Despite Losing in MI, Hillary took 68 Delegates to Sanders 65

The horror. The party sees HRC as a better matchup against Trump than Bernie.
That they view Hillary as the beter candidate is not the issue here, Mein Herr.

IT is that the DNC is using such a plainly heavy handed approach to denying a democratic process to the members of the Democratic Party.
Yep, even though Bernie won more votes and took 50% of the vote to her 48%, Clinton still got 68 delegates and Bernie only got 65, wow.

Hillary Clinton candidate page

Doncha just love them Super Duper Delegates?

Nice if you hold the power.....
The DNC has rules that rig the primary in favor of the candidate they want on the ticket..
If the thing is already decided, why bother wasting time and money with a primary?
The DNC has rules that rig the primary in favor of the candidate they want on the ticket..
If the thing is already decided, why bother wasting time and money with a primary?
To maintain the facade of representing the will of the people.

This nations is sick to death of these lying bastards saying they will get us jobs while in reality they let corporations export jobs and import foreigners to take the few left here.

The nation is sick of illegal criminal aliens coming here and committing various crimes to only be sent back to Mexico and Mexico just lets them out to try again.

The nation is sick of broken promises like the border fence that was supposed to have been built after the previous amnesty in 1984.

The nation is sick to death of corporate lobbyists being the ones with the only access to Congressmen, and hav ing our elections flooded with corporate money.

We are sick and tired of the lies, the broken promises and the inability of these lying whores to FIX ONE GAD DAMNED THING!

IF Trump, Cruz and Sanders are all shut out of this election by corrupt politics, then it is time to burn this rotted structure to the ground and start over.
The horror. The party sees HRC as a better matchup against Trump than Bernie.
That they view Hillary as the beter candidate is not the issue here, Mein Herr.

IT is that the DNC is using such a plainly heavy handed approach to denying a democratic process to the members of the Democratic Party.
Mein whine,
Rules are rules for a reason. You may not like the reason. We are not a pure democracy, nor is the democratic (or republican) party.
sanders won 65 pledged delegates, clinton 58.
Look again, dude, and this time use your reading glasses, mmk?

Hillary Clinton candidate page

Do we all realize how big a lack of enthusiasm there is for a Hilly Presidency? Sanders has the young vote; ok, so what? Where are the Democrats supporting Hillary? The black vote is turning out, where is everyone else?

These leftists want all of us to believe they will appear when faced with a moderate Trump on everything but illegal immigration, that many on the left support also?
Who believes their tripe? They can't show ONE FACTUAL thing that has happened that points to this at all. It is all, "watch and see," "we are the greatest thing since sliced bread," etc.

I am just not buying their bull, not backed up by facts in evidence, but totally based on their opinion. Even their polls showing that Trump loses the popular vote in the election, have him ahead in Florida, Ohio, Colorado, and a virtual tie in Penn. So if she carries every vote in California, big, damn, deal! Their whole shtick revolves around them convincing you, the GOP candidate has no chance. Personally, I don't see it working this time, but one never knows with the arrogance of the left. Hell, they spew their nonsense so much, even they begin to believe it!
Welcome to what pissed us off in 2008 (those who were HRC supporters)....HRC won Texas and BHO won Idaho in the same week or so and Obama got something like twice as many delegates that week.

They all agreed to the rules going in.... most of the observers/supporters didn't know them though.
The process makes no sense.
I think of the voter. The frustration one must experience when they see their candidate of choice has won the popular vote, yet the convoluted rules the party has set up, essentially dismiss their vote.
Does it come as any surprise people have simply tuned out? Their though it that no matter what they do when they cast a ballot, it won't make any difference?
That to the chosen on goes the spoils?
I suppose you as a HRC true believer that she can do no wrong and is OWED the White House, see no problem with this.
If you had any credibility whatsoever, you'd object to this result and the manner in which the DNC has rigged the primary process.
Why isn't Hillary mopping the floor with Bernie he's sure no Obama not even close? Why does she have to cheat to win? Is she that pathetic of a candidate?
IF Trump, Cruz and Sanders are all shut out of this election by corrupt politics, then it is time to burn this rotted structure to the ground and start over.
I would love to be wrong about this, but I've pretty much decided that there are two huge groups standing in the way: Those who don't care enough to pay attention (but who can tell you all about Kim Kardashian's latest selfie) and those who are comfy with the status quo (but who say they want change).

