the street. I think this is where a lot of people have lost their way with religion. Preach the Bible. That is the word of God...If you have questions about Religion, which it seems a lot on these boards do, then just buy one. It's a pretty popular book. Easy to find. Instead of asking everyone what this means, and how can this be, just read for yourself. If you don't understand it by reading it yourself, then I most likely can't make you understand. It's likely that you don't want to understand.
I'd like to say my religious beliefs are my business. But on the same token in our world today I'm being faced to have to except all these "other" ideas and I'm told my beliefs are not all that. Yet when I protest others beliefs because of the intrusion they cause I get told I'm out of line. Yet my beliefs are the very ones that made my country what it once was. I'm really confused here about the motives of my beloved country and how it can turn it's back against my beliefs that made it so great and a world power. I'm told that a majority of my country men and women share the same beliefs(or close to it) but it isn't so because if it were true all these other fundermental religious sects would get pushed out and put in there prospective places and to hell with religious freedom when it over steps it's boundaries and shows disrespect to others.
I know many may disagree and that is ok, but it is my beliefs.
Raised Protestant (Presbyterian), explored Catholicism for a bit as a teen, then returned to protestantism with a much more non-denominational approach. Went to church weekly as a child, but I go very little now. My Faith is strong, but I've become cynical about the political structure inherent in organizations.

That's it in a nutshell....
Was raised Catholic. I would say I believe in a higher power, but can't get behind any organized religion. I believe humans have screwed up whatever itentions a higher power had. For me it has to make sense.

I don't believe the Bible is infallible because it was written by human hands and at some point was politicized (meaning someone intergected their beliefs and said that's what God inspired him to write, some of the things in leviticus are absolutely ludacris). Growing up Catholic I don't understand why they think God gives a rat's rear end if a priest gets married or how being gay somehow makes you a bad person. I think God believed that when done correctly the Mother/Father way was best so the child would gain balanced maternial and paternal traits.

However God was probably not omniscient because God would have known that there is the potential for a gay couple to be better parents than a hetero couple. He also would have known how horrible we can possibly be to each other. I don't believe God plays any part in our lives between the time we are conceived to when we die (doesn't answer prayers).

As I have said in other posts, I believe our lives are about choice, nothing more and that in the afterlife their are consequences for the choices and God decides what our role in the afterlife is based on those choices
As far as I'm concerned there is no better way to enjoy a stiff drink than a gin martini expertly prepared. I chill a heavy, oversize glass, and use lots of crushed ice in a shaker, pour in two jiggers of gin and shake it like a madman, then pour it in the glass, then shake some more so ice crystals appear floating on the surface. Then I hit the surface with an atomizer filled with dry vermouth. Top it off with three queen olives, rinsed. The result is that the drink is chilled well below the freezing point of water, which is the secret to an excellent gin or vodka martini. It should be consumed before it warms up, usually about 5 minutes. The heavy glass helps keep the drink cold.

this about sums up my religious pursuits

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