Despite the rise of RW extremism and its threat to democracy, theses seditious groups are clearly useless and cowardly

Damn op, I hate to bust your bubble but:

And yet, here the MAGAt-morons are.
Look Loon….just leave America the fuck alone and we’ll all learn to get along….keep fucking with it and find yourself in a concentration camp soon.
You pussies won’t do jack shit, shut up lol
The Oath Keepers were actually waiting for Trump to “deputize” them before Jan 6 because they thought it would give them apparent legal authority to do a take over of the government. Obviously this is a ridiculous, illegitimate idea and they were all idiots.

Once Jan 6th came, they were completely useless to do anything to stop this certification and make Trump king for life. Gosh darn it why didn’t the supreme leader deputize them?! That’s what ruined it!!

It’s disturbing the amount seditious wannabes there are on the internet, but so far I don’t have any reason to fear them.

In order to kill the monster you have to cut off it's head.

Coming soon!

"No," said Cohen. "He doesn't respect the process. This is the whole problem. This is a petulant child that you tell them, don't stick your finger into the electric socket. No, I can do it. I can do whatever I want. And he'll stick his finger and he'll get shocked like what's going on now. Subpoenas, lawsuits, etcetera. But at the end of the day it's not killing him. That's why I keep going back to the same thing. Let's stop the nonsense. Let's go after the low-hanging fruit. We already know he tax evaded. Enough. Why are we worried about this? Don't worry about murder, extortion — as they did with Capone, get him on tax evasion. Let's put this Mandarin Mussolini Menace behind bars, which is where he belongs."
Michael Cohen says going after Trump on tax charges would be the easiest route Michael Cohen says going after Trump on tax charges would be the easiest route
Don’t piss your pants… Close your eyes and imagine an America with no illegal wetbacks and no leftist filth… Imagine how awesome such a place would be.
If we got rid of racist losers like you, we'd be just fine.
Don’t piss your pants… Close your eyes and imagine an America with no illegal wetbacks and no leftist filth… Imagine how awesome such a place would be.
But we need the immigrants to purify the race and ultimately breed all the white redneck conservatives out of existence.

Imagine an America full of thoughtful, intelligent, black and brown-skinned citizens just too SMART to ever fall for shit like whitebread MAGAt hillbilly dogma.
The Oath Keepers were actually waiting for Trump to “deputize” them before Jan 6 because they thought it would give them apparent legal authority to do a take over of the government. Obviously this is a ridiculous, illegitimate idea and they were all idiots.

Once Jan 6th came, they were completely useless to do anything to stop this certification and make Trump king for life. Gosh darn it why didn’t the supreme leader deputize them?! That’s what ruined it!!

It’s disturbing the amount seditious wannabes there are on the internet, but so far I don’t have any reason to fear them.

So Antifa and BLM are useful and no threat to anyone?

Once again you only proved that you're an imbecile.
But we need the immigrants to purify the race and ultimately breed all the white redneck conservatives out of existence.

Imagine an America full of thoughtful, intelligent, black and brown-skinned citizens just too SMART to ever fall for shit like whitebread MAGAt hillbilly dogma.
No, they just fall for white supremacy, green energy and 58 genders.
The Oath Keepers were actually waiting for Trump to “deputize” them before Jan 6 because they thought it would give them apparent legal authority to do a take over of the government. Obviously this is a ridiculous, illegitimate idea and they were all idiots.

Once Jan 6th came, they were completely useless to do anything to stop this certification and make Trump king for life. Gosh darn it why didn’t the supreme leader deputize them?! That’s what ruined it!!

It’s disturbing the amount seditious wannabes there are on the internet, but so far I don’t have any reason to fear them.

That shit is all fabricated by a weaponized FBI and DOJ. Thread closed.
BLM has killed multiple cops, moron. Antifa has assaulted numerous people. Yeah, no threat to anyone.



Moron BLM did not kill any cops. It was random black people. You just assume like a stupid Neanderthal that any black violence is automatically from BLM. It’s so stupid.

Antifa barely fucking does anything. It’s not even an organization. It’s just random people. Oh the horror they beat up a guy! They are terrorists! You are one serious drama queen Karen dude lol
But we need the immigrants to purify the race and ultimately breed all the white redneck conservatives out of existence.

Imagine an America full of thoughtful, intelligent, black and brown-skinned citizens just too SMART to ever fall for shit like whitebread MAGAt hillbilly dogma.
Hahaha…you’ve obviously never been to ANY predominately black or brown community, city, state or nation…if you had you’d know you need whitey to feed you pet humans, to protect you from yourselves and to keep you civilized.

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