There are some pretty obvious things that can be done to largely take corruption out of politics, but only if we really want to.
Welcome to what pissed us off in 2008 (those who were HRC supporters)....HRC won Texas and BHO won Idaho in the same week or so and Obama got something like twice as many delegates that week.

They all agreed to the rules going in.... most of the observers/supporters didn't know them though.
The process makes no sense.
I think of the voter. The frustration one must experience when they see their candidate of choice has won the popular vote, yet the convoluted rules the party has set up, essentially dismiss their vote.
Does it come as any surprise people have simply tuned out? Their though it that no matter what they do when they cast a ballot, it won't make any difference?
That to the chosen on goes the spoils?
I suppose you as a HRC true believer that she can do no wrong and is OWED the White House, see no problem with this.
If you had any credibility whatsoever, you'd object to this result and the manner in which the DNC has rigged the primary process.
who has won more votes, clinton or sanders?
Yep, even though Bernie won more votes and took 50% of the vote to her 48%, Clinton still got 68 delegates and Bernie only got 65, wow.

Hillary Clinton candidate page

Doncha just love them Super Duper Delegates?

Nice if you hold the power.....
Clearly you're ignorant of the fact that both major parties are private entities, not part of 'government,' at liberty to select their respective presidential nominees as they see fit.

Consequently the thread premise fails.
Nowhere in the OP is the government mentioned.
Now, apply your logic to the Electoral College members in those blue states that despite the GOP candidate winning an overwhelming majority of the voting precincts, must still cast their ballot for the popular vote winner that just happens to capture the urban precincts that are packed with democrat voters.
Be careful what you wish for
Mein whine,
Rules are rules for a reason. You may not like the reason. We are not a pure democracy, nor is the democratic (or republican) party.
Lol, so 'thats just the way it is?'

Dude YOU people dont run your own party and I highly suggest you TAKE IT BACK and stop making excuses for the whores that run it.
Yep, even though Bernie won more votes and took 50% of the vote to her 48%, Clinton still got 68 delegates and Bernie only got 65, wow.

Hillary Clinton candidate page

Doncha just love them Super Duper Delegates?

Nice if you hold the power.....
Clearly you're ignorant of the fact that both major parties are private entities, not part of 'government,' at liberty to select their respective presidential nominees as they see fit.

Consequently the thread premise fails.
Nowhere in the OP is the government mentioned.
Now, apply your logic to the Electoral College members in those blue states that despite the GOP candidate winning an overwhelming majority of the voting precincts, must still cast their ballot for the popular vote winner that just happens to capture the urban precincts that are packed with democrat voters.
Be careful what you wish for
Clayton snuck out of the attic again and is using his nieces computer downstairs.

Hopefully the senile old fool will be back in the attic soon.
No one understands the corrupt Democratic Party System. 'Coin Flips', 'Super Delegates?' Who knows? It's a mess.
Yep, even though Bernie won more votes and took 50% of the vote to her 48%, Clinton still got 68 delegates and Bernie only got 65, wow.

Hillary Clinton candidate page

Doncha just love them Super Duper Delegates?

Nice if you hold the power.....
The DNC has rules that rig the primary in favor of the candidate they want on the ticket..
If the thing is already decided, why bother wasting time and money with a primary?
Not true. If Bernie was not losing the popular vote ... even last night ... badly (
Why isn't Hillary mopping the floor with Bernie he's sure no Obama not even close? Why does she have to cheat to win? Is she that pathetic of a candidate?
More than 150K voters voted for Hill than Bernie yesterday ... out of
Mein whine,
Rules are rules for a reason. You may not like the reason. We are not a pure democracy, nor is the democratic (or republican) party.
Lol, so 'thats just the way it is?'

