Despite already admitting it was real, Trump now says the Access Hollywood tape was fake

This is the equivalence of the Kennedy family releasing a statement that the Bay of Pigs never happened and expects everyone to believe it.

That trump thinks America might believe his latest hallucination speaks loudly of how far off the rails he has gone.
What about Al Frankin and John Conyers? Wouldn't it be "reasonable" for democrats to get rid of those two perverts before attacking the President?

Whataboutism makes a comeback....

Forget about our Pedophile and Sexual Assaulter, Franken almost touched her tits...

Another cocksucker pretending that consensual sexual contact is assault.

What a piece of shit you are.
It wasn’t consensual you liar. Read the reports. Not one was consensual. Not one.
He threw the People Magazine reporter up against the wall and was all over her.
12 women told their stories of what happened. He molested each one..

Unsupported accusations not discussed until political needed. Not credible.

But it is nice that you suddenly find such accusations important. Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick will be looking forward to your apologies. I assume you've already mailed them?
They didn’t come forward until trump painted them as star-struck groupies who wanted to be sexually assaulted.

And given trump’s confession, they are indeed credible.

Sure, these brave women, who were willing to deal with "death threats" for attacking a powerful political leaders, just supposedly let this "sexual assault" go unreported, supposedly putting other women at risk,

Very not brave of them. THey only became brave and concerned when the alleged danger arose.

Very strange. As I already pointed out.
Oh look. The Trumpies are so upset with this news they’re blaming me for reporting it.
How funny is that.
Further proof their propaganda media keeps them in the dark with important news.

I'm not upset, I find it telling that you people pretend there was a story to be had with someone discussing how women treat stars differently.
Yeah why would anyone get upset about a presidential candidate admitting to sexual assault. Silly people.

I already refuted that lie, remember when I schooled you on what "let" means?

That you keep going back to it, makes you a piece of shit liar.

You think you schooled someone with that??

Yes, I did. And your ridicule does not refute anything I said, and you think it does, just shows that you are a fool.
Believes 17 women lied about Trump.
Believes 9 women lied about Moore.
Probably believes Anita Hil lied about Clarence Thomas.
Anyone see a pattern here?
YOu mean the one where he talked about how women treat you differently when you are rich and famous?
Obviously you need a reminder. View attachment 162954

Yes, that one. "When you are a star, they let you do it."

Everyone sort of knows that, but it's interesting how rarely it is discussed.

I guess most stars like to pretend that it is about them, as persons, not their fame and fortune, that get them such star treatment.
That’s from the groper’s perspective, which may be true sometimes, but as some women claimed, that wasn’t the case when he purportedly groped them.

THey claim that now, years after the fact. Why not report sexual assault when it happened?

Funny. Don't they care about the other women that they were placing in danger?
Oh look. The Trumpies are so upset with this news they’re blaming me for reporting it.
How funny is that.
Further proof their propaganda media keeps them in the dark with important news.

I'm not upset, I find it telling that you people pretend there was a story to be had with someone discussing how women treat stars differently.
Yeah why would anyone get upset about a presidential candidate admitting to sexual assault. Silly people.

I already refuted that lie, remember when I schooled you on what "let" means?

That you keep going back to it, makes you a piece of shit liar.

You think you schooled someone with that??

Yes, I did. And your ridicule does not refute anything I said, and you think it does, just shows that you are a fool.

You think I’m the only one who noticed your “schooling” was a monumental fail?

Your Honor, I am innocent of murder, those people wanted to die. They let me run them over. ~ Sayfulla Saipov
This latest lapse of sanity from the pussygrabber just proves that when there is a serious crisis in this country no one will believe anything he says.

He’s the little boy that cried wolf.
YOu mean the one where he talked about how women treat you differently when you are rich and famous?
Obviously you need a reminder. View attachment 162954

Yes, that one. "When you are a star, they let you do it."

Everyone sort of knows that, but it's interesting how rarely it is discussed.

I guess most stars like to pretend that it is about them, as persons, not their fame and fortune, that get them such star treatment.
That’s from the groper’s perspective, which may be true sometimes, but as some women claimed, that wasn’t the case when he purportedly groped them.

THey claim that now, years after the fact. Why not report sexual assault when it happened?

Funny. Don't they care about the other women that they were placing in danger?
Women often don’t report being groped.

Here we had a case where the groper blamed the groped. Then they complained it wasn’t consensual like trump crudely made it appear.
We're supposed to take him seriously but not literally.

Or figuratively, but not substantially.

Or theoretically, but not tastefully.

Fuck it, who knows at this point.

Trump supporter, August, 2016: "I like him because he is so authentic and says what he thinks!"

Same Trump supporter, 6 seconds later: "You can't take him literally!"

So I hope nobody is operating under the delusion that any Trump supporter will give a shit that Trump is a freakish liar. The defense mechanism has been in place since before he was elected.
They just showed a video of trump saying, “ I said what was on that tape, it was wrong and I apologize.”

Now 12 months later, further down the road into his Alzheimer’s, he’s saying he never said those words to Billy Bush on the bus.

