Destroy Elon Musk!!!!

No, Musk has always had a reputation for running a toxic work environment where non-white staffers were routinely humiliating and denigrated. That was the primary objection to his buying Twitter in the first place.

Who'd have thunk that a rich white guy from South Africa would be a racist, sexist asshole????? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.
So let me ask you this, if this video showed Elon calling black children "roaches" would that be more evidence he is a racist?

Here is a prediction, the Left will sit back and wait for "free speech" that they can link to violence.

Then they will shut Twitter down with their army of Left wing activist judges.

Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders and company can scream revolution all day long with speech that is protected everywhere, as his follower tries to assassinated the entire GOP Congress at a charity baseball game so he could lead the revolution.

Or you have someone like Barak Obama tell the world how systemically racist the police force is as police are then targeted for assassination all over the country, and its all good.

But God forbid any conservative voices are out there cuz it could do harm.

One crazy guy with a history of domestic violence went after the Republican baseball game. It's the price you pay for the freedom of the Second Amendment. Never forget that. This is what you say after every school shooting. Bernie Sanders did not tell this man to attack Republicans.

Donald Trump ordered a mob of his followers to go to the Capitol and overthrow the government of the United States of America, and they tried, and failed. If you wanna do "whataboutisms" here, once again, Trump followers don't have a leg to stand on. Not on ANY issue.
So let me ask you this, if this video showed Elon calling black children "roaches" would that be more evidence he is a racist?

Let me ask you this: Why do you believe anything on YouTube????

You people keep linking to videos on fake news and lying websites and they're useless for proving anything.

Cuz he is the new white supremacist in town, ever since trying to bring free speech to Twitter.

Who knew? I mean, I knew he burned crosses in his back yard and attended KKK meetings, but I have to say, this really comes as a shock to me.
Kathy who?

Cuz he is the new white supremacist in town, ever since trying to bring free speech to Twitter.

Who knew? I mean, I knew he burned crosses in his back yard and attended KKK meetings, but I have to say, this really comes as a shock to me.
Elon Musk, African American
One of my originals. I do what I can <blush>

kathy griffin die motha fucker.jpg
One crazy guy with a history of domestic violence went after the Republican baseball game. It's the price you pay for the freedom of the Second Amendment. Never forget that. This is what you say after every school shooting. Bernie Sanders did not tell this man to attack Republicans.

Donald Trump ordered a mob of his followers to go to the Capitol and overthrow the government of the United States of America, and they tried, and failed. If you wanna do "whataboutisms" here, once again, Trump followers don't have a leg to stand on. Not on ANY issue.
So let me get this straight, Bernie did not tell the shooter to go kill Republicans but Trump told protesters to overthrow the government?

I would love to see that video if you have it.

No, Musk has always had a reputation for running a toxic work environment where non-white staffers were routinely humiliating and denigrated. That was the primary objection to his buying Twitter in the first place.

Who'd have thunk that a rich white guy from South Africa would be a racist, sexist asshole????? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.
You the racist pig you are
Musk has always had a reputation for running a toxic work environment where non-white staffers were routinely humiliating and denigrated. That was the primary objection to his buying Twitter in the first place.
Sounds like a great business plan! Is that how he made his $billions? Is he secretly funded by the KKK?

You are the poster child of profound ignorance.
Jesus, Kathy Griffin again? That bitch only shows up to say something inflammatory to get some attention because otherwise no one cares about her. Her peak was doing comedy central roasts in the early 2000s.

Even in her prime she wasn't funny and her standup sucked. Elaine boozler and Rita rudner were funnier than her, and they were still bland.

Cuz he is the new white supremacist in town, ever since trying to bring free speech to Twitter.

Who knew? I mean, I knew he burned crosses in his back yard and attended KKK meetings, but I have to say, this really comes as a shock to me.

