Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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Could be, Democrats are known for feigning attacks. They've been busted on numerous occasions.
Oh really Bubba?
Now you're questioning obvious facts? That isnt a very effective debate tool since all it takes is for someone to start posting links to the MANY democrat hoaxes over the past few years to crush your illconceived position.
Bring it on. I'll be looking forward to a good laugh at you expense.
Well the Russian hoax comes to mind. I am sure you forgot that one. Completely manufactured false claims by the Dems.
Why did Crooked Hillary and her DNC minions politicize this?
Yeah. Because if Trump had gotten a package, he would not have made a big noise about it.

Nuh uh. No way.

And Sean Hannity would have yawned and just ignored it.

This is where you're grasping for straws cause the desperation reeks. Still no clear motives, not clear if all the packages were bombs. It all could just be a giant hoax. Like your Trump Russia hoax obsession.
This is almost the exact duplicate of another thread. It is obvious that Trumpees get their thread material from the same source: The Acme School for the Slow Witted.

As opposed to loons using sites like Daily Kook non stop?
Could be, Democrats are known for feigning attacks. They've been busted on numerous occasions.
Oh really Bubba?
Now you're questioning obvious facts? That isnt a very effective debate tool since all it takes is for someone to start posting links to the MANY democrat hoaxes over the past few years to crush your illconceived position.
Bring it on. I'll be looking forward to a good laugh at you expense.
Well the Russian hoax comes to mind. I am sure you forgot that one. Completely manufactured false claims by the Dems.

Why would the dems finger point right away too. When it's not clear who conspired this. Especially after calling for unrest, riots, and everything Maxine Waters said.
Why did Crooked Hillary and her DNC minions politicize this?
Yeah. Because if Trump had gotten a package, he would not have made a big noise about it.

Nuh uh. No way.

And Sean Hannity would have yawned and just ignored it.

This is where you're grasping for straws cause the desperation reeks. Still no clear motives, not clear if all the packages were bombs. It all could just be a giant hoax. Like your Trump Russia hoax obsession.
Yeah, Trump always waits for facts before shooting off his tweets. If he had gotten a package, he'd be still waiting for facts and wouldn't be tweeting his ass off about mid terms and bombs...

Yep. Sure.
This is the funniest part of that article.

Democratic leaders in Congress say President Donald Trump's words condemning violence "ring hollow" until he stops talking and acting in ways that divide Americans.

Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi say in a joint statement that Trump has "condoned physical violence and divided Americans with his words and actions."

The Democrats list Trump's backing of a GOP congressman who "body-slammed" a reporter, his relationships with dictators and his handling of a neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville as examples of statements he should take back.

After two years of democrats not condemning any violence from their side but actively encouraging it they suddenly in the last eight hours are getting all upset over this violence shit. Fuck off.
POTUS apologists are completely out of their gourds condoning bombing political opponents. Incredulous that the Orange Steatorrhoea in the Oval Office has brought you to this place in time.
Who is condoning bombing?
it's that whole "make this fit my agenda" bullshit extremists on both sides love to do. funny how he says the other side is out of their gord and then he goes into "orange steatorrhoea" crap.
The OP is about bombing political opponents and you take issue with me calling POTUS a premed school student derisive. That's just classic shit on USMB.
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.
Someone better check on Strok.
Why did Crooked Hillary and her DNC minions politicize this?
Yeah. Because if Trump had gotten a package, he would not have made a big noise about it.

Nuh uh. No way.

And Sean Hannity would have yawned and just ignored it.

This is where you're grasping for straws cause the desperation reeks. Still no clear motives, not clear if all the packages were bombs. It all could just be a giant hoax. Like your Trump Russia hoax obsession.
Yeah, Trump always waits for facts before shooting off his tweets. If he had gotten a package, he'd be still waiting for facts and wouldn't be tweeting his ass off about mid terms and bombs...

Yep. Sure.
If Trump had got one you'd be explaining how he deserved it. Again, fuck off with your bullshit.

FAKE allegations against Trump
FAKE Allegations against Kavanaugh
FAKE refugee caravans paid for by DEMS to get VOTERS

It is the GOP of today
Deny, deny, deny

Then blame the opposition for faking it
If no bombs exploded, it's a false flag. This isn't rocket surgery.

What people have organized networks that can deliver things (like protesters) Nationwide simultaneously?

Therein is the answer.
Why did Crooked Hillary and her DNC minions politicize this?
Yeah. Because if Trump had gotten a package, he would not have made a big noise about it.

Nuh uh. No way.

And Sean Hannity would have yawned and just ignored it.

This is where you're grasping for straws cause the desperation reeks. Still no clear motives, not clear if all the packages were bombs. It all could just be a giant hoax. Like your Trump Russia hoax obsession.
Yeah, Trump always waits for facts before shooting off his tweets. If he had gotten a package, he'd be still waiting for facts and wouldn't be tweeting his ass off about mid terms and bombs...

Yep. Sure.
How many Republican mobs have attacked people at downtown intersections?
It has been a long time coming

All anyone has to do is watch the rhetoric of the Rightwing media

Owbama, Hilary, Soros, CNN, Waserman Schultz

Then see who they tried to bomb
Why did Crooked Hillary and her DNC minions politicize this?
Yeah. Because if Trump had gotten a package, he would not have made a big noise about it.

Nuh uh. No way.

And Sean Hannity would have yawned and just ignored it.

This is where you're grasping for straws cause the desperation reeks. Still no clear motives, not clear if all the packages were bombs. It all could just be a giant hoax. Like your Trump Russia hoax obsession.
Yeah, Trump always waits for facts before shooting off his tweets. If he had gotten a package, he'd be still waiting for facts and wouldn't be tweeting his ass off about mid terms and bombs...

Yep. Sure.
Your gaslight is getting old. How ironic Crooked Hillary politicizes it. Especially after one of her supporters shot up congressmen at the baseball field.
Typical of the apologists for the violent Russian/Trumpublican inspired White Nationalist movement. Get use to it, they will not concede power in the upcoming election with out violence.

Geez, from what I have been seeing on the internet and TV is that it is the commie Antifa red guard goons that are committing all the violence against Trump supporters and the people who work for Trump in his cabinet. Americans more than ever needs to start thinking about and supporting "nationalism" or else. There is nothing wrong with anyone calling themselves a "nationalist". Globalism has destroyed countries. A nationalist will save their country. It was great to hear Trump say that he is a "nationalist". Long overdue. :5_1_12024:
You obviously don’t understand how the term nationalism is understood in this world. Do yourself a favor and check out Trumps buddy Scaramucci’s interview with Cuomo from last night. He explains it very well.

Look up the meaning of "nationalist". But the alt left liberal/dumbocrats want to associate that word with the KKK. The lefty liberal fake news is now going ballistic over the word "nationalist". They will say anything to get dummies to listen too them. Trump is not a globalist/communist. Trump is a nationalist and the word nationalist scares the shit out of the commie dumbocrats. :boo_hoo14: Just saying.

Whatever Trump is it is NOT a nationalist. Not an American nationalist at least. He’s very much a Russian nationalist since all of his foreign policy is destroying American international relations in ways that benefit Vladimir Putin and Xi.

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