Just wow.
Oh look. The Trumpies are so upset with this news they’re blaming me for reporting it.
How funny is that.
Further proof their propaganda media keeps them in the dark with important news.

I'm not upset, I find it telling that you people pretend there was a story to be had with someone discussing how women treat stars differently.
Yeah why would anyone get upset about a presidential candidate admitting to sexual assault. Silly people.

I already refuted that lie, remember when I schooled you on what "let" means?

That you keep going back to it, makes you a piece of shit liar.

Trump saying that the women "let you do it" doesn't mean they consented to his groping no matter what you and Trump may think. If they consented to it, why did they try to stop him and push him away? In his mind he thinks they consented because he can't imagine why they wouldn't want him but the reality is that these women pushed him away and otherwise prevented him from assaulting them further. At least the ones who came forward did.
President Crazypants is now verifying he’s really not right in the head.

He really thinks people are stupid enough to believe his bullshit.
Oh wait, the deplorables will probably even buy this nonsense.

It’s pretty clear that Donald Trump doesn’t exist in the same reality as the rest of us, or at least he thinks he doesn’t, which is why he can declare that proven facts are “fake news,” why he thinks it’s anything but horrifically tacky to coat everything he owns in gold, and why he just generally seems like such a big fucking idiot. Recently, Trump has been making another attempt to drag us all down into his world, telling multiple people that the Access Hollywood tape—the one where he said “Grab them by the pussy”—isn’t real. Apparently, he told a senator earlier this year that it was fake, and he repeated that to an adviser at some point after that, suggesting that he’s trying to spread the lie—and it is a lie—that he never said “I moved on her like a bitch,” “I just start kissing them…I don’t even wait,” or any other highlights from the tape that got Billy Bush fired but had virtually no effect on Trump’s path to the White House.

Trump’s sudden decision to deny the authenticity of the tape was acknowledged in a larger New York Times piece about his wholly unsurprising decision to endorse accused pedophile and Republican senate candidate Roy Moore (apparently the Old Gray Lady took a break from Nazi puff pieces this weekend), with the paper correctly noting that Trump actually admitted the tape was real. Shortly after it came out last October, Trump dismissed the recording as “locker room banter” and apologized “if anyone was offended,” implying that he had no doubt that it was real.

The Times story doesn’t go into this topic any further, but it’s probably giving Trump far too much credit to assume that this rewriting of facts is a response to the movement to expose accused sexual harassers and predators in various fields. It seems much more likely that he’s such a narcissistic fiend that he has actually convinced himself the tape was fake, and he’s just adapting our reality to line up with the one that only exists in his head.

Right out of "1984"

Facts are what your leader tells you
I'm not upset, I find it telling that you people pretend there was a story to be had with someone discussing how women treat stars differently.
Yeah why would anyone get upset about a presidential candidate admitting to sexual assault. Silly people.

I already refuted that lie, remember when I schooled you on what "let" means?

That you keep going back to it, makes you a piece of shit liar.

You think you schooled someone with that??

Yes, I did. And your ridicule does not refute anything I said, and you think it does, just shows that you are a fool.
Believes 17 women lied about Trump.
Believes 9 women lied about Moore.
Probably believes Anita Hil lied about Clarence Thomas.
Anyone see a pattern here?
Yeah, typical conservative. Believes any accusation against a Democrat; denies every accusation against a Republican.
I'm not upset, I find it telling that you people pretend there was a story to be had with someone discussing how women treat stars differently.
Yeah why would anyone get upset about a presidential candidate admitting to sexual assault. Silly people.

I already refuted that lie, remember when I schooled you on what "let" means?

That you keep going back to it, makes you a piece of shit liar.

You think you schooled someone with that??

Yes, I did. And your ridicule does not refute anything I said, and you think it does, just shows that you are a fool.
Believes 17 women lied about Trump.
Believes 9 women lied about Moore.
Probably believes Anita Hil lied about Clarence Thomas.
Anyone see a pattern here?
Yes, he's being truthful!
We don’t nominate people with dementia or those who want to make this country a theocracy.
That’s purely a republican thang.

I don't give a flying fuck WHO you nominate.... you are going to get the same as you are giving to Trump and Pence. Mark my words.
Democrats didn’t collude with Russians nor nominate certifiably insane candidates WITH NO EXPERIENCE

YOur red baiting is noted and laughed at. YOur discussion of experience is dismissed considering Obama.
Obama had congressional experience. Trump’s experience consisted of defrauding small businessmen out of their life savings.
We’ve seen how incompetent this president is and how he’s not even interested in learning about the job.
We’ve seen his unhinged teenage like attacks on private citizens and everyone else that crosses him.
This latest boner of his just seals the deal of his unfitness to be prez.

Obama had zero executive experience and Trump had zero political experience.

YOu don't get to whine about lack of experience because you supported Obama.

I admitted that Trump's lack of experience was a valid issue.

YOur desire to have a republcian president just sit there while vile liars like you spew your vile shit, is denied.

Deal with it.

