Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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It could be an idiot who happens to support Trump and thinks he/she is helping the cause.

No Trumpster with an IQ over 100 would see this development as a positive, but every side has dumb fucks. You never know.

Are there any Trumpsters with an IQ over 100? Sure not any on this board
My IQ is 131 and I voted for Trump. I am an unrepentant Republican and proud of it. I will vote Trump again in 2020.
There has to be someone living in their mom's basement with their finger up their nose writing these dull-witted memes.
It could be an idiot who happens to support Trump and thinks he/she is helping the cause.

No Trumpster with an IQ over 100 would see this development as a positive, but every side has dumb fucks. You never know.

Are there any Trumpsters with an IQ over 100? Sure not any on this board
My IQ is 131 and I voted for Trump. I am an unrepentant Republican and proud of it. I will vote Trump again in 2020.

But of course it is!
Pro-Trump Pundits Claim Without Evidence That Mailed Explosives Are ‘False Flag’

Instead of condemning the explosive devices sent to former presidents and journalists, some pro-Trump pundits are convinced Democrats planted them.

It didn’t take long after apparent mail bombs were sent to two former U.S. presidents and a building full of journalists for the MAGA-worshipping sect of the internet to scream “false flag.”


NaziCons don't need evidence. They just make vile shit up - and spread it.
Shee-it! Why wait fer facts? Letz make sum shit up and call it good! Letz go on and on fer hours until we bleev our own bullshit!

And then iffen the mad bomber turns out ta be sump'n diffrint, we kin just call dat FAKE NEWS!

Dat's how this shit works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeel!
Liberals always wait for facts right? lol! This BS was predicted to drop right before the elections.


Deep state rolls out staged "bomb" attack on CNN headquarters, just as Mike Adams and Alex Jones publicly predicted on multiple video broadcasts

Now lie and troll some more.

Of course, the actual prediction appears to have been of a mass shooting. It was also predicted that Alex Jones would be blamed. "As I explain in this video, the most likely false flag assault to be staged by the Left might be a “mass shooting” at CNN or another media giant, all staged with impressive theatrics to augment the real violence with a false narrative."
Censorship PURGE points to imminent false flag violence before mid-term elections... bigger than 9/11?

So it was not a mass shooting, as yet I've seen no evidence this was a false flag (although I'm not claiming it couldn't have been), has Alex Jones been blamed for it?
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

This false flag and deep state horseshit that is being bandied about is irresponsible , dangerous and just adds to the divisiveness. Instead, everyone should be pulling together in order to find the perpetrator.

And, it need not be any sort of " network " One or a few people could have easily done this. Remember the Unibomber?

As for motive, the most probable one is that an unstable and not to bright person or persons are responding to Trumps inflammatory rhetoric and opprobrious lies about such things as the press being the enemy of the people. He needs to keep his fat mouth closed.
I love how this is divisive and dangerous yet we don't know who did it yet. On the other hand...

Get in their faces
Kick them
No civility until we are back in power
Shootings at baseball practice
Antifa hitting people with...pretty much anything they can
Harassment in restaurants
Harassment anywhere they go
Calling voters racist for two years
Calling them white nationalists
Women that voted for Trump are for the patriarchy
Made up rape allegations
False russian bullshit

All of that is fine. But we sure don't like it when we get fake bombs sent to us. No sirree we need to stop this shit.

I was concerned until the list got longer and the people they were sent to became less relevant. Who the hell would send a bomb to Brennan? And then I realized even if it is someone on our side now is when we should all become concerned? After the lefts antics over the last two years? I guarantee if these bombs went to Republicans the left would be telling us there's no mob, no violence and no reason to condemn any one party over it.
When was it been determined these were actual explosive devices?

The trinket I saw on the boob tube looked hoaxish to me.
The press said that.
Now they're suddenly "potential bombs" or "suspicious packages".

It's a scam, of course.
Idiot democrat trolls all over decided to be afraid, and called their fuck buddies in the press to stir up trouble.
Why did Crooked Hillary and her DNC minions politicize this? Bad enough she comes out today after finding out all glamoured up politicizing this not knowing who could have mailed these. Not to mention about the grandstanding that's been happening like from Cuomo.
This is almost the exact duplicate of another thread. It is obvious that Trumpees get their thread material from the same source: The Acme School for the Slow Witted.
Shee-it! Why wait fer facts? Letz make sum shit up and call it good! Letz go on and on fer hours until we bleev our own bullshit!

And then iffen the mad bomber turns out ta be sump'n diffrint, we kin just call dat FAKE NEWS!

Dat's how this shit works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeel!
Liberals always wait for facts right? lol! This BS was predicted to drop right before the elections.


Deep state rolls out staged "bomb" attack on CNN headquarters, just as Mike Adams and Alex Jones publicly predicted on multiple video broadcasts

Now lie and troll some more.

Of course, the actual prediction appears to have been of a mass shooting. It was also predicted that Alex Jones would be blamed. "As I explain in this video, the most likely false flag assault to be staged by the Left might be a “mass shooting” at CNN or another media giant, all staged with impressive theatrics to augment the real violence with a false narrative."
Censorship PURGE points to imminent false flag violence before mid-term elections... bigger than 9/11?

So it was not a mass shooting, as yet I've seen no evidence this was a false flag (although I'm not claiming it couldn't have been), has Alex Jones been blamed for it?
Dude, you aren't playing fair. When a huckster makes a shitload of predictions, you are only supposed to remember the hits and forget all the misses.

Get on board, or you will be accused of being George Soros.
Why did Crooked Hillary and her DNC minions politicize this?
Yeah. Because if Trump had gotten a package, he would not have made a big noise about it.

Nuh uh. No way.

And Sean Hannity would have yawned and just ignored it.

What do you want to bet that the perp will be a damn untraceable ghost for 13 days?

Despite being sloppy as fuck, sending these fake bombs in obviously suspicious packaging, the retard who made these "devices" will be Black Ops enough to evade the best intelligence and investigative communities in the motherfucking world...for 13 fucking days.



"Convenient" doesn't even come close to stating the level of fortuity at play here.


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