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Destroying the American Character

According to the link OP provided, this is what CBO Director Elmendorf said, in part:

“A number of new organizations wrongly interpreted the agency's report Wednesday as saying that Obamacare 'killed' 2.5 million jobs. In reality, the agency found Obamacare could shrink the workforce by the equivalent of 2.5 million full-time workers over the next 10 years.

“But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Obamacare could cause a reduction in employment because it makes health care more accessible, allowing Americans to quit jobs they only keep for the health care coverage. That's not killing jobs. It's giving workers the ability to quit jobs they don't want.”

I think the man has lost all sense of a proper work ethic.

I believe a man should work a job he doesn't like in order to provide his own health insurance rather than quite his job and have someone else pick up his tab. Besides, quitting a job just because you don't like it is a poor excuse. During my long life I worked many jobs I didn't like and I know many of you did too. Most people don't like their jobs but they keep on trucking because they feel an obligation to provide for themselves and their families.

“An alarming 70% of those surveyed in a recent Gallup poll either hate their jobs or are completely disengaged, and not even incentives and extras can extricate them from the working man's blues.”

Read more: Workplace morale heads down: 70% of Americans negative about their jobs, Gallup study shows* - NY Daily News

I always thought taxpayer assistance was for those who COULD not provide for themselves, not for those who WOULD not. If a man can provide for himself and doesn't want to, he does not deserve help from the rest of us.

I personally thinks it's really cool for people in their 60s and 70s to be stocking shelves in supermarkets after they've been fired from their accounting, legal, banking or financial careers.
Real cool.
I say that because I see it.
According to the link OP provided, this is what CBO Director Elmendorf said, in part:

“A number of new organizations wrongly interpreted the agency's report Wednesday as saying that Obamacare 'killed' 2.5 million jobs. In reality, the agency found Obamacare could shrink the workforce by the equivalent of 2.5 million full-time workers over the next 10 years.

“But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Obamacare could cause a reduction in employment because it makes health care more accessible, allowing Americans to quit jobs they only keep for the health care coverage. That's not killing jobs. It's giving workers the ability to quit jobs they don't want.”

I think the man has lost all sense of a proper work ethic.

I believe a man should work a job he doesn't like in order to provide his own health insurance rather than quite his job and have someone else pick up his tab. Besides, quitting a job just because you don't like it is a poor excuse. During my long life I worked many jobs I didn't like and I know many of you did too. Most people don't like their jobs but they keep on trucking because they feel an obligation to provide for themselves and their families.

“An alarming 70% of those surveyed in a recent Gallup poll either hate their jobs or are completely disengaged, and not even incentives and extras can extricate them from the working man's blues.”

Read more: Workplace morale heads down: 70% of Americans negative about their jobs, Gallup study shows* - NY Daily News

I always thought taxpayer assistance was for those who COULD not provide for themselves, not for those who WOULD not. If a man can provide for himself and doesn't want to, he does not deserve help from the rest of us.

I personally thinks it's really cool for people in their 60s and 70s to be stocking shelves in supermarkets after they've been fired from their accounting, legal, banking or financial careers.
Real cool.
I say that because I see it.

It's not about being cool. It's all about personal responsibility. If the 60 or 70-year old person CAN work to provide their own health coverage, they should. I'm 74 and my retirement provides everything I need. However, if I needed health coverage and could obtain it by stocking shelves in a supermarket, I would do it in a heartbeat. There is nothing demeaning about any type of honest work. I once cleaned up cow manure for 40 hours a week on a large dairy farm in Pennsylvania; then I went home, showered, put on a suit and cummerbund and worked part time as a waiter in a gourmet restaurant.

I have no respect for anyone who thinks any type of work is beneath them and who would prefer a handout rather then earn their keep doing “common labor.” It has been my experience that those who think that certain types of work are beneath them also think the people who perform this work are beneath them. I respect the efforts of EVERY working man and woman and I wouldn't hesitate to do any of their jobs if I needed the money.

I am proud that during my entire long stay on this planet I have never asked, nor even thought of asking, anyone to do something for me that I could do myself. I remember a time and place when most people were like that. It's about self-respect and self-reliance.