You Russian trolls have a LOT of gall calling anyone "vile liars". You colluded with that piece of shit who was elected, you lied on his behalf, and are continuing to do so. You have no morals whatsoever.

Forcibly shoved his tongue down her throat.

You conveniently left that part out.
Which is exactly what Trump did to 17 women.
He also grabbed their pussies just like he admitted in the AH tape.
12 came out publicly. 4 more didn’t give interviews and one woman confided to Mark Cuban trump molested her but didn’t want to be identified because of all the death threats the other women received by your kind..

Forcibly shoved his tongue down her throat.

You conveniently left that part out.
Which is exactly what Trump did to 17 women.
He also grabbed their pussies just like he admitted in the AH tape.
12 came out publicly. 4 more didn’t give interviews and one woman confided to Mark Cuban trump molested her but didn’t want to be identified because of all the death threats the other women received by your kind..

Mark who?

If there is any credibility to Trumps accusers, he deserves what he gets and the sooner Pence takes the reigns.
You don’t know who Mark Cuban is? Really?
Thanks for admitting how uninformed you are. Typical trump supporter.
He’s the owner of the Dallas Mavericks and a bonified billionaire unlike Trump. He’s also an honest man, unlike Trump.


Fish on!

Mark who?
He’s the billionaire strongly thinking of running for president in 2020.
Imagine the choice.
A lying, incompetent, unhinged president running for re-election with the lowest approval ratings in history against a respected successful brilliant billionaire who didn’t cheat his way to the top.
Tough choice for NO ONE.

Well, he's a pro abort.... so....
Mark who?

If there is any credibility to Trumps accusers, he deserves what he gets and the sooner Pence takes the reigns.
You don’t know who Mark Cuban is? Really?
Thanks for admitting how uninformed you are. Typical trump supporter.
He’s the owner of the Dallas Mavericks and a bonified billionaire unlike Trump. He’s also an honest man, unlike Trump.


Fish on!

Mark who?
He’s the billionaire strongly thinking of running for president in 2020.
Imagine the choice.
A lying, incompetent, unhinged president running for re-election with the lowest approval ratings in history against a respected successful brilliant billionaire who didn’t cheat his way to the top.
Tough choice for NO ONE.

Imagine that, somone told a billionaire what he wanted to hear about one of his political adversaries.

Color me surprised!
Trump is a pathological liar. Over 1700 documented lies yet you still believe everything he has. That says sooo much about you.
Mark Cuban is known for being a straight shooter. He’s an honest man.
You truly can’t relate.

Thank you snowflake, for showing how ignorant you are and how little you know about me. I don't "believe" anything that most ANY politician says from EITHER side of the isle. I don't trust ANY of them any further than I can spit.

That said, I prefer the liar that is Trump over a babykilling fucktard from the left on ANY given day.
Which is exactly what Trump did to 17 women.
He also grabbed their pussies just like he admitted in the AH tape.
12 came out publicly. 4 more didn’t give interviews and one woman confided to Mark Cuban trump molested her but didn’t want to be identified because of all the death threats the other women received by your kind..
Which is exactly what Trump did to 17 women.
He also grabbed their pussies just like he admitted in the AH tape.
12 came out publicly. 4 more didn’t give interviews and one woman confided to Mark Cuban trump molested her but didn’t want to be identified because of all the death threats the other women received by your kind..

Mark who?

If there is any credibility to Trumps accusers, he deserves what he gets and the sooner Pence takes the reigns.
You don’t know who Mark Cuban is? Really?
Thanks for admitting how uninformed you are. Typical trump supporter.
He’s the owner of the Dallas Mavericks and a bonified billionaire unlike Trump. He’s also an honest man, unlike Trump.


Fish on!

Mark who?
He’s the billionaire strongly thinking of running for president in 2020.
Imagine the choice.
A lying, incompetent, unhinged president running for re-election with the lowest approval ratings in history against a respected successful brilliant billionaire who didn’t cheat his way to the top.
Tough choice for NO ONE.

Well, he's a pro abort.... so....

Excellent point. The Jaysus crowd would vote for Satan, if he told them he would push for an abortion ban.
Mark who?

If there is any credibility to Trumps accusers, he deserves what he gets and the sooner Pence takes the reigns.
You don’t know who Mark Cuban is? Really?
Thanks for admitting how uninformed you are. Typical trump supporter.
He’s the owner of the Dallas Mavericks and a bonified billionaire unlike Trump. He’s also an honest man, unlike Trump.


Fish on!

Mark who?
He’s the billionaire strongly thinking of running for president in 2020.
Imagine the choice.
A lying, incompetent, unhinged president running for re-election with the lowest approval ratings in history against a respected successful brilliant billionaire who didn’t cheat his way to the top.
Tough choice for NO ONE.

Well, he's a pro abort.... so....

Excellent point. The Jaysus crowd would vote for Satan, if he told them he would push for an abortion ban.

One does have to wonder why conservatives are walking the leftardz talk about standing up for the rights of those who can't speak for or defend themselves.

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