Destroying the American Character

PoliticalChic is an extremely intelligent conservative poster who always backs up her OP's position with solid facts and back up links.

Just saying.......... :cool:

PoliticalChic backs up her OP's with personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with her. You could look it up.

Why the heck do you say that, you, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, rotten, lying no good, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, nerf-herding, hopeless, bug-eyed, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage?
I have noticed that PC is the victim of personal attacks far more than being the person doing the attacking. .. :cool:

PC isn't the victim, the so-called attacks are legitimate retorts to her trolling. She loves them, they have no negative impact on her because the are incredulous to her. In her mind she is perfect, and she is a perfect example of a narcissist.
I have noticed that PC is the victim of personal attacks far more than being the person doing the attacking. .. :cool:

PC isn't the victim, the so-called attacks are legitimate retorts to her trolling. She loves them, they have no negative impact on her because the are incredulous to her. In her mind she is perfect, and she is a perfect example of a narcissist.

It must be a coincidence that every time she starts a long, thoughtful OP the replies from Liberals look like pooh-flinging primates at the old Bronx Zoo
The result of Conservatism is consistently a Market Crash which devastates many Conservatives into becoming Progressives.
Talk about Recursion.
PoliticalChic is an extremely intelligent conservative poster who always backs up her OP's position with solid facts and back up links.

Just saying.......... :cool:

PoliticalChic backs up her OP's with personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with her. You could look it up.

Why the heck do you say that, you, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, rotten, lying no good, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, nerf-herding, hopeless, bug-eyed, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage?

Well, you got one thing correct, I do kiss my dog (she greets us with wet kisses all over our face, my strategy is to hold her head and kiss her on her forehead, keeping her tongue away from my face. She's very cute, a very smart Border Collie/Aussie Cattle Dog mix) and even at 41 pounds still wants to be a lap dog.
I have noticed that PC is the victim of personal attacks far more than being the person doing the attacking. .. :cool:

PC isn't the victim, the so-called attacks are legitimate retorts to her trolling. She loves them, they have no negative impact on her because the are incredulous to her. In her mind she is perfect, and she is a perfect example of a narcissist.

I know I'm not perfect....but so darn close it's scary!
...address the original point?

The fact is that Liberal and Progressive initiatives over the past 50 years, while being intended to benefit those in need - and do that to some extent - end up being taken advantage of by people who don't actually need them, but figure out ways to "game" the System.

And it would be perverse of me NOT to state that the same principles apply to what is commonly called "Corporate Welfare," where businesses and wealthy individuals take advantage of programs, tax deductions, and tax credits that were intended to benefit those in actual need and end up creating "loopholes" and perverse business incentives that no one ever anticipated.

The examples of Liberal/Progressive initiatives that have done more harm than good are too numerous to count, but here are a few examples;

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (since repealed) discouraged marriage, by providing more generous benefits to families headed by a single parent.

"Feel good" grading (or non-grading) in schools; the "self-esteem" movement; the everybody-gets-a-trophy philosophy; "mainstreaming" problem kids with everybody else; allowing teachers to unionize. As a result of these liberal initiatives, a high school education, which actually meant something in 1960, is largely a joke. More than half of all incoming Freshmen in state colleges around the country require remedial courses in either math or English.

Out of time.
...address the original point?

The fact is that Liberal and Progressive initiatives over the past 50 years, while being intended to benefit those in need - and do that to some extent - end up being taken advantage of by people who don't actually need them, but figure out ways to "game" the System.

And it would be perverse of me NOT to state that the same principles apply to what is commonly called "Corporate Welfare," where businesses and wealthy individuals take advantage of programs, tax deductions, and tax credits that were intended to benefit those in actual need and end up creating "loopholes" and perverse business incentives that no one ever anticipated.

The examples of Liberal/Progressive initiatives that have done more harm than good are too numerous to count, but here are a few examples;

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (since repealed) discouraged marriage, by providing more generous benefits to families headed by a single parent.

"Feel good" grading (or non-grading) in schools; the "self-esteem" movement; the everybody-gets-a-trophy philosophy; "mainstreaming" problem kids with everybody else; allowing teachers to unionize. As a result of these liberal initiatives, a high school education, which actually meant something in 1960, is largely a joke. More than half of all incoming Freshmen in state colleges around the country require remedial courses in either math or English.

Out of time.

My children wene to a school where they build the children's self confidence and it does them very well when they move into secondary school. perhaps you should stick to subjects that you understand. And just to let you know, I have taught primary school, secondary school and college.
...address the original point?

The fact is that Liberal and Progressive initiatives over the past 50 years, while being intended to benefit those in need - and do that to some extent - end up being taken advantage of by people who don't actually need them, but figure out ways to "game" the System.

