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Details of Auschwitz given by guard on trial

Just google the Germans after WWII and see what happened to them.

No you aren't an American, you are a Nazi.

Ooh how hurtful. I'm going to cry. Ha Ha.

How could being called a Nazi possibly insult someone like you?

Don't call me a Bolshevik or it might hurt my feelings.

---well, liminal----at least she is consistent-----Nazis do hate communists As
to what happened to Nazis after world war II------lots of them moved
to Syria, Egypt, Argentina --etc ----and continued doing what Nazis do---
elaborarting the kind of propaganda that Penelope parrots. I read it as
a child----circa 1960 and heard it parroted by muslims educated in
southeast asia (mostly) circa 1970. I read it here ---posted by Penelope et al.

the stuff has been written for many decades----in fact more than 100 years and
it never really changes-----it just gets updates to make it seem contemporary

so you still have it in for the Germans, that is the problem you read everything as a child, and this is what 50 plus years later. There has been new developments since you were a child. :rolleyes:

your post makes no sense. I stated that I read the same Nazi literature that
you PARROT-----more than 50 years ago. It was all about DA JOOOOOS.
When I first read the crap that you continue to parrot------I did not even know it
was written by Nazi war criminals. Some of it came from a place called
SYRIA-------the only Syrians I knew as a child were Christian people with an
extra line in their cross. Those I knew were not Nazis-----I had a kind of
childish notion that they ran away from nazis Of course as a child the only Nazis I knew were also Christians------with no extra line.
I have so excellent a memory for that which
I read as a kid------that I can remember the fact that I did not understand lots of
it until ------I grew up. I read the book LOLITA at about age 10. Did not impress me at all. I did not have a chance to review it as an adult----no one
actually quotes LOLITA-----but there are many people like you who quote the
writings of Nazi war criminals who fled to Egypt and Syria.. The stuff shows up
in the school curriculum for kids in Pakistan. and lots of burnt out alcoholics
quote it , too.

Yes well I have a good memory as well , but that doesn't mean new info is not always coming out, in the medical field we don't rely on the 50 year old procedures do we. This is a new time in history, and new evidence in coming to light. Its time to catch up with the times.

your post continues to make no sense. Nazi propaganda written pre 1960 is
not "INFORMATION" and certainly not "science" . In the medical field we
continue to rely on many 50 year old procedures and a knowledge of the old
literature is VERY VERY useful. Nazi propaganda has nothing to do with
medical procedure----Nazism is an IDEOLOGY ----your ideology which is entirely
consistent with the writings of your ideology -----pre 1960. There are no actual
novel concepts in Nazism. Of course there are many novel concepts and pro-
cedures in Medicine-----even new pathogens
The Holocaust is a difficult subject to grasp. Watching one documentary or one film won't teach you the true horror of that heinous crime. If you do watch one film -- see The Pianist (2002). If you do watch one documentary -- let it be the 9 1/2 hrs Shoah (1985), directed by Claude Lanzmann. I recommend you watch it over the course of two or three days.

I have provide 3/7 parts of an interview with Franz Suchomel, a junior sergeant in the SS who served in the death camp Treblinka in 1942. He was secretly recorded during the interview for the documentary film Shoah and gives invaluable information on the murder of the Jews in that death camp. At one point in the interview, he states that the new gas chambers at Treblinka "could finish off three thousand people in two hours"!

I have also provided the text of the documentary of the parts mentioned below the videos.




Franz Suchomel, SS Unterscharfuehrer

Lanzmann (interviewer): Are we ready?

Suchomel: Yes. We can begin.

Lanzmann: How's your heart? Is everything in order?

Suchomel: Oh, my heart -- for the moment, it's all right. If I have
any pain, I'll tell you. We'll have to break off.

Lanzmann: Of course. But your health, in general, is...

Suchomel: The weather today suits me fine. The barometric pressure is
high; that's good for me.

Lanzmann: You look to be in good shape, anyway. Let's begin with
Treblinka. I believe you got there in August? Was it August 20 or 24?

Suchomel: The eighteenth.

Lanzmann: The eighteenth?

Suchomel: I don't know exactly. Around August 20, I arrived there with
seven other men.

Lanzmann: From Berlin?

Suchomel: From Berlin.

Lanzmann: From Lublin?

Suchomel: From Berlin to Warsaw, from Warsaw to Lublin, from Lublin
back to Warsaw and from Warsaw to Treblinka.

Lanzmann: What was Treblinka like then?

Suchomel: Treblinka then was operating at full capacity.

Lanzmann: Full capacity?

