Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

  • Total voters
I'm betting that the idiot(s) get caught in short order. So no need to get panties in a bunch over assumptions, just wait for the facts. This thread is a day or two early, they're still investigating.

But if the whole thing is staged, you will buy everything they tell you, even if the corporate media is in on the lies, you won't question it anyhow, so the point is moot.
Shee-it! Why wait fer facts? Letz make sum shit up and call it good! Letz go on and on fer hours until we bleev our own bullshit!

And then iffen the mad bomber turns out ta be sump'n diffrint, we kin just call dat FAKE NEWS!

Dat's how this shit works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeel!

We already have certain facts:

1: Multiple bombs in multiple nationally distant locations, therefore, there exists a network of intelligent sane people who worked in concert to deliver them.

2: No group of sane and intelligent people would do this do begin with prior to the midterms against candidates who aren't running.

3: If such an intelligent and sane group actually did exist, they would not have succeeded in every single task required to deliver the bombs, only to have each and every one of the bombs fail to detonate.
Shee-it! Why wait fer facts? Letz make sum shit up and call it good! Letz go on and on fer hours until we bleev our own bullshit!

And then iffen the mad bomber turns out ta be sump'n diffrint, we kin just call dat FAKE NEWS!

Dat's how this shit works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeel!
I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Just in the past month:
- A woman's accusations against the Republican darling's Supreme Court nomination are leaked just prior to his confirmation. The accusations are blamed on the Democrats as a manufactured lie.
- A caravan of Hondurans heads for the US seeking amnesty. The crisis in Central America has been brewing for years and the caravans are annual events, but this caravan is blamed on the Democrats as a manufactured crisis.
- An unknown person mails bombs to some of the country's best known Democrats. This is blamed on the Democrats as a false flag to garner sympathy.

Global warming would be next, except the right wingers don't believe in it.
Don't forget Trump's doubling of the deficit is also the fault of the Democrats.

And lightning. Definitely the Democrats.
All targets of the Non-A-Bomber (because no bombs exploded) were Dems, Dem donors (Soros) or Dem propaganda outlets (CNN) who helped Hillary win the DNC nomination. DWS was the DNC chair.

No Kamela or Frankenstein, or Pelosi, etc.

It looks like a pissed off Bern Bot based solely on the targets.

Just a theory. Speculating here.

Carry on.
Yeah, it couldn't possibly be a Trumpie, right?

After all, Trump is the one who has bashed CNN, Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas non-stop for the past two years. So it couldn't possibly be one of his cult followers.
could be anyone at this point.

pointing to a single source like "trumpies" is just asinine and agenda driven.
I notice you did not chastise the OP for starting a topic to speculate it could be a "Bern Bot", you fucking retarded hypocrite.

Which is precisely what I was doing satirically, dumbass.

Who tried to kill Republicans during a softball game? Who attacked Ted Cruz at a restaurant? Mitch McConnell? Kirsten Nielsen? Sarah Sanders? Also Trumpies? Stupid gay clown.
"Attacked"? Lying Ted was attacked? Yurtle the Turtle was attacked? Is that your definition of a verbal confrontation? If so, where have you been in all those cases of people being "attacked" in restaurants and stores if they are speaking Spanish? Where were you when those black men were "attacked" for having a barbeque in a park in Oakland? Or that little girl was "attacked" for selling water bottles on her stoop?
Shee-it! Why wait fer facts? Letz make sum shit up and call it good! Letz go on and on fer hours until we bleev our own bullshit!

And then iffen the mad bomber turns out ta be sump'n diffrint, we kin just call dat FAKE NEWS!

Dat's how this shit works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeel!

We already have certain facts:

1: Multiple bombs in multiple nationally distant locations, therefore, there exists a network of intelligent sane people who worked in concert to deliver them.

2: No group of sane and intelligent people would do this do begin with prior to the midterms against candidates who aren't running.

3: If such an intelligent and sane group actually did exist, they would not have succeeded in every single task required to deliver the bombs, only to have each and every one of the bombs fail to detonate.
All targets of the Non-A-Bomber (because no bombs exploded) were Dems, Dem donors (Soros) or Dem propaganda outlets (CNN) who helped Hillary win the DNC nomination. DWS was the DNC chair.

No Kamela or Frankenstein, or Pelosi, etc.

It looks like a pissed off Bern Bot based solely on the targets.

Just a theory. Speculating here.

Carry on.
Yeah, it couldn't possibly be a Trumpie, right?

After all, Trump is the one who has bashed CNN, Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas non-stop for the past two years. So it couldn't possibly be one of his cult followers.
could be anyone at this point.

pointing to a single source like "trumpies" is just asinine and agenda driven.
Everything I've seen and heard point to the Possibility that this is something that was intended to cause a crisis. The fact that the packages appear to bear every sign that they were meant to be discovered and not to explode is very suspicious to me. Anyone who intended to harm would not place so many alert signals into their packaging. Just saying
I will agree that the true goal was chaos. Who gains from chaos?
We already have certain facts:

1: Multiple bombs in multiple nationally distant locations...
Actually, four bombs in locations within a day's drive from each other.

