Despite bogus court cases, Trump gaining support. Opposition is losing support

My credentials would put you to shame. I don't worship a political party like you do.
You have no credentials of worth here. I don't worship a party. I think both are at fault. Right now, the Dems are less dangerous than the Republicans, but they are capable of going authoritarian if they think that is the only way to keep the Rs from toppling the rule of law.
First off fucked for brains, last I checked it was Epsilon Plus Semi-Morons who shouted, "Jews will not replace us", which is ridiculous why would they want to.

Last time I checked my IQ, it was 135, enough to become a brain dead fuck wad lifer in the Army.

Grow the fuck up asshole.
I think you are lying. You state your IQ is 135 but you have the vocabulary of someone with 100 point lower IQ. Run along junior, your game is too transparent to be real.
I think you are lying. You state your IQ is 135 but you have the vocabulary of someone with 100 point lower IQ. Run along junior, your game is too transparent to be real.
You obviously don't understand what IQ is.

It is NOT being perfect, that's Number One. I have a high IQ but does that mean I'm going to write flawless posts and threads all the time?

No, intelligence just means an ability to learn and see connections between concepts and etc....
The indictments are debatedly political, which by itself is neither good nor bad.

What is bad for Trump is that all 91 are well sourced, evidenced, and formidable witnesses are ready to testify.
Come on know as well as I do that the indictments were completely political. As for the rest of your claims? "Well sourced, evidenced" cases with "formidable witnesses" are seldom reversed on appeal! My prediction is that ALL of the 91 indictments WILL be overturned on appeal! The only reason they've not been tossed out of court already is that you on the left cherry picked judges and jury pools. Unbiased judges will look at what's been done and put an end to all of the nonsense.
Trump is winning.

Biden is losing.

America is waking up to the bullshit coming out of the leftards.

Trump is winning?? He barely got 51% of the Republican vote tonight. 49% of the Republicans want someone else.
you have spent 7 years polishing the scrotum of a billionaire with a golden toilet.

But we used your tongue.

Sadly, everyone in Washington is filthy rich, but Trump is the ONLY one there that actually MADE his wealth himself instead of bilking the taxpayers of it.

Except the Bidens. Joe got most of his wealth from China, Ukraine, Romania, and Hunters democrat donor art friends.

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