Detailing Biden/Harris' Disastrous WD from Afghanistan

That was one of only two possible plans.

2500 troops isn't near enough to ensure the safe evacuation of thousands of people and billions of dollars of equipment from an entire hostile country.

It's logistically impossible. The only other option was spend billions to redeploy the troops just brought home to facilitate a proper withdrawal.
The whole point you seem to be missing here is that since they were not upholding the bargain it should have been scraped and a new one put in its place. We should never have followed through with pulling our numbers down so far.
I am not condoning either Trump or Biden. In fact we should never have been there in the first place but that is not part of this discussion
The whole point you seem to be missing here is that since they were not upholding the bargain it should have been scraped and a new one put in its place.

So why didn't Trump do that? How could anyone do that with only 2500 troops?

You know what I think? I think had Biden done exactly what you state, we would be in a thread where trumpers would be condemning Biden for shit canning Trump's deal. That Trump's deal was the biggest best plan for peace in the area and Biden ruined it. Yada yada yada.

I mean really, we have all seen this type of shit before.

We should never have followed through with pulling our numbers down so far.
I am not condoning either Trump or Biden. In fact we should never have been there in the first place but that is not part of this discussion
It is part of the discussion. Directly.

You can't discuss Trump's withdrawal deal without discussing Trump or the number of troops he left behind.

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