Destroying the Constitution


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Ok lefties, here is your chance. Which constitutional right would you like to see destroyed first? I've seen lefties aggressively going after the right to bear arms and freedom of speech, but maybe there is another right that you would like to see destroyed first? Please post the constitutional right that you want to see crushed the most.
Ok lefties, here is your chance. Which constitutional right would you like to see destroyed first? I've seen lefties aggressively going after the right to bear arms and freedom of speech, but maybe there is another right that you would like to see destroyed first? Please post the constitutional right that you want to see crushed the most.
None of them. The thing you fail to keep in mind is there are limits to these "rights". Which is what people argue over. There are some who believe the Constitution was meant to be living, breathing document that changed with the times. But its basic tenants would hold. For example, you bray about liberty and freedom. But what you really mean is liberty and freedom..for some. Only those "some" you deem worthy. Not those "different" people.

The only thing I want to see crushed here is the right wing in this country.
Oh, and I'd like to see real conservatives rise up and kick the riff-raff out of their movement.
There is probably an order of destruction that would make it easier to destroy later ones
The 2nd Amendment6 is the one that would need to go first to unleash a torrent of other constitutional rights being destroyed. That seems to be the route they are taking.
Ok lefties, here is your chance. Which constitutional right would you like to see destroyed first? I've seen lefties aggressively going after the right to bear arms and freedom of speech, but maybe there is another right that you would like to see destroyed first? Please post the constitutional right that you want to see crushed the most.

I would like to see the Third Amendment repealed
None of them. The thing you fail to keep in mind is there are limits to these "rights". Which is what people argue over. There are some who believe the Constitution was meant to be living, breathing document that changed with the times. But its basic tenants would hold. For example, you bray about liberty and freedom. But what you really mean is liberty and freedom..for some. Only those "some" you deem worthy. Not those "different" people.

The only thing I want to see crushed here is the right wing in this country.
Oh, and I'd like to see real conservatives rise up and kick the riff-raff out of their movement.
Which right do you want to limit first?
Which right do you want to limit first?
The more pertinent question is, "what right(s) do you think is/are being limited now?".
THAT'S the question you really want to ask. THAT will invite debate. Not some leading generic, alt-right whine
about, "what can I ask to trap people who don't agree with me into identifying themselves as the communists I think they are?".....:auiqs.jpg:
Ok lefties, here is your chance. Which constitutional right would you like to see destroyed first? I've seen lefties aggressively going after the right to bear arms and freedom of speech, but maybe there is another right that you would like to see destroyed first? Please post the constitutional right that you want to see crushed the most.
Constitution is just fine. I’d like to see more limitations on campaign finance and dark money in politics. Give more power back to the people voting and less to lobbyists and superpacks. Would be incredible to find an alternative to the two party duopoly
Ok lefties, here is your chance. Which constitutional right would you like to see destroyed first? I've seen lefties aggressively going after the right to bear arms and freedom of speech, but maybe there is another right that you would like to see destroyed first? Please post the constitutional right that you want to see crushed the most.
The thread premise is a lie and fails as a strawman fallacy.
The more pertinent question is, "what right(s) do you think is/are being limited now?".
Wrong, that is not what the thread is about. Which one of our rights do you want to destroy first? Do you want to infringe on our right to bear arms? Do you want free speech censored? Which right do you want destroyed the most?
Bullshit. Don't even try it, you filthy commie. Lefties are fighting DESPERATELY to dismantle the constitution, I am just asking you which part of it you want to destroy the most.
Fuck you
I’d like to see more limitations on campaign finance and dark money in politics.
Start a thread about that.

Which part of the constitution do you want to destroy the most? You are a commie who supports censorship of free speech and infringing on our right to bear arms. So don't even try to say you are ok with the constitution. Lefties cannot survive in a free state, your very survival as a filthy commie depends on dismantling the constitution. Just post the part of it that you want to dismantle first.
You are evading the opening post. Why don't you just post which part you want to destroy the most? Lefties are like cockroaches lurking in the shadows, waiting for you chance to dismantle the constitution from the cover of darkness. That's why lefties are afraid to admit which part of the constitution they hate the most.

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