Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

The photo of David Sanchez Morales (El Indio) taken by the water fountain is supposedly from 1946 in Germany. The 82nd Airborne was transferred to the American sector of Berlin where it remained stationed until returning to the U.S. on 3 Jan 1946. The date and location of the photo is yet to be verified. A search of German water fountains does not retrieve the location.
'Hoffa would be released -- but would be prohibited from holding any Teamster office until 1980, leaving Fitzsimmons in control. Hoffa was furious when he learned of the condition, but there was little he could do at the time. He would have to wait for any type of revenge until January 1974, when his tip to government investigators would drag the CIA-Mafia plots and the Kennedy assassination into the Watergate investigation.'
(Legacy of Secrecy, p. 713)

'The Argentines, pioneers in everything, were also pioneers in the establishment of an office of coordination of intelligence in the Southern Cone, for which they organized a meeting in Argentina and invited Columbians, Brazilians, Paraguayans, Uruguayans, and Chileans. This was apparently the first multilateral meeting to coordinate repression across borders held by the nascent Condor network, and it took place in Buenos Aires. This meeting has received relatively little attention from analysts, who usually highlight the official, formal meeting of Condor in Santiago on 1 Nov 1975. Therefore, the February 1974 meeting is of crucial importance. Even though Peru was not at the secret Nov 1975 meeting in Santiago de Chile, there is evidence of its involvement.'
(McSherry, Predatory States: Operation Condor and Covert War in Latin America)
''In Jul 1976, Pedro Espinoza, DINA operations chief and Condor commander, assigned Townley to coordinate the Letelier assassination and instructed him to recruit anti-Castro terrorists to carry out the actual murder....On 17 Jun 1976 Ferreira testified to a congressional subcommittee chaired by Donald Fraser. In a passionate speech, Ferreira argued that no terrorism of the left had occurred in 4 years and that "the only people who kidnap, torture and kill are the government....terror was aimed at the whole turned against any citizen who had ever had any link with worker's syndicates or trade unions and eventually against the entire population, just in case.
Ambassador Siracusa reacted with fury to Ferreira's testimony, only part of which is produced here. He particularly focused on Ferreira's assertion that Michelini and Gutierrez Ruiz has notified the Uruguayan regime, which then cancelled their passports....The embassy had found records showing that Siracusa had, in fact, spoken to officials of the Uruguayan regime in Ap 1975 about Michelini in the context of an invitation from Senator Edward Kennedy to Michelini to visit the U.S.'
(PS, op cit)
'In a 29 Sept 1975 meeting with Chilean military officials, Kissinger said, "Well, I have read the briefing paper for this meeting and it was nothing bu human rights. The State Department is made up of people who have an advocation for the ministry. Because there were not enough churches, they went into the Department of State.." Such messages from top U.S. officials made clear U.S. support for Pinochet's destruction of democracy and cruel repression in the name of anticommunism.
One secret memorandum to the acting director of the FBI from the legal attache of the U.S. Embassy in Bonn apparently drew on intelligence provided by the 66th Military Intelligence Group in Munich, about Terrugi's antiwar work. This memo requested a search of FBI files on Terrugi as well as on a group with which he was associated, the Chicago Group for the Liberation of the Americas. In their 30 Oct memo....the Chileans lumped them together as radicals.'
(McSherry, PS)
Deliriously, the Catholic schizoid splitting of church and state above, ends up with two theologians.
We can now introduce another name comparable to Lee Harvey Oswald's apparent use of the alias, Hiddel:

'One member of Austria's stay-behind network was a former nazi named Wilhelm Hoettl, who was recruited in 1947 by the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps. He said that the U.S. had recruited, trained, and supplied former SS personnel and neo-nazis to maintain arms caches and protect them from the Austrian police.'
(Predatory States)

David Sanchez Morales was also recruited to the CIA in 1947.
The pecking order was Bush, Shackley and Morales:

'Bush also made it clear to the U.S. Attorney General, Edward Levi, that he was reluctant to help the police with Rosselli's murder, claiming it was because of the CIA's "constraints on assistance to local law-enforcement authorities....and the [CIA] proscriptions on police functions." The police were asking for basic information that Bush refused to provide, such as the name of the head of the CIA's Miami station in 1963. That was Ted Shackley, then a high CIA official working for Bush, who thus refused to give Shackley's name to the police.'
(Legacy of Secrecy, p.741)
As an exercise, it would be interesting to track this DNA as close as possible to the Texas School Book Depository:

Wikitree: Mary Allen Byrd, b. Pocahontas County, Virginia.
There is a Tampa link to Odom:

Wikitree: ' William Eric Odom b. 15 Sept 1971 Tampa, Florida d. 13 Feb 2014 Steubenville, Ohio; mother and father unknown.'
Yahoo search 'Rebecca Mataoka Pocahontas Rolfe (born Powhatan) - Byrd Web' should retrieve the page managed by R. Byrd.
There is no doubt that Byrd DNA links to both Texas School Book Depository and to Pocahontas: John Allen Byrd b. 9 Aug 1866 d. 22 Nov 1937, Shreveport, Louisiana..
A link to Pocahontas, Virginia which is in Tazewell County, Virginia, is Adam McClintic Byrd, b. unknown d. Richland, Tazewell Co. Virginia, father John Thomas Byrd b. May 1828 Jackson River, Bath Co. Virginia d. 1912 Byrd's Nest, Bath Co. Virginia.

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