Suchomel: Full capacity! The Warsaw ghetto was being emptied then.
Three trains arrived in two days, each with three, four, five thousand
people aboard, all from Warsaw. But at the same time, other trains came
in from Kielce and other places. So three trains arrived, and since the
offensive against Stalingrad was in full swing, the trainloads of Jews
were left on a station siding. What's more, the cars were French, made
of steel. So that while five thousand Jews arrived in Treblinka, three
thousand were dead in the cars. They had slashed their wrists, or just
died. The ones we unloaded were half dead and half mad. In the other
trains from Kielce and elsewhere, at least half were dead. We stacked
them here, here, here and here. Thousands of people piled one on top of
another on the ramp. Stacked like wood. In addition, other Jews, still
alive, waited there for two days: the small gas chambers could no longer
handle the load. They functioned day and night in that period.

Lanzmann: Can you please describe, very precisely, your first
impression of Treblinka? Very precisely. It's very important.

Suchomel: My first impression of Treblinka, and that of some of the
other men, was catastrophic. For we had not been told how and
what...that people were being killed there. They hadn't told us.

Lanzmann: You didn't know?

Suchomel: No!

Lanzmann: Incredible!

Suchomel: But true. I didn't want to go. That was proved at my trial.
I was told: "Mr. Suchomel, there are big workshops there for tailors
and shoemakers, and you'll be guarding them."

Lanzmann: But you knew it was a camp?

Suchomel: Yes. We were told: "The Fuehrer ordered a _resettlement
program_. It's an _order from the Fuehrer_." Understand?

Lanzmann: Resettlement program.

Suchomel: Resettlement program. No one ever spoke of killing.


Lanzmann: I understand. Mr. Suchomel, we're not discussing you, only
Treblinka. You are a very important eyewitness, and you can explain
what Treblinka was.

Suchomel: But don't use my name.

Lanzmann: No, I promised. All right, you've arrived at Treblinka.

Suchomel: So Stadie, the sarge, showed us the camp from end to end.
Just as we went by, they were opening the gas-chamber doors, and people
fell out like potatoes. Naturally, that horrified and appalled us. We
went back and sat down on our stuicases and cried like old women.

Each day one hundred Jews were chosen to drag the corpses to the mass
graves. In the evening the Ukrainians drove those Jews into the gas
chambers or shot them. Every day!

It was in the hottest days of August. The ground undulated like waves
because of the gas.

Lanzmann: From the bodies?

Suchomel: Bear in mind, the graves were maybe eighteen, twenty feet
deep, all crammed with bodies! A thin layer of sand, and the heat. You
see? It was a hell up there.

Lanzmann: You saw that?

Suchomel: Yes, just once, the first day. We puked and wept.

Lanzmann: You wept?

Suchomel: We wept too, yes. The smell was infernal because gas was
constantly escaping. It stank horribly for miles around. You could
smell it everywhere. It depended on the wind. The stink was carried on
the wind. Understand?

More people kept coming, always more, whom we hadn't the facilities to
kill. The brass was in a rush to clean out the Warsaw ghetto. The gas
chambers couldn't handle the load. The small gas chambers. The Jews had
to wait their turn for a day, two days, three days. They foresaw what
was coming. They foresaw it. They may not have been certain, but many
knew. There were Jewish women who slashed their daughters' wrists at
night, then cut their own. Others poisoned themselves.

They heard the engine feeding the gas chamber. A tank engine was used
in that gas chamber. At Treblinka the only gas used was engine exhaust.
Zyklon gas -- that was Auschwitz.

Because of the delay, Eberl, the camp commandant, phoned Lublin and
said: "We can't go on this way. I can't do it any longer. We have to
break off." Overnight, Wirth arrived. He inspected everything and then
left. He returned with people from Belzec, experts. Wirth arranged to
suspend the trains. The corpses lying there were cleared away. That
was the period of the old gas chambers. Because there were so many dead
that couldn't be gotten rid of, the bodies piled up around the gas
chambers and stayed there for days. Under this pile of bodies was a
cesspool three inches deep, full of blood, worms and shit. No one
wanted to clean it out. The Jews preferred to be shot rather than work

Lanzmann: Preferred to be shot?

Suchomel: It was awful. Burying their own people, seeing it all. The
dead flesh came off in their hands. So Wirth went there himself with a
few Germans and had long belts rigged up that were wrapped around the
dead torsos to pull them.

Lanzmann: Who did that?

Suchomel: SS men and Jews.

Lanzmann: Jews too?

Suchomel: Jews too!

Lanzmann: What did the Germans do?

Suchomel: They forced the Jews to...

Lanzmann: They beat them?

Suchomel: ...or they themselves helped with the cleanup.

Lanzmann: Which Germans did that?

Suchomel: Some of our guards who were assigned up there.

Lanzmann: The Germans themselves?

Suchomel: They had to.

Lanzmann: They were in command!

Suchomel: They were in command, but they were also commanded.

Lanzmann: I think the Jews did it.

Suchomel: In that case, the Germans had to lend a hand.