This is one of those Trump like cases.
Everyone loved Trump right up until he ran as a Republican.
No, Musk has always had a reputation for running a toxic work environment where non-white staffers were routinely humiliating and denigrated. That was the primary objection to his buying Twitter in the first place.

Who'd have thunk that a rich white guy from South Africa would be a racist, sexist asshole????? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

So a few liberals saw the dollar signs and sued Musk.
Gee what surprise!!!
You should be worrying about your own miserable country.
The state of Texas has a higher GDP than your whole fucken country.
Talk about underachievers.
So a few liberals saw the dollar signs and sued Musk.
Gee what surprise!!!
You should be worrying about your own miserable country.
The state of Texas has a higher GDP than your whole fucken country.
Talk about underachievers.

There's a LOT of things that Texas has that Canada can't compete with. But we can keep the lights and the heat on in the coldest winter weather. We can give every resident of Canada, tax funded health care, and we live longer, healthier lives than Americans.

Our rate of crime and poverty can't compete with that of Texas. Our murder rate isn't even close to that of Texas. We even have lower abortion rates. Our heat and lights don't go off when it gets cold, and we let every citizen vote. We even make it easy for them.
There's a LOT of things that Texas has that Canada can't compete with. But we can keep the lights and the heat on in the coldest winter weather. We can give every resident of Canada, tax funded health care, and we live longer, healthier lives than Americans.

Our rate of crime and poverty can't compete with that of Texas. Our murder rate isn't even close to that of Texas. We even have lower abortion rates. Our heat and lights don't go off when it gets cold, and we let every citizen vote. We even make it easy for them.
Canada's 3rd world government healthcare isn't worth squat, many DIE waiting to be seen or treated.
There's a LOT of things that Texas has that Canada can't compete with. But we can keep the lights and the heat on in the coldest winter weather. We can give every resident of Canada, tax funded health care, and we live longer, healthier lives than Americans.

Our rate of crime and poverty can't compete with that of Texas. Our murder rate isn't even close to that of Texas. We even have lower abortion rates. Our heat and lights don't go off when it gets cold, and we let every citizen vote. We even make it easy for them.
Right? Yeah your border crossers come over legally
So let me ask you this, if this video showed Elon calling black children "roaches" would that be more evidence he is a racist?

ok. He looks creepy to me. If fla can do it with gays, why not this guy?
There's a LOT of things that Texas has that Canada can't compete with. But we can keep the lights and the heat on in the coldest winter weather. We can give every resident of Canada, tax funded health care, and we live longer, healthier lives than Americans.

Our rate of crime and poverty can't compete with that of Texas. Our murder rate isn't even close to that of Texas. We even have lower abortion rates. Our heat and lights don't go off when it gets cold, and we let every citizen vote. We even make it easy for them.

We've had one bad power outage in my 56 years.
And it only went on for three days where I live.

I've had five hip surgeries,a back surgery and cancer surgery all in 5 years time.
And I got treatment within a couple days of needing it. Unlike canaduhs healthcare system where you die waiting for treatment.
I have family on my mothers side who live in BC. My cousins long time boyfriend just died of cancer due to lack of treatment.
He had to wait over a month to get an MRI and then had to wait two months before receiving treatment. By then it was to late.
I also had a friend of that same cousin stay at my house so he could get cancer treatment at MD Anderson cancer center, the best cancer center in the world by the way...he survived and is still kicken.
That same Cousin was a nurse and my aunt was a nurse in a trauma ward in Canada. They both said their system sucked ass.

The crime rate where I live is basically zero so not a concern of mine. The worst places for crime are in liberal ran city ghettos where blacks kill each other so who the fuck cares?

Voting in Texas is easy as can be so not sure where you get the whole hard to vote bullshit.
It's liberals who claim black people are too stupid to vote,get a license or get online,of courses this is total bullshit and blacks will tell you the same. In fact liberals insult blacks with these claims.

Canaduh is a weak ass country who totally relies on the US to protect them.
Bunch a fucken leaches.

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