Zone1 Despite warnings of violence at UCLA, police didn’t step in for over 3 hours

el midgetron

Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2023
I haven’t really been following the latest tantrums of the spoiled liberal college kids. However, I think I may have to start paying closer attention as these protests are starting to look more entertaining. Andy Ngo sums up the police response -

“The guards were from Contemporary Services Corporation (CSC), which contracts with UCLA and specializes in crowd control at sporting events and concerts, and a subsidiary. While some CSC guards attempted to push back attackers, others stood aside.
“There are too many!” one of the security guards said, recordings show. Another shouted “CSC, pack it up!” as fellow guards walked away. CSC did not respond to questions from The Post.…….”

“…..The lack of police intervention frustrated witnesses. Jeremy López, who supported the protest, called 911 at 12:28 a.m. to report that students were being beaten. “The operator said ‘Yes, we know already,’ and hung up,” López later told The Post…..”

"Smile and Wave".....And I don't blame them a bit.

You can't pay for little Suzie's braces while on suspension without pay for pushing those spoiled brats around a bit.
Kennedy sent in the National Guard to make sure a little black girl could go to class. Why won’t Biden send in the National Guard to make sure Jews can get to their classes, as well?
We probably aren’t far away from seeing the counter protesters framed as being the “radical Jewish arm of MAGA”.

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