CONCLUSION: If 60 or 70 year old men and women need health coverage and cannot afford it unless they go to work (including stocking supermarket shelves), I fully expect them to do just that, providing they are capable of performing the work. Period.

Now I am through with this thread so you can have the last word.
I love poetry....happens to be a poem that I've memorized.
But this thread was for those with a science background......clearly, not you.
Of course, on a message board, honesty isn't a requirement, so you get in under the wire on that count.

And, Lewis Carroll had this line that applies to you:

“I don't think..." then you shouldn't talk, said the Hatter.”

well...let's see...hmmm...tap tap tap...oh yeah!

And of course perfectly outgrabeling!

Well....you've fulfilled your role: comic relief.

till next time.
...address the original point?

The fact is that Liberal and Progressive initiatives over the past 50 years, while being intended to benefit those in need - and do that to some extent - end up being taken advantage of by people who don't actually need them, but figure out ways to "game" the System.

And it would be perverse of me NOT to state that the same principles apply to what is commonly called "Corporate Welfare," where businesses and wealthy individuals take advantage of programs, tax deductions, and tax credits that were intended to benefit those in actual need and end up creating "loopholes" and perverse business incentives that no one ever anticipated.

The examples of Liberal/Progressive initiatives that have done more harm than good are too numerous to count, but here are a few examples;

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (since repealed) discouraged marriage, by providing more generous benefits to families headed by a single parent.

"Feel good" grading (or non-grading) in schools; the "self-esteem" movement; the everybody-gets-a-trophy philosophy; "mainstreaming" problem kids with everybody else; allowing teachers to unionize. As a result of these liberal initiatives, a high school education, which actually meant something in 1960, is largely a joke. More than half of all incoming Freshmen in state colleges around the country require remedial courses in either math or English.

Out of time.

My children wene to a school where they build the children's self confidence and it does them very well when they move into secondary school. perhaps you should stick to subjects that you understand. And just to let you know, I have taught primary school, secondary school and college.

1. "I have taught primary school, secondary school and college."

Couldn't keep a job, huh.

2. "...a school where they build the children's self confidence...."

Typical Liberal hogwash.

3. In the light of the essential nature of emotion to the Left, it makes perfect sense that they have created the (highly destructive) self-esteem movement, based on how one feels about oneself. Of course, it is always quite a high number for Leftists, convinced that they are brighter, kinder, finer, more sophisticated, more enlightened, more selfless, and, of course, more intellectual.
Dennis Prager

a. “A 1989 study of mathematical skills compared students in eight different countries. American students ranked lowest in mathematical competence and Korean students ranked highest. But the researchers also asked students to rate how good they were at mathematics. The Americans ranked highest in self-judged mathematical ability, while the Koreans ranked lowest….There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything.”
The Problem with Self-Esteem

4. In fact, feeling good is so central to Liberalism, that it is a higher value than truth. The Left has changed American school textbooks from books attempting to convey history to books attempting to make women and members of select minorities feel good about themselves. Democrat lawmakers pass laws demanding that textbooks be rewritten to include more Democrat Party blocs. California Gay Textbooks: Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools

a. “'History should be honest,' Gov. Jerry Brown says in signing the state law, which had sparked hot debate among legislators.”

5. "... perhaps you should stick to subjects that you understand."

You wrote that earlier.

I'd never give you the same advice......you'd never be able to post at all.

It is only hogwash to a person as ignorant as you on the subject. I see firsthand how self confident my children are, and having taught, I see the importance of beginning secondary school self confident. The hogwash, is your conservative ignorance.
PC is that modern American who yearns for a time past that never existed, but that imaginary time has great appeal just because it never existed. It can be anything we (PC) can dream. It's must be coded in our DNA for Eden has always been a place we should be and if it wasn't for Eve (replace Eve with your favorite bogeymen) we'd have nirvana. It's a simple worldview, for it simply points to someone else as the fault of whatever is perceived as a problem or a less than perfect solution. Meanwhile the doers, be they the regular Joans and Joes, the saints or crooks, try to work out a world. If one thing is clear, it is that nothing will be achieved by editorials from the likes of Dennis Prager. He simply feeds on a negativity that is widespread in humans, he does nothing concrete for America.

