Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

  • Total voters
So far, Republican Terrorists have sent bombs to:

President Obama
HIllary Clinton
George Soros

How low can Republicans sink?

Odd targets. Holder, DW Schultz, and NYC Cuomo. The media and liberals are already twisting this to attack TRUMP. Sorry the whole thing comes across as an over the top, jump the shark terrorist hoax.

Its SOOOOOO OBVIOUS this is a HOAX......

Most people who do stuff like this.....usually have a local target.....and then maybe target a politician they also have a beef with.

The targets are too obvious, the timing is suspect, and it is coordinated with The Caravan, the Midterms, and is a desperate act of a party that feels they are about to go extinct unless they flood the country with illegals and give them the right to vote.

This was an organized Hoax, just like The Russia Hoax where Millions of Dollars were spent to orchestrate a false narrative, file false affidavits, submit false testimony, and then have MULTIPLE CORRUPT operatives in The FBI and DOJ carry out Clinton and Obama's orders to go after President Trump, his family and his staff.

When you are willing to collude with Putin, sell him our Uranium and Illegally launder money to Putin to purchase propaganda, and then lie under oath, destroy evidence, violate federal court orders and have your cronies cover up your crimes, THAT PARTY, THE DNC is capable of doing anything.

It's a modern day Mafia operation with The Democrat Party. They are in FACT an Organized Crime Operation.
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Hillary Rotten Clinton
Wow, you are following the advise of Clinton now? Really? How embarassing for you
No, How Embarrassing For You Being a Beta Male, and lapping up whatever drivel the left feeds you.

BTW, that's a TAT.

You TIT.

You are welcome.
I’m not lapping up anything. All I’ve done is make fun of your idiocracy. Quoting Clinton to make a point?! Haha what a joke

You aren't very good at making fun of anyone or anything, Sir Tit.

Idiocracy is so 2006.

You are 12 years out of your party...which is 100 years out of touch.
I don’t have a party you dimwit. You’re like a blind guy throwing darts. Clueless

Ok, you have an issue with blind people...good to know.
I guess some folks are taking Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and Barak Obama seriously when they urge their Cult Members and any other loon listening to Use Violence to gain political power.

They are so desperate in fact, I believe they'd actually resort to placing Fake Bombs in their own mailboxes in the hopes of gaining some political and sympathetic leverage to stem the tide of the Red Wave that is about to Drown Their Marxist Hope And Dreams.

The Dems Faked The Russian Hoax. They Even Filed False Affidavits in The FISA Court. They stole Debate Questions, Rigged their Primaries, and are even funding a FAKE Carravan all neatly timed to make headlines just a couple weeks before The Mid Terms. They FAKED Sexual Assault Allegations against a SCOTUS Judge.

They Accused him of being a SEX, DRUGS AND RAPE & ROLL KING PING at Age 17. LMFAO. Their Champion, Spaghetti Avenatti, Cost Stormy Daniels, who has seen more Cocks than a Chicken Ranch, Public Humiliation, The Loss of Millions, and The Angst of having to pay Donald Trump's Legal Fees for her False Allegations, and now finds himself owing Millions in Taxes, Millions in Restitution to his former attorneys in his Law Firm, and just Got Evicted from His Office.

Maybe he can find a job as an Ambulance Driver since he wasn't very good at chasing them?

This is the way all Wicked Plots should end up....with The Dems Eating Crow, Paying for their Lies and suffering Financial and Political Damages.

False Flag? Bomb Detonated Outside Soros’ Home – Infowars Live Coverage

Avenatti's bad day: Evicted from office, ordered to pay $4.85M to former employee

The Secret Service Just Released a Photo of "The Device"

Nothing to worry about. It's just a clock.