, therefore, there exists a network of intelligent sane people who worked in concert to deliver them.
Not a fact. Just something you pulled from your ass. This could have been done by a single person, easily. See map below.

2: No group of sane and intelligent people would do this do begin with prior to the midterms against candidates who aren't running.
Another assumption pulled from your ass.

3: If such an intelligent and sane group actually did exist, they would not have succeeded in every single task required to deliver the bombs, only to have each and every one of the bombs fail to detonate.
Another assumption pulled from your ass which ignores the fact the bombs were detected before they were detonated.

Gee, no facts in your "certain facts" post! How about that!

All targets of the Non-A-Bomber (because no bombs exploded) were Dems, Dem donors (Soros) or Dem propaganda outlets (CNN) who helped Hillary win the DNC nomination. DWS was the DNC chair.

No Kamela or Frankenstein, or Pelosi, etc.

It looks like a pissed off Bern Bot based solely on the targets.

Just a theory. Speculating here.

Carry on.
Yeah, it couldn't possibly be a Trumpie, right?

After all, Trump is the one who has bashed CNN, Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas non-stop for the past two years. So it couldn't possibly be one of his cult followers.

Trump supporters haven't resorted to violence or the mob action...






They aren't Trump supporters and it was one guy spooked by the crowd. national socialists are left wingers...not American much as you want them to be, they belong to you and your are all racists, you just focus on different skin colors for your hate.
Look at your excuses. :777:
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

This false flag and deep state horseshit that is being bandied about is irresponsible , dangerous and just adds to the divisiveness. Instead, everyone should be pulling together in order to find the perpetrator.

And, it need not be any sort of " network " One or a few people could have easily done this. Remember the Unibomber?

As for motive, the most probable one is that an unstable and not to bright person or persons are responding to Trumps inflammatory rhetoric and opprobrious lies about such things as the press being the enemy of the people. He needs to keep his fat mouth closed.
Could be, Democrats are known for feigning attacks. They've been busted on numerous occasions.
Oh really Bubba?
Now you're questioning obvious facts? That isnt a very effective debate tool since all it takes is for someone to start posting links to the MANY democrat hoaxes over the past few years to crush your illconceived position.
Bring it on. I'll be looking forward to a good laugh at you expense.
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

No it doesn't. A man in a cabin with no running water, electricity, internet, and using a type writer did it before.
Why would you think I have an issue with blind people? Don’t go all snowflake on me now. Rise above

Well you seem to feel a blind guy throwing darts is clueless. Perhaps you should read some of your own posts....dumbass.
No a blind guy throwing darts goes to accuracy because the guy I was responding to constantly makes wrong assertions and is completely off the mark. Then I called him clueless. Sad I have to explain this to you. If I hurt your feelings with the comment I’ll apologize and say it was in poor taste. I somehow doubt that you were much offended though. Just trying to make me look bad with off topic insults like usual.

Really!? Certainly doesn't look or read like an apology. As far as trying to make you look bad, when you make comments like that, who needs to try.
Did I hurt your feelings?

Then I guess I don’t need to apologize
Could be, Democrats are known for feigning attacks. They've been busted on numerous occasions.
Oh really Bubba?
Now you're questioning obvious facts? That isnt a very effective debate tool since all it takes is for someone to start posting links to the MANY democrat hoaxes over the past few years to crush your illconceived position.
Bring it on. I'll be looking forward to a good laugh at you expense.
Let's start with these, Chuckles.

Post-Election "Racism" Hoaxes
I voted yes ....I mean this is the most ridiculous false flag committed by the desperate DemonRats ever!

What a bunch of !@#$%^^&* :cuckoo:
We already have certain facts:

1: Multiple bombs in multiple nationally distant locations...
Actually, four bombs in locations within a day's drive from each other.

, therefore, there exists a network of intelligent sane people who worked in concert to deliver them.
Not a fact. Just something you pulled from your ass. This could have been done by a single person, easily. See map below.

2: No group of sane and intelligent people would do this do begin with prior to the midterms against candidates who aren't running.
Another assumption pulled from your ass.

3: If such an intelligent and sane group actually did exist, they would not have succeeded in every single task required to deliver the bombs, only to have each and every one of the bombs fail to detonate.
Another assumption pulled from your ass which ignores the fact the bombs were detected before they were detonated.

Gee, no facts in your "certain facts" post! How about that!


And it took the authorities four days to find each of these locations? So the other three packages just sat there unattended and unopened and unnoticed until the last one was planted?

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