It makes no sense to debate a worldview based on imaginary demons who have removed us from some past Eden. Beliefs are part of personal narratives, I've read enough of PC's negativity to realize the world she imagines is simply part of her character, it helps her deal with the real world, a place too complex.

For the person who lives in the real world, one can look at our history both positively and negativity, but solutions and reasons, and whatever a national character would be, are more complicated than this constant finger pointing of the right in America. They should tell America what they do now, not about some lost Garden.

Republicans want the rest of the country to be as suspicious and mean as they are.

Republicans want the rest of the country to be as suspicious and mean as they are.

"....suspicious and mean as they are."

"CREEPY: Obama Camp Wants You to Spy On Your Neighbors"
CREEPY: Obama Camp Wants You to Spy On Your Neighbors - Fox Nation

I fervently look forward to the day when you are actually correct about something....anything.

Work on it....here, sing along:

"You tell yourself you're not my kind
But you don't even know your mind
And you could have a change of heart"

PC is that modern American who yearns for a time past that never existed, but that imaginary time has great appeal just because it never existed. It can be anything we (PC) can dream. It's must be coded in our DNA for Eden has always been a place we should be and if it wasn't for Eve (replace Eve with your favorite bogeymen) we'd have nirvana. It's a simple worldview, for it simply points to someone else as the fault of whatever is perceived as a problem or a less than perfect solution. Meanwhile the doers, be they the regular Joans and Joes, the saints or crooks, try to work out a world. If one thing is clear, it is that nothing will be achieved by editorials from the likes of Dennis Prager. He simply feeds on a negativity that is widespread in humans, he does nothing concrete for America.

It makes no sense to debate a worldview based on imaginary demons who have removed us from some past Eden. Beliefs are part of personal narratives, I've read enough of PC's negativity to realize the world she imagines is simply part of her character, it helps her deal with the real world, a place too complex.

For the person who lives in the real world, one can look at our history both positively and negativity, but solutions and reasons, and whatever a national character would be, are more complicated than this constant finger pointing of the right in America. They should tell America what they do now, not about some lost Garden.

"...It makes no sense to debate a worldview based on imaginary demons..."

Learn English, so you don't look like so much of a dope.

i·mag·i·nar·y (ĭ-măj′ə-nĕr′ē)
1. Having existence only in the imagination; unreal.

re·al1 [ree-uhl, reel] Show IPA
true; not merely ostensible, nominal, or apparent: the real reason for an act.
existing or occurring as fact; actual rather than imaginary, ideal, or fictitious: a story taken from real life.
being an actual thing; having objective existence; not imaginary: The events you will see in the film are real

"US Debt Now Tops $17 Trillion, After Jumping $328 Billion In One Day"
US Debt Now Tops $17 Trillion, After Jumping $328 Billion In One Day | The Lonely Conservative

"President Obama's Legacy: $20 Trillion in Debt for 2016 Victor"
President Obama's Legacy: $20 Trillion in Debt for 2016 Victor - Forbes

Your post is exactly the kind of idiocy that saddled the nation with the incompetent in the White House.

Show the appropriate shame.
The OP is certainly an example of destroying the English language.

Oh no, you must be mistaken, she went to Columbia. I was accepted at Columbia for graduate school, but chose to attend a different school. PC is a constant reminder that I made the right decision.


What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?
My children wene to a school where they build the children's self confidence and it does them very well when they move into secondary school. perhaps you should stick to subjects that you understand. And just to let you know, I have taught primary school, secondary school and college.

1. "I have taught primary school, secondary school and college."

Couldn't keep a job, huh.

2. "...a school where they build the children's self confidence...."

Typical Liberal hogwash.