InfoWars is your source?
The same InfoWars that has been banned on Facebook and Twitter for inciting lies and fake news?
What kind of fucking idiot are you?
A pretty big fucking idiot given that Infowars, among other brain damaged positions, is a conspiracy laden site that disputes whether Sandy Hook really happened.
What's it feel like for you idiots to lose another 2 million votes over this latest fraud? lol
Could be a Democrat-False Flag event. Wouldn't surprise me. Democrats have been caught feigning attacks on numerous occasions. This is their big chance to play the 'Victim' before the Midterms.

But i think most Americans understand that it's the Democrats who've been inciting violence since Election Day. They've created this very dangerous environment.
I did look it up, did you watch that interview?

Clarify. What interview?

I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.

Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?


Hillary Rotten Clinton

Tree's really are dumb aren't they? Can't even get a half a quote right.
The Russian excuse for losing elections has fizzled so they have moved to “we can’t win elections because conservatives are trying to blow us up”
The OP shows his/her ignorance. There is not information whatsoever as to who is responsible for this mess. I'm watching this on several TV channels. The OP has a record of making claims about things that s/he could actually have no information about.
The OP shows his/her ignorance. There is not information whatsoever as to who is responsible for this mess. I'm watching this on several TV channels. The OP has a record of making claims about things that s/he could actually have no information about.

He's not ignorant, he's a damn liar, possibly in the employ of Russia.
Typical of the apologists for the violent Russian/Trumpublican inspired White Nationalist movement. Get use to it, they will not concede power in the upcoming election with out violence.
The idiot who did this is not helping with the "Republican" cause.

He/she was either a Dem operative with connections or a motherfucking idiot, or both.

There are no Republicans left in American politics. They've been replace by Putin's Trumpybear and the Trumpublicans.

Hopefully whoever did this was stupid and left behind evidence.
Hopefully, the best people are on this right now.

I will speak honestly....if we find out that this was some moron on the Left.....I will be absolutely LIVID!!!!

I agree, whoever did it needs to face the full punishment of the law.

Hillary Rotten Clinton
Wow, you are following the advise of Clinton now? Really? How embarassing for you
No, How Embarrassing For You Being a Beta Male, and lapping up whatever drivel the left feeds you.

BTW, that's a TAT.

You TIT.

You are welcome.
I’m not lapping up anything. All I’ve done is make fun of your idiocracy. Quoting Clinton to make a point?! Haha what a joke

You aren't very good at making fun of anyone or anything, Sir Tit.

Idiocracy is so 2006.

You are 12 years out of your party...which is 100 years out of touch.
I don’t have a party you dimwit. You’re like a blind guy throwing darts. Clueless

No party would have you sir Tit. You'd bore the sox off of people with your message of DOPE AND NO CHANGE.
Republicans celebrate terrorist marches in Virginia

They celebrate the torture and killing of journalists

Now they plan to bomb key democrats
Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?


Hillary Rotten Clinton
Wow, you are following the advise of Clinton now? Really? How embarassing for you
No, How Embarrassing For You Being a Beta Male, and lapping up whatever drivel the left feeds you.

BTW, that's a TAT.

You TIT.

You are welcome.
I’m not lapping up anything. All I’ve done is make fun of your idiocracy. Quoting Clinton to make a point?! Haha what a joke

You aren't very good at making fun of anyone or anything, Sir Tit.

Idiocracy is so 2006.

You are 12 years out of your party...which is 100 years out of touch.
shit man, they're trying to take us back to medieval times, that's much longer than 100 years back.
why do people have to "pre-blame"? maybe the dems are doing it, maybe not. maybe it's the russians. i'm all for getting mad at those who do it but i'll wait and find out who that is vs. make it fit my own "agenda" of who i'd like it to be.


(Hey, I learned all this pre-blaming directly FROM DEMOCRATS)
Did they give Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt?

Apparently, they get REALLY triggered if someone uses their own tactics against them. ;)
however, if you gave them shit for being stupid, their being stupid doesn't mean it's ok to now be stupid yourself.

you'd think we'd know to NOT do the things we bitch at others for doing by now.
Occam's Razor says the pipe bombs are the Dems "October Surprise" to sway the election.
In what way do you think pipe bombs sway a midterm election?