And it would be perverse of me NOT to state that the same principles apply to what is commonly called "Corporate Welfare," where businesses and wealthy individuals take advantage of programs, tax deductions, and tax credits that were intended to benefit those in actual need and end up creating "loopholes" and perverse business incentives that no one ever anticipated.

The examples of Liberal/Progressive initiatives that have done more harm than good are too numerous to count, but here are a few examples;

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (since repealed) discouraged marriage, by providing more generous benefits to families headed by a single parent.

"Feel good" grading (or non-grading) in schools; the "self-esteem" movement; the everybody-gets-a-trophy philosophy; "mainstreaming" problem kids with everybody else; allowing teachers to unionize. As a result of these liberal initiatives, a high school education, which actually meant something in 1960, is largely a joke. More than half of all incoming Freshmen in state colleges around the country require remedial courses in either math or English.

Out of time.

My children wene to a school where they build the children's self confidence and it does them very well when they move into secondary school. perhaps you should stick to subjects that you understand. And just to let you know, I have taught primary school, secondary school and college.

1. "I have taught primary school, secondary school and college."

Couldn't keep a job, huh.

2. "...a school where they build the children's self confidence...."

Typical Liberal hogwash.

3. In the light of the essential nature of emotion to the Left, it makes perfect sense that they have created the (highly destructive) self-esteem movement, based on how one feels about oneself. Of course, it is always quite a high number for Leftists, convinced that they are brighter, kinder, finer, more sophisticated, more enlightened, more selfless, and, of course, more intellectual.
Dennis Prager

a. “A 1989 study of mathematical skills compared students in eight different countries. American students ranked lowest in mathematical competence and Korean students ranked highest. But the researchers also asked students to rate how good they were at mathematics. The Americans ranked highest in self-judged mathematical ability, while the Koreans ranked lowest….There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything.”
The Problem with Self-Esteem

4. In fact, feeling good is so central to Liberalism, that it is a higher value than truth. The Left has changed American school textbooks from books attempting to convey history to books attempting to make women and members of select minorities feel good about themselves. Democrat lawmakers pass laws demanding that textbooks be rewritten to include more Democrat Party blocs. California Gay Textbooks: Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools

a. “'History should be honest,' Gov. Jerry Brown says in signing the state law, which had sparked hot debate among legislators.”

5. "... perhaps you should stick to subjects that you understand."

You wrote that earlier.

I'd never give you the same'd never be able to post at all.
Modern Liberalism (Progressivism) replaces the Classic American Dream, of making a better life for oneself and one's family via hard work and individual responsibility, with The Dream of Doing Nothing and being Dependent On The State.


Let's review. Left bad, right good. Far right gooder. Commies bad (both of them), Wall Street Banksters very good. Christians good, all the rest heathens. Pres. Wilson bad, FDR worse, Carter worser and Obama evil.

Got it.

Do you get the feeling that she does not like liberals?

Some Liberals go out of their way to support what I post.

Like this:

"Pelosi: Obamacare allows workers to ‘escape’ their jobs

The Congressional Budget Office says Obamacare will take people out of the labor force — and the law’s supporters say that’s a good thing.

“Yesterday, the CBO projected that by 2021, the Affordable Care Act will enable more than 2 million workers to escape ‘job-lock’ — the situation where workers remain tied to employers for access to health insurance benefits,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi crowed in a press release.

But the CBO report isn’t about “job-lock.” The numbers demonstrate that the equivalent of over 2 million full-time employees will be better off financially if they quit work entirely — not a particular job — in order to get more taxpayer subsidies for health care.

Most of that effect, the CBO reported, will be full-time employees moving to part-time work only because taxpayer subsidies will amount to more than the difference in pay.

In simpler terms, people will be discouraged from staying in jobs they’ve chosen because they’ll be paid more to be unemployed or underemployed. In the end, there will be a growing population of Americans who will receive a larger amount of public benefits provided by a shrinking share of working Americans."
Pelosi: Obamacare allows workers to 'escape' their jobs | The Daily Caller

"...people will be discouraged from staying in jobs....who will receive a larger amount of public benefits provided by a shrinking share of working Americans."

Destroying the American character.
My Lucky Day!

I was afraid I was going to run out of fitting adjectives to describe your posts. And then, thank god, I remembered Lewis Carroll. Thanks to him I have a whole new set of pertinent descriptors to define your "work".

Last edited:
My Lucky Day!

I was afraid I was going to run out of fitting adjectives to describe your posts. And then, thank god, I remembered Lewis Carroll. Thanks to him I have a whole new set of pertinent descriptors to define your "work".