3. In the light of the essential nature of emotion to the Left, it makes perfect sense that they have created the (highly destructive) self-esteem movement, based on how one feels about oneself. Of course, it is always quite a high number for Leftists, convinced that they are brighter, kinder, finer, more sophisticated, more enlightened, more selfless, and, of course, more intellectual.
Dennis Prager

a. “A 1989 study of mathematical skills compared students in eight different countries. American students ranked lowest in mathematical competence and Korean students ranked highest. But the researchers also asked students to rate how good they were at mathematics. The Americans ranked highest in self-judged mathematical ability, while the Koreans ranked lowest….There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything.”
The Problem with Self-Esteem

4. In fact, feeling good is so central to Liberalism, that it is a higher value than truth. The Left has changed American school textbooks from books attempting to convey history to books attempting to make women and members of select minorities feel good about themselves. Democrat lawmakers pass laws demanding that textbooks be rewritten to include more Democrat Party blocs. California Gay Textbooks: Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools

a. “'History should be honest,' Gov. Jerry Brown says in signing the state law, which had sparked hot debate among legislators.”

5. "... perhaps you should stick to subjects that you understand."

You wrote that earlier.

I'd never give you the same advice......you'd never be able to post at all.

It is only hogwash to a person as ignorant as you on the subject. I see firsthand how self confident my children are, and having taught, I see the importance of beginning secondary school self confident. The hogwash, is your conservative ignorance.

As I have far more class than you, I will certainly not discuss your children.

Be advised: The plural of anecdote is not data.
1. "I have taught primary school, secondary school and college."

Couldn't keep a job, huh.

2. "...a school where they build the children's self confidence...."

Typical Liberal hogwash.

3. In the light of the essential nature of emotion to the Left, it makes perfect sense that they have created the (highly destructive) self-esteem movement, based on how one feels about oneself. Of course, it is always quite a high number for Leftists, convinced that they are brighter, kinder, finer, more sophisticated, more enlightened, more selfless, and, of course, more intellectual.
Dennis Prager

a. “A 1989 study of mathematical skills compared students in eight different countries. American students ranked lowest in mathematical competence and Korean students ranked highest. But the researchers also asked students to rate how good they were at mathematics. The Americans ranked highest in self-judged mathematical ability, while the Koreans ranked lowest….There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything.”
The Problem with Self-Esteem

4. In fact, feeling good is so central to Liberalism, that it is a higher value than truth. The Left has changed American school textbooks from books attempting to convey history to books attempting to make women and members of select minorities feel good about themselves. Democrat lawmakers pass laws demanding that textbooks be rewritten to include more Democrat Party blocs. California Gay Textbooks: Proposal Would Require LGBT Lessons In Schools

a. “'History should be honest,' Gov. Jerry Brown says in signing the state law, which had sparked hot debate among legislators.”

5. "... perhaps you should stick to subjects that you understand."

You wrote that earlier.

I'd never give you the same advice......you'd never be able to post at all.

It is only hogwash to a person as ignorant as you on the subject. I see firsthand how self confident my children are, and having taught, I see the importance of beginning secondary school self confident. The hogwash, is your conservative ignorance.

As I have far more class than you, I will certainly not discuss your children.

Be advised: The plural of anecdote is not data.

What a teacher studies and experiences is data.
It is only hogwash to a person as ignorant as you on the subject. I see firsthand how self confident my children are, and having taught, I see the importance of beginning secondary school self confident. The hogwash, is your conservative ignorance.

As I have far more class than you, I will certainly not discuss your children.

Be advised: The plural of anecdote is not data.

What a teacher studies and experiences is data.

No, actually it isn't.

a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.

PC is that modern American who yearns for a time past that never existed, but that imaginary time has great appeal just because it never existed. It can be anything we (PC) can dream. It's must be coded in our DNA for Eden has always been a place we should be and if it wasn't for Eve (replace Eve with your favorite bogeymen) we'd have nirvana. It's a simple worldview, for it simply points to someone else as the fault of whatever is perceived as a problem or a less than perfect solution. Meanwhile the doers, be they the regular Joans and Joes, the saints or crooks, try to work out a world. If one thing is clear, it is that nothing will be achieved by editorials from the likes of Dennis Prager. He simply feeds on a negativity that is widespread in humans, he does nothing concrete for America.

