Despite the rise of RW extremism and its threat to democracy, theses seditious groups are clearly useless and cowardly

When, historically, the party not in power gets the power back in the midterms?

Already resigned to defeat ...

Your pathetic whataboutism bullshit won’t change your ilk’s stupidity. You want to talk about other shit? Make your own thread. I’ll even post in it.
The fact that your thread is a complete lie and providing the facts to show this is very much appropriate in this thread. You are pissed that the actual existing evidence overwhelms, totally destroys, your propaganda / lies.

You seem to want to post like a troll and squash any opposition so that your lies remain unchallenged.

The fact that your thread is a complete lie and providing the facts to show this is very much appropriate in this thread. You are pissed that the actual existing evidence overwhelms, totally destroys, your propaganda / lies.

You seem to want to post like a troll and squash any opposition so that your lies remain unchallenged.

Yeah, but he's an entertaining chew toy nonetheless. :laugh2:
The fact that your thread is a complete lie and providing the facts to show this is very much appropriate in this thread. You are pissed that the actual existing evidence overwhelms, totally destroys, your propaganda / lies.

You seem to want to post like a troll and squash any opposition so that your lies remain unchallenged.

Lol moron it wouldn’t matter if your irrelevant “facts” are true or not. My OP is still right either way.

Lol moron it wouldn’t matter if your irrelevant “facts” are true or not. My OP is still right either way.


Did you REALLY just say it does not matter if the facts I presented destroys your false narrative (which they do) because your 'OP is still right'?

Did you REALLY just say it does not matter if the facts I presented destroys your false narrative (which they do) because your 'OP is still right'?

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Lol dude you are so fucking stupid. Let me break down this to you: a “whataboutism” or a “red herring” is a logical fallacy. You are deflecting from the facts presented and pretending your shit counters mine when it obviously doesn’t. Even if your nonsense was 100% true, it wouldn’t somehow make my OP false.

Are you picking up on that? Do I need to dumb it down for you?
Yes, am right.

I was referring to you. It is clear that long ago, you cast off the melancholy burden of sanity.
Wait huh? Why were you referring to me if the Oath Keepers were the actual morons? Hmm. You’re gonna have to explain that one.
Lol dude you are so fucking stupid. Let me break down this to you: a “whataboutism” or a “red herring” is a logical fallacy. You are deflecting from the facts presented and pretending your shit counters mine when it obviously doesn’t. Even if your nonsense was 100% true, it wouldn’t somehow make my OP false.

Are you picking up on that? Do I need to dumb it down for you?
There is no 'whataboutism' here. You are referring to couter-narrative facts presented exposing your bullshit as a lie.

You made a declaration, a false one. You oppose facts being presented that debunk your false narrative. You can not expect to issue such a false statement and insist no one posts any facts that destroys your claims.

Actually, it seems you CAN try to do so in order for you to hold onto your delusion / lie....

I don't bame you, though. Being exposed as a propaganda-spreading troll seems to be extremely upsetying to you.
The Oath Keepers, like the militia group the FBI talked into participating in a Whittmer kidnapping, were infiltrated by and heavily influenced / manipulated by the FBI.

In the end, the FBI itself has been far more criminal and a bigger threat to this nation and its citizens than the Oath Keepers have been.
There is no 'whataboutism' here. You are referring to couter-narrative facts presented exposing your bullshit as a lie.

You made a declaration, a false one. You oppose facts being presented that debunk your false narrative. You can not expect to issue such a false statement and insist no one posts any facts that destroys your claims.

Actually, it seems you CAN try to do so in order for you to hold onto your delusion / lie....

I don't bame you, though. Being exposed as a propaganda-spreading troll seems to be extremely upsetying to you.
Lol okay let’s try this simpleton. Take one of your talking points and explain to me, specifically, how it counters a point I made. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
Lol okay let’s try this simpleton. Take one of your talking points and explain to me, specifically, how it counters a point I made. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
Now who is the idiot who needs / wants things explained to them in small words / concepts....?!

The Oath Keepers were actually waiting for Trump to “deputize” them before Jan 6 because they thought it would give them apparent legal authority to do a take over of the government. Obviously this is a ridiculous, illegitimate idea and they were all idiots.

Once Jan 6th came, they were completely useless to do anything to stop this certification and make Trump king for life. Gosh darn it why didn’t the supreme leader deputize them?! That’s what ruined it!!

It’s disturbing the amount seditious wannabes there are on the internet, but so far I don’t have any reason to fear them.

Despite the rise of RW extremism and its threat to democracy, theses seditious groups are clearly useless and cowardly​


Despite the rise of RW extremism and its threat to democracy, theses seditious groups are clearly useless and cowardly​

If they are cowardly and useless, ineffective, and therefore NOT a serious threat how can they be a threat to Democracy?

Democrats are frightened by the rise in power of useless cowards?


Great point, though - the Oath Keepers are posers, amateurs, and wanna-bes compared to the Democrats surrogate domestic terrorists.

Useless cowards...

As opposed to the rise of the partisan liberal extremist Democrat Gestapo violating Constitution and law, dragging Conservatives from rheir homes to intimidate, sikence, and punish them...

As opposed to the rise of the partisan liberal extremist Democrat Gestapo raiding the home of an author writing about Biden's disastrous Afghanistan failure and 'disappearing' him...

The weak, useless Oath Keepers could never attack, deface, loot, burn, and destroy entire communities, kill, attempt to burn US Marshalks alive in federal buildings like Antifa and BLM...

The pathetic, inept Oath Keepers could not firebomb and destroy over 130 churches for their cause as leftist extremists have shown the strength and willingness to do...

Compared to Leftists terrorists, the weak, cowardly Oath Keepers are more like a boy band that originatedcfrom within the old, pre-liberal contaminated Boy Scouts.
The Oath Keepers were actually waiting for Trump to “deputize” them before Jan 6 because they thought it would give them apparent legal authority to do a take over of the government. Obviously this is a ridiculous, illegitimate idea and they were all idiots.

Once Jan 6th came, they were completely useless to do anything to stop this certification and make Trump king for life. Gosh darn it why didn’t the supreme leader deputize them?! That’s what ruined it!!

It’s disturbing the amount seditious wannabes there are on the internet, but so far I don’t have any reason to fear them.

I have good news.

The seditionists will be voted out of power next month.


You people are such drama queen bitches about the dumbest shit lol
Look Loon….just leave America the fuck alone and we’ll all learn to get along….keep fucking with it and find yourself in a concentration camp soon.

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