The Progs have seen enthusiasm wane in the aftermath of their epic fail in attacking Kavanaugh, while conservative enthusiasm has increased. Desperate loons do desperate loony things. The Progs have a habit of using violence and the threat of violence. The bombs are consistent with that.
Where are you getting those stats from? Dem enthusiasm has and still is at all time highs. The Kav situation may have bumped Rep enthusiasm. I’m still not seeing how a pipe bomb sways anything?
Dems are only enthusiastic about trans-gender perverts reading "My Two Daddies" to 6 year old kids.
Occam's Razor says the pipe bombs are the Dems "October Surprise" to sway the election.
In what way do you think pipe bombs sway a midterm election?

The Progs have seen enthusiasm wane in the aftermath of their epic fail in attacking Kavanaugh, while conservative enthusiasm has increased. Desperate loons do desperate loony things. The Progs have a habit of using violence and the threat of violence. The bombs are consistent with that.
Where are you getting those stats from? Dem enthusiasm has and still is at all time highs. The Kav situation may have bumped Rep enthusiasm. I’m still not seeing how a pipe bomb sways anything?
let's see the numbers.

Hillary Rotten Clinton
Wow, you are following the advise of Clinton now? Really? How embarassing for you
No, How Embarrassing For You Being a Beta Male, and lapping up whatever drivel the left feeds you.

BTW, that's a TAT.

You TIT.

You are welcome.
I’m not lapping up anything. All I’ve done is make fun of your idiocracy. Quoting Clinton to make a point?! Haha what a joke

You aren't very good at making fun of anyone or anything, Sir Tit.

Idiocracy is so 2006.

You are 12 years out of your party...which is 100 years out of touch.
I don’t have a party you dimwit. You’re like a blind guy throwing darts. Clueless
seems you are a leftist. didn't say party.
Wow, you are following the advise of Clinton now? Really? How embarassing for you
No, How Embarrassing For You Being a Beta Male, and lapping up whatever drivel the left feeds you.

BTW, that's a TAT.

You TIT.

You are welcome.
I’m not lapping up anything. All I’ve done is make fun of your idiocracy. Quoting Clinton to make a point?! Haha what a joke

You aren't very good at making fun of anyone or anything, Sir Tit.

Idiocracy is so 2006.

You are 12 years out of your party...which is 100 years out of touch.
I don’t have a party you dimwit. You’re like a blind guy throwing darts. Clueless
seems you are a leftist. didn't say party.
A real leftist has no party, and has no country. He only has his agenda, and his globalism.
So far, Republican Terrorists have sent bombs to:

President Obama
HIllary Clinton
George Soros

How low can Republicans sink?

Odd targets. Holder, DW Schultz, and NYC Cuomo. The media and liberals are already twisting this to attack TRUMP. Sorry the whole thing comes across as an over the top, jump the shark terrorist hoax.

Its actually quite funny.

I wouldn't say funny, but it's telling that none of the devices actually went off and they all are received near the same time.
Wow, you are following the advise of Clinton now? Really? How embarassing for you
No, How Embarrassing For You Being a Beta Male, and lapping up whatever drivel the left feeds you.

BTW, that's a TAT.

You TIT.

You are welcome.
I’m not lapping up anything. All I’ve done is make fun of your idiocracy. Quoting Clinton to make a point?! Haha what a joke

You aren't very good at making fun of anyone or anything, Sir Tit.

Idiocracy is so 2006.

You are 12 years out of your party...which is 100 years out of touch.
I don’t have a party you dimwit. You’re like a blind guy throwing darts. Clueless
seems you are a leftist. didn't say party.

A blind guy throwing darts wouldn't be clueless, he'd be sightless, like The Left is.

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