Dude YOU people dont run your own party and I highly suggest you TAKE IT BACK and stop making excuses for the whores that run it.
It's the way it is because the dems can't win without blacks and latinos and they don't really like Bernie. If he could win them, he'd have the superdelgates. And I really don't see the Asians on the west coast lining up for a self-described socialist. The democratic and republican parties are NOT pure democracies. If that bothers you, found a freaking party or move.
IF Trump, Cruz and Sanders are all shut out of this election by corrupt politics, then it is time to burn this rotted structure to the ground and start over.
I would love to be wrong about this, but I've pretty much decided that there are two huge groups standing in the way: Those who don't care enough to pay attention (but who can tell you all about Kim Kardashian's latest selfie) and those who are comfy with the status quo (but who say they want change).

There are some pretty obvious things that can be done to largely take corruption out of politics, but only if we really want to.
I got this....
One, change the rules for the Electoral College.
Dump the winner take all method. Instead EC votes are divided up in direct proportion to the number of voting precincts won by each candidate.
Or divide by house districts won. or by counties won....
Two....As part of their FCC licensing requirements, all TV and Radio stations MUST provide no cost air time for political advertising. This will be funded by the money now given to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. it is time to cut PBS loose.
What this meant to do is keep some of the money powerful political committees and other organizations from having as much influence as they do now.
Yep, even though Bernie won more votes and took 50% of the vote to her 48%, Clinton still got 68 delegates and Bernie only got 65, wow.

Hillary Clinton candidate page

Doncha just love them Super Duper Delegates?

Nice if you hold the power.....
The DNC has rules that rig the primary in favor of the candidate they want on the ticket..
If the thing is already decided, why bother wasting time and money with a primary?
Not true. If Bernie was not losing the popular vote ... even last night ... badly (
Why isn't Hillary mopping the floor with Bernie he's sure no Obama not even close? Why does she have to cheat to win? Is she that pathetic of a candidate?
More than 150K voters voted for Hill than Bernie yesterday ... out of
Mein whine,
Rules are rules for a reason. You may not like the reason. We are not a pure democracy, nor is the democratic (or republican) party.
Lol, so 'thats just the way it is?'

Dude YOU people dont run your own party and I highly suggest you TAKE IT BACK and stop making excuses for the whores that run it.
It's the way it is because the dems can't win without blacks and latinos and they don't really like Bernie. If he could win them, he'd have the superdelgates. And I really don't see the Asians on the west coast lining up for a self-described socialist. The democratic and republican parties are NOT pure democracies. If that bothers you, found a freaking party or move.
I read where Sanders had won the Michigan primary
One, change the rules for the Electoral College.
Dump the winner take all method. Instead EC votes are divided up in direct proportion to the number of voting precincts won by each candidate.
Or divide by house districts won. or by counties won....

I totally disagree. The EC has worked for over 200 years, lets not fix what isnt broken. The EC prevents stealing elections by corrupt political elections in a handful of cities and has served our Republic very well.

It also brings out more contrast in who is a clear winner. We dont need civil wars to settle contested elections.

Two....As part of their FCC licensing requirements, all TV and Radio stations MUST provide no cost air time for political advertising. This will be funded by the money now given to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. it is time to cut PBS loose.
What this meant to do is keep some of the money powerful political committees and other organizations from having as much influence as they do now.

I totally agree with this.
why do you republicans never bitch about the winner take all states on the republican side? sure, the democratic party has unpledged super-delegates that could slightly sway the delegate count for any given state, but in the republican primaries a candidate with 49.5% of the vote could walk away with nothing to show for it in some states and nearly half the delegates in others.
does that seem like a fair representation of the republican voters?
why do you republicans never bitch about the winner take all states on the republican side? sure, the democratic party has unpledged super-delegates that could slightly sway the delegate count for any given state, but in the republican primaries a candidate with 49.5% of the vote could walk away with nothing to show for it in some states and nearly half the delegates in others.
does that seem like a fair representation of the republican voters?
While I am not a Republican, the winner take all primaries are a way of contrasting the leaders from the also-rans, and though it is heavy handed, it at least is still DEMOCRATIC in nature.

This Super Delegate system is anti-democratic and elitist.

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