Despite Unity Pledge, A Year And A Half In Office, All Biden Has Left Is Insults, Smears, & Division

He said a small minority of GOP, the violent election fraud liars/dupes.79% per cent are worried for democracy because of that.The election fraud, FBI fraud DOJ fraud. Insanity, dupe...
Nice job, apologist. Way to defend the POS who promised to unify the country but has called parents domestic terrorists and insured/ attacked millions of Americans.
OK, how about some CIVILITY and TOLERANCE instead of outright hostility, intolerance, insults, and divisive attacks.

But, politics isn't civil, or tolerant. Politics is the art of gaining advantage and power without possessing merit.

Politics is, at it's most honest, when the hate and greed for power that drives it comes out from behind the mask.
Loud-mouth yankee who says and does stupid shit but happens to NOT be Hillary or Joe? Nah.
You're like the thousand other internet libertarians I've encountered over the years. Just a republican that can't stand the much less fun activity of defending the stupid shit republicans do.
But, politics isn't civil, or tolerant. Politics is the art of gaining advantage and power without possessing merit.

Politics is at it's most honest when the hate and greed for power that drives it comes out from behind the mask.
Lashing out, calling millions of Americans terrorists...that's NOT normal politics.
Another good jobs report today. Gas is back down to pre-Russian sanction levels, covid is still there but less of a threat, BBB passed, infrastructure passed, we're out of Afghanistan, we're respected by our allies once more...

I'm not sure why he decided to make this speech tonight other than to capitalize on the slight upturn in Democratic party prospects in the midterms. We'll see how the polls look next week.
Biden pledged to unify the country, and instead, he has decimated the country, insulted and attacked more than half of all Americans, called parents terrorists, called millions of Americans because they don't support Democrats' policies, agenda, and crimes.

All Biden has left now is division, insults, and attacks.

As his poll numbers plunge again he is lashing out, attacking the people disapproving of the lousy job he's doing and how he's screwing them.

Every dang MAGA accusation is a con-fession....every single one.... :heehee:
Another good jobs report today. Gas is back down to pre-Russian sanction levels, covid is still there but less of a threat, BBB passed, infrastructure passed, we're out of Afghanistan, we're respected by our allies once more...

I'm not sure why he decided to make this speech tonight other than to capitalize on the slight upturn in Democratic party prospects in the midterms. We'll see how the polls look next week.
the election lie is over, and so is Trump...
parents who send death threats yes, super dupe. And??? Don't like HealthCare? idiocy whatever it is lol...
Oh BS. Biden, the FBI, & DOJ tried to label all parents opposing CRT, Transgender indoctrination, etc... domestic terrorists NOT some BS claim about only those 'sending death threats', disingenuous dupe.

Biden's Maga speech​

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Another good jobs report today. Gas is back down to pre-Russian sanction levels, covid is still there but less of a threat, BBB passed, infrastructure passed, we're out of Afghanistan, we're respected by our allies once more...

I'm not sure why he decided to make this speech tonight other than to capitalize on the slight upturn in Democratic party prospects in the midterms. We'll see how the polls look next week.
That insulin/drug negotiation stuff is a life saver. It's time to go after sugar's added to everything lol, so diabetes is an epidemic...
Oh BS. Biden, the FBI, & DOJ tried to label all parents opposing CRT, Transgender indoctrination, etc... domestic terrorists NOT some BS claim about only those 'sending death threats', disingenuous dupe.
Your post has no basis in reality.

Your rage posting is embarrassing for you; hilarious for us.
the election lie is over, and so is Trump...
If Trump was truly 'over' Democrats would not still be so desperately attempting everything they could to 'Get Trump' more than 6 years later.

He still scares the shit out of Democrats, scares them so badly they are trying to destroy him so they don't have to face him in 2 years, scares them so bad they are trying to strip Trump as a choice for millions of Americans.

That's pretty pathetic.
you're confusing your bs now lol...Liars and dupes about election fraud without evidence are scum politically. Treason.
Keep apologizing for the Great Divider, snowflake. He just proved again he is a liar, going back on his promise. BTW, ya got a little Joe Jizz on your chin.


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