I love poetry....happens to be a poem that I've memorized.

But this thread was for those with a science background......clearly, not you.

Of course, on a message board, honesty isn't a requirement, so you get in under the wire on that count.

And, Lewis Carroll had this line that applies to you:

“I don't think..." then you shouldn't talk, said the Hatter.”

I am so very pleased....and amused.....every time I get you Leftists to do your spin dance because you have been exposed as unAmerican and detrimental to this nation!

"Furman argued that the report merely indicates that people can now “choose” to drop jobs they do not enjoy — but are keeping because they require health-care coverage — leaving them free to pursue more fulfilling activities.

“What you have is two different ways of characterizing this report,” she explained. “If you talk to Republicans, they say there are going to be nearly 2.5 million jobs that are going to be lost over a decade due to the Affordable Care Act. If you talk to the White House, there are going to be 2.5 million people who are gonna have a choice to leave full-time employment [to pursue other opportunities].”

“Those may be people who decide to stop working altogether, .... “What we couldn’t get an answer to today from the White House today is: What is the economic impact of having that many people go from full-time to part-time or unemployment?”

“Jay Carney said today that this is an opportunity to spend more time with their kids, to have different work opportunities,” she said
Carlson blasts White House spin on Obamacare job losses [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Now let's review:

Prager's premise is that Liberal/Progressive/DeathPanelDemocrat policies are damaging to the American social fabric.

".... there is a public cost to people not having full-time work,” Carlson explained. “This is devastating to the Democrats’ prospects in 2014. It’s devastating to the country, I would say.”
Carlson blasts White House spin on Obamacare job losses [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

How ya' like that, boyyyyeeeeee??

Interesting post from a stay-at-home mom who has someone else paying for her health insurance.
My Lucky Day!

I was afraid I was going to run out of fitting adjectives to describe your posts. And then, thank god, I remembered Lewis Carroll. Thanks to him I have a whole new set of pertinent descriptors to define your "work".


I love poetry....happens to be a poem that I've memorized.
But this thread was for those with a science background......clearly, not you.
Of course, on a message board, honesty isn't a requirement, so you get in under the wire on that count.

And, Lewis Carroll had this line that applies to you:

“I don't think..." then you shouldn't talk, said the Hatter.”

well...let's see...hmmm...tap tap tap...oh yeah!

And of course perfectly outgrabeling!
My Lucky Day!

I was afraid I was going to run out of fitting adjectives to describe your posts. And then, thank god, I remembered Lewis Carroll. Thanks to him I have a whole new set of pertinent descriptors to define your "work".


I love poetry....happens to be a poem that I've memorized.
But this thread was for those with a science background......clearly, not you.
Of course, on a message board, honesty isn't a requirement, so you get in under the wire on that count.

And, Lewis Carroll had this line that applies to you:

“I don't think..." then you shouldn't talk, said the Hatter.”

well...let's see...hmmm...tap tap tap...oh yeah!

And of course perfectly outgrabeling!'ve fulfilled your role: comic relief.
I have noticed that PC is the victim of personal attacks far more than being the person doing the attacking. .. :cool:

PC isn't the victim, the so-called attacks are legitimate retorts to her trolling. She loves them, they have no negative impact on her because the are incredulous to her. In her mind she is perfect, and she is a perfect example of a narcissist.

or maybe you are really just that insignificant
According to the link OP provided, this is what CBO Director Elmendorf said, in part:

“A number of new organizations wrongly interpreted the agency's report Wednesday as saying that Obamacare 'killed' 2.5 million jobs. In reality, the agency found Obamacare could shrink the workforce by the equivalent of 2.5 million full-time workers over the next 10 years.

“But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Obamacare could cause a reduction in employment because it makes health care more accessible, allowing Americans to quit jobs they only keep for the health care coverage. That's not killing jobs. It's giving workers the ability to quit jobs they don't want.”

I think the man has lost all sense of a proper work ethic.

I believe a man should work a job he doesn't like in order to provide his own health insurance rather than quite his job and have someone else pick up his tab. Besides, quitting a job just because you don't like it is a poor excuse. During my long life I worked many jobs I didn't like and I know many of you did too. Most people don't like their jobs but they keep on trucking because they feel an obligation to provide for themselves and their families.

“An alarming 70% of those surveyed in a recent Gallup poll either hate their jobs or are completely disengaged, and not even incentives and extras can extricate them from the working man's blues.”

Read more: Workplace morale heads down: 70% of Americans negative about their jobs, Gallup study shows* - NY Daily News

I always thought taxpayer assistance was for those who COULD not provide for themselves, not for those who WOULD not. If a man can provide for himself and doesn't want to, he does not deserve help from the rest of us.

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