It makes no sense to debate a worldview based on imaginary demons who have removed us from some past Eden. Beliefs are part of personal narratives, I've read enough of PC's negativity to realize the world she imagines is simply part of her character, it helps her deal with the real world, a place too complex.

For the person who lives in the real world, one can look at our history both positively and negativity, but solutions and reasons, and whatever a national character would be, are more complicated than this constant finger pointing of the right in America. They should tell America what they do now, not about some lost Garden.

"...It makes no sense to debate a worldview based on imaginary demons..."

I must have hit a nerve when the best you can do is give us your view of the English language. That may be a good thing given your constant and repetitive negativity and finger pointing, you remind me sadly of all that is wrong in America today. Mouths that spew words of nonsense against imaginary demons. It's so easy to point fingers, history is full of finger pointers. Smile and look elsewhere you may see something good.
PC is that modern American who yearns for a time past that never existed, but that imaginary time has great appeal just because it never existed. It can be anything we (PC) can dream. It's must be coded in our DNA for Eden has always been a place we should be and if it wasn't for Eve (replace Eve with your favorite bogeymen) we'd have nirvana. It's a simple worldview, for it simply points to someone else as the fault of whatever is perceived as a problem or a less than perfect solution. Meanwhile the doers, be they the regular Joans and Joes, the saints or crooks, try to work out a world. If one thing is clear, it is that nothing will be achieved by editorials from the likes of Dennis Prager. He simply feeds on a negativity that is widespread in humans, he does nothing concrete for America.

It makes no sense to debate a worldview based on imaginary demons who have removed us from some past Eden. Beliefs are part of personal narratives, I've read enough of PC's negativity to realize the world she imagines is simply part of her character, it helps her deal with the real world, a place too complex.

For the person who lives in the real world, one can look at our history both positively and negativity, but solutions and reasons, and whatever a national character would be, are more complicated than this constant finger pointing of the right in America. They should tell America what they do now, not about some lost Garden.

"...It makes no sense to debate a worldview based on imaginary demons..."

I must have hit a nerve when the best you can do is give us your view of the English language. That may be a good thing given your constant and repetitive negativity and finger pointing, you remind me sadly of all that is wrong in America today. Mouths that spew words of nonsense against imaginary demons. It's so easy to point fingers, history is full of finger pointers. Smile and look elsewhere you may see something good.

1. Who hit a nerve?

I guess I did.....that's why you didn't post the rest of what I provided.

2. ".... your constant and repetitive negativity and finger pointing,...."

That's because Liberals/Progressives/DeathPanelDemocrats are still around, damaging this nation.

3. "... you remind me sadly of all that is wrong in America today."

Exactly right! I'm hear to remind what is wrong in America today: Liberals/Progressives/DeathPanelDemocrats

And, as your post suggests, I work hard at it.
PC is that modern American who yearns for a time past that never existed, but that imaginary time has great appeal just because it never existed. It can be anything we (PC) can dream. It's must be coded in our DNA for Eden has always been a place we should be and if it wasn't for Eve (replace Eve with your favorite bogeymen) we'd have nirvana. It's a simple worldview, for it simply points to someone else as the fault of whatever is perceived as a problem or a less than perfect solution. Meanwhile the doers, be they the regular Joans and Joes, the saints or crooks, try to work out a world. If one thing is clear, it is that nothing will be achieved by editorials from the likes of Dennis Prager. He simply feeds on a negativity that is widespread in humans, he does nothing concrete for America.

It makes no sense to debate a worldview based on imaginary demons who have removed us from some past Eden. Beliefs are part of personal narratives, I've read enough of PC's negativity to realize the world she imagines is simply part of her character, it helps her deal with the real world, a place too complex.

For the person who lives in the real world, one can look at our history both positively and negativity, but solutions and reasons, and whatever a national character would be, are more complicated than this constant finger pointing of the right in America. They should tell America what they do now, not about some lost Garden.


It’s the fear common to most on the reactionary right; frightened of change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

And as the authoritarians most conservatives in fact are, they respond to their fear by lashing out in hate and ignorance – this thread being a typical example.

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