Despite the rise of RW extremism and its threat to democracy, theses seditious groups are clearly useless and cowardly

Moron BLM did not kill any cops. It was random black people. You just assume like a stupid Neanderthal that any black violence is automatically from BLM. It’s so stupid.

Antifa barely fucking does anything. It’s not even an organization. It’s just random people. Oh the horror they beat up a guy! They are terrorists! You are one serious drama queen Karen dude lol

2016 shooting of Dallas police officers

On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, shooting and killing five officers, and injuring nine others. Two civilians were also wounded. Johnson was an Army Reserve Afghan War veteran and was angry over police shootings of Black men. The shooting happened at the end of a protest against the police killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, which had occurred in the preceding days.
The perp claimed he was a member of BLM.
Moron BLM did not kill any cops. It was random black people.

It was DEMOCRATS, you dumb fucking asshole.

You just assume like a stupid Neanderthal that any black violence is automatically from BLM.

It's from DEMOCRATS, you dumb fucking asshole.

Antifa barely fucking does anything.

DEMOCRATS do it, you dumb fucking shit for brains asswipe.

It’s not even an organization. It’s just random people. Oh the horror they beat up a guy! They are terrorists!

Yes they are. And we will treat them as such.

Next time the DEMOCRATS sponsor nationwide riots, they can expect cracked heads and lots of blood

2016 shooting of Dallas police officers

On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, shooting and killing five officers, and injuring nine others. Two civilians were also wounded. Johnson was an Army Reserve Afghan War veteran and was angry over police shootings of Black men. The shooting happened at the end of a protest against the police killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, which had occurred in the preceding days.
The perp claimed he was a member of BLM.
Lol nice try moron the article does not say that. More importantly, there was no organized effort by BLM to do this.
It was DEMOCRATS, you dumb fucking asshole.

It's from DEMOCRATS, you dumb fucking asshole.

DEMOCRATS do it, you dumb fucking shit for brains asswipe.

Yes they are. And we will treat them as such.

Next time the DEMOCRATS sponsor nationwide riots, they can expect cracked heads and lots of blood
Hey moron, why are you sure they were DEMOCRATS? You don’t. You’re just an idiot.
Actually we will.

We will physically remove you from office if you won't leave.

You're toast, asshole. Out of power. Out of control.
Nah you’re all either too dumb and incompetent or completely full of shit. All talk and no walk.
BECAUSE I HAVE PROOF, you shit for brains leftard asswipe.

Says the fucked up little Stalinist pig.

Oink oink

But you're an EVIL FUCKING PIG, and this idiot is going to make sure you choke on your own slop
Lol oh you have proof! It’s always adorable when conservatives think they have proof!
Lol oh you have proof! It’s always adorable when conservatives think they have proof!

You are a stupid shit for brains leftard asswipe.

I'm not a conservative, dimwit.

Never said I was.

Not once.

But you stupid fucks have it all figured out, dontcha?

You, sir, are a dumb fucking moron
The Oath Keepers were actually waiting for Trump to “deputize” them before Jan 6 because they thought it would give them apparent legal authority to do a take over of the government. Obviously this is a ridiculous, illegitimate idea and they were all idiots.

Once Jan 6th came, they were completely useless to do anything to stop this certification and make Trump king for life. Gosh darn it why didn’t the supreme leader deputize them?! That’s what ruined it!!

It’s disturbing the amount seditious wannabes there are on the internet, but so far I don’t have any reason to fear them.

You people need the FUD of right wing extremism heading into the mid term elections. It’s all you got. Americans know left wing groups actually create volumes of violence when compared to right wing groups. How many businesses have right wing groups burnt and looted or how many innocent bystanding pedestrians and drivers have right wing groups beaten?
You are a stupid shit for brains leftard asswipe.

I'm not a conservative, dimwit.

Never said I was.

Not once.

But you stupid fucks have it all figured out, dontcha?

You, sir, are a dumb fucking moron
Oh so you’re a progressive?!

You are just TOO FUCKING STUPID to have a conversation with.

Me? A progtard? Do I smell like a progtard to you, Stalinist wide receiver?
You seem really confused right now. You okay?
Hahaha…you’ve obviously never been to ANY predominately black or brown community, city, state or nation…if you had you’d know you need whitey to feed you pet humans, to protect you from yourselves and to keep you civilized.
Bullshit, of course.
It was DEMOCRATS, you dumb fucking asshole.

It's from DEMOCRATS, you dumb fucking asshole.

DEMOCRATS do it, you dumb fucking shit for brains asswipe.

Yes they are. And we will treat them as such.

Next time the DEMOCRATS sponsor nationwide riots, they can expect cracked heads and lots of blood
The idiotic threats don't help. Stop giving violent democrats excuses for their behavior.

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