Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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This is an example of someone who has been SO brainwashed that even if all the evidence in the world comes to show that tiny trump broke the law...even if all the evidence in the world comes to show that Kavanaugh is a drunk sex assaulter....even if all the evidence in the world shows that the refugee caravan was not paid for by Dems...even if all the evidence in the world shows that the refugees in the caravan will never be voters....even if all the evidence in the world shows the news to be factual....and even if all the evidence in the world shows that these bombs were very real......he will let tiny trump grab his pussy through his non-functioning brain.......forever.
You mean like YOU IMBECILES condemning Kavanaugh for a 40 year old allegation that the accuser couldn't remember?

THAT kind of brainwashed ? PLEASE, spare us the hypocrisy SUPREME !

Spoken like an idiot male who has never BEEN sexually assaulted. As a woman who has been sexually assaulted, I can tell you every detail of who did and what he did to me. I can't tell you what day of the week it was, what the temperature was or who I went out with that night, or what was said. Your denial of these allegation is based on you being a man who has never been sexually assaulted, and my belief that Brett Kavenaugh sexually assaulted Dr. Ford when they were teenagers is based on my being a woman who was.

You're an idiot to dismissed this or any other woman who claims sexual assault. The Republican Party will pay for this at the ballot box for a generation to come.
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.
Do you believe Sandy Hook really happened?
Probably not.
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.
Do you believe Sandy Hook really happened?

Do you believe Hillary had to duck sniper fire?
She was in a place where sniper fire was a regular occurrence. I doubt that she was fired on. Now, do you believe Sandy Hook really happened?

People in Chicago Dodge more Sniper fire everyday than Hillary did. I live in an area where gunfire is a common occurrence. So I guess I can Say that I dodge gunfire Everyday thanks. IDIOt

Gee, I'm sorry.
1 hr 58 min ago
A messenger delivered the CNN package, sources say

From CNN's Shimon Prokupecz and Mary Anne Fox


The package sent to the Time Warner Center was delivered by courier, law enforcement sources tell CNN. It was addressed to John Brennan, the former CIA director, and "Time Warner (CNN)."

CNN previously reported that the package addressed to George Soros was put in the mailbox, not mailed, according to a separate law enforcement source.

This is from CNN Time Warner Center, Clintons and Obamas receive suspicious packages: Live updates - CNNPolitics

Is there something weird about the tape?
It was a 5"x7" manilla envelope. Unless they're making Clorox wipes a whole lot larger than they used to, I don't think that pic is quite right.
If the bomber was clever, he would have put the flag stamps on upside down.

Bart O'Kavanaugh did it. In a drunken blackout.

"They all conspired against me! (belch)"
Let's restate the observation and plausible conclusion, shall we?

All persons targeted had some roll in Hillary winning the DNC nod. All recent anger is at Frankenstein, Harris, and Gay Cory for the Kavanaugh fiasco, but so far, no bombs to them.

The identity of the targets tends to support a conclusion that the perp is a pissed Bern Bot.

It is in no way sufficient proof of anything, but could be the basis of the FBI's profiling.

That is all I am saying. I am not pointing the finger at democrats and will not do so.

Not the craziest theory. If I had to lay money on the politics of the culprits, I would put my money on someone not in the political mainstream before Id bet on a left wing or right wing nut job.
This sort of stinks of vodka, but I do not have a good sense of smell.

It did take attention away from the Saudi thing. I think maybe this time it may not be a pizzagate tinfoil hat guy. But who knows?

Right on that count...who knows. Madmen are by definition unhinged to say the least.
1 hr 58 min ago
A messenger delivered the CNN package, sources say

From CNN's Shimon Prokupecz and Mary Anne Fox


The package sent to the Time Warner Center was delivered by courier, law enforcement sources tell CNN. It was addressed to John Brennan, the former CIA director, and "Time Warner (CNN)."

CNN previously reported that the package addressed to George Soros was put in the mailbox, not mailed, according to a separate law enforcement source.

This is from CNN Time Warner Center, Clintons and Obamas receive suspicious packages: Live updates - CNNPolitics

Is there something weird about the tape?
It's Chinese tape. Really expensive stuff these days, what with the tariffs. The bomber was making a statement.

The markings on the black tape on the device are Chinese?

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The fact that none of these bombs actually did damage makes me suspicious.
So you have no faith in the Secret Service finding these things out during routine screening, eh? Perhaps the bomber didn't know they were that thorough either.

I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.

Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?


Hillary Rotten Clinton

Tree's really are dumb aren't they? Can't even get a half a quote right.

Tree's are used for a dog to piss on.

And guys too.
1 hr 58 min ago
A messenger delivered the CNN package, sources say

From CNN's Shimon Prokupecz and Mary Anne Fox


The package sent to the Time Warner Center was delivered by courier, law enforcement sources tell CNN. It was addressed to John Brennan, the former CIA director, and "Time Warner (CNN)."

CNN previously reported that the package addressed to George Soros was put in the mailbox, not mailed, according to a separate law enforcement source.

This is from CNN Time Warner Center, Clintons and Obamas receive suspicious packages: Live updates - CNNPolitics

Is there something weird about the tape?
It's Chinese tape. Really expensive stuff these days, what with the tariffs. The bomber was making a statement.

The markings on the black tape on the device are Chinese?

View attachment 224527
The tape is Chinese. Made in China. Strong stuff. It has lead and uranium in it, though. Don't buy Chinese tape! Every patriotic bomber buys AMERICAN.

Not like this Wasserman character. You think she cares about American unionized tape manufacturers? Hell no!

These pipe bombs made of foreign materials cost American jobs! She belongs in jail just for that.
Just when I thought Republicans couldn't get any lower.....
No no no, you are confused, it was the Dems that sent bombs to their own folks. . . that is how low. . .

Really? I guess time will tell.
Maybe not.

Remember, John Brennan of the CIA working for CNN received one?

If the Deep State is behind this, and they are the same ones investigating, no, time will never tell, as they never do on these things.
Shee-it! Why wait fer facts? Letz make sum shit up and call it good! Letz go on and on fer hours until we bleev our own bullshit!

And then iffen the mad bomber turns out ta be sump'n diffrint, we kin just call dat FAKE NEWS!

Dat's how this shit works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeel!
I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Just in the past month:
- A woman's accusations against the Republican darling's Supreme Court nomination are leaked just prior to his confirmation. The accusations are blamed on the Democrats as a manufactured lie.
- A caravan of Hondurans heads for the US seeking amnesty. The crisis in Central America has been brewing for years and the caravans are annual events, but this caravan is blamed on the Democrats as a manufactured crisis.
- An unknown person mails bombs to some of the country's best known Democrats. This is blamed on the Democrats as a false flag to garner sympathy.

Global warming would be next, except the right wingers don't believe in it.
Shee-it! Why wait fer facts? Letz make sum shit up and call it good! Letz go on and on fer hours until we bleev our own bullshit!

And then iffen the mad bomber turns out ta be sump'n diffrint, we kin just call dat FAKE NEWS!

Dat's how this shit works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeel!
I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Just in the past month:
- A woman's accusations against the Republican darling's Supreme Court nomination are leaked just prior to his confirmation. The accusations are blamed on the Democrats as a manufactured lie.
- A caravan of Hondurans heads for the US seeking amnesty. The crisis in Central America has been brewing for years and the caravans are annual events, but this caravan is blamed on the Democrats as a manufactured crisis.
- An unknown person mails bombs to some of the country's best known Democrats. This is blamed on the Democrats as a false flag to garner sympathy.

Global warming would be next, except the right wingers don't believe in it.
Don't forget Trump's doubling of the deficit is also the fault of the Democrats.

And lightning. Definitely the Democrats.
Shee-it! Why wait fer facts? Letz make sum shit up and call it good! Letz go on and on fer hours until we bleev our own bullshit!

And then iffen the mad bomber turns out ta be sump'n diffrint, we kin just call dat FAKE NEWS!

Dat's how this shit works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeel!
I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Just in the past month:
- A woman's accusations against the Republican darling's Supreme Court nomination are leaked just prior to his confirmation. The accusations are blamed on the Democrats as a manufactured lie.
- A caravan of Hondurans heads for the US seeking amnesty. The crisis in Central America has been brewing for years and the caravans are annual events, but this caravan is blamed on the Democrats as a manufactured crisis.
- An unknown person mails bombs to some of the country's best known Democrats. This is blamed on the Democrats as a false flag to garner sympathy.

Global warming would be next, except the right wingers don't believe in it.

Yeah, I am starting to agree with you, OTH, the corporate press starts off seeming to try to pin it on the Republicans.

I am a bit confused.

I guess it all depends on one's perspective, eh?

Either way, it sure all seems planned by powerful forces to get folks stirred up to get them to the polls.

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