Suchomel: The new gas chambers were built in September 1942.

Lanzmann: Who built them?

Suchomel: Hackenhold and Lambert supervised the Jews who did the work,
the bricklaying at least. Ukrainian carpenters made the doors. The
gas-chamber doors themselves were armoder hunker doors. I think they
were brought from Bialystok, from some Russian bunkers.

Lanzmann: What was the capacity of the new gas chambers? There were
two of them, right?

Suchomel: Yes. But the old ones hadn't been demolished. When there
were a lot of trains, a lot of people, the old ones were put back into
service. And here...the Jews say there were five on each side. I say
there were four, but I'm not sure. In any case, only the upper row on
this side was in action.

Lanzmann: Why not the other side?

Suchomel: Disposing of the bodies would have been too complicated.

Lanzmann: Too far?

Suchomel: Yes. Up there Wirth had built the death camp, assigning a
detail of Jewish workers to it. The detail had a fixed number in it,
around two hundred people, who worked only in the death camp.

Lanzmann: But what was the capacity of the new gas chambers?

Suchomel: The new gas chambers... Let's see... They could finish off
three thousand people in two hours.

Lanzmann: How many people at once in a single gas chamber?

Suchomel: I can't say exactly. The Jews say two hundred. Imagine a
room this size.

Lanzmann: They put more in at Auschwitz.

Suchomel: Auschwitz was a factory!

Lanzmann: And Treblinka?

Suchomel: I'll give you my definition. Keep this in mind! Treblinka
was a primitive but effective production line of death. Understand?

Lanzmann: Yes. But primitive?

Suchomel: Primitive, yes. But it worked well, that production line of

Lanzmann: Was Belzec even more rudimentary?

Suchomel: Belzec was the laboratory. Wirth was camp commandant. He
tried everything imaginable there. He got off on the wrong foot. The
pits were overflowing and the cesspool seeped out in front of the SS
mess hall. It stank -- in front of the mess hall, in front of their

Lanzmann: Were you at Belzec?

Suchomel: No. Wirth with his own men -- with Franz, with Oberhauser
and Hackenhold -- he tried everything there. Those three had to put the
bodies in the pits themselves so that Wirth could see how much space he
needed. And when they rebelled -- Franz refused -- Wirth beat Franz
with a whip. He whipped Hackenhold too. You see?

Lanzmann: Kurt Franz?

Suchomel: Kurt Franz. That's how Wirth was. Then, with that
experiment behind him, he came to Treblinka.
rial-----give up-------Nazis cling to their lies. On TV now----there is a program aboutthe Armenian genocide which the islamo Nazis also continue to deny Some of the surviving children were confiscated by islamo Nazis and brought up as muslims.
A few of them are popping out of the wood work. The confiscation of children is an Islamic thing that muslims deny. Jews living in shariah shit holes were subject to that filth for centuries but anytime I mention the fact an islamo Nazi slob will call me a liar. Denial is part and parcel of islamo Nazism FOR ALL TIME.
In the practice of medicine----there is a term "pathognomonic" A pathognomonic sign----MAKES THE DIAGNOSIS. Find a lump of shit who denies the genocide of world war II-------and YOU GOT THE DIAGNOSIS----

Corpses of prisoners are seen piled up at the Nazi concentration camp of Buchenwald in April 1945 upon the liberation of the camp by Allied troops. The construction of Buchenwald camp started 15 July 1937 and was liberated by U.S. General Patton's army 11 April 1945. (ERIC SCHWAB/AFP/Getty Images)

Buchenwald Liberation Photos Show Holocaust Horrors On Anniversary Of Nazi Concentration Camp Closing PHOTOS

And then there was Dachau

AOL Search

8 newspaper reporters view corpses at Dachau, May 3, 1945

Sadly, typhoid and other deadly diseases were rampant at the work camps. ..... :cool:

Yes, because they were put in unsanitary conditions and were starved .
Penelope-----are you still there? I am waiting for that UPDATE in Nazism that
you claim has happened. So what's new?????? how has your ideology changed
in the past 50 years? -----do the other islamo Nazis know?
Sunni Man, why are you so full of hate ? :cool:
Having reservations about some aspects of the so called holocaust doesn't imply hatred. ...... :cool:

it INDICATES islamo Nazism -----the basis for the murder of hundreds of
millions over the past 1400 years and the denial thereof. It is the basis for
an ongoing genocide in the LEVANT which the islamo Nazis will also deny
Don't say "our vets" when you refer to Americans, you aren't part of us.

I'm an American more than you, your a Zionist lover , move to Israel. I put America before Israel. Yes they are American vets who come home dead or with missing limbs.

also this man is no more guilty than anyone else who fights in a war led by war mongers. the Zionist are so low life to bring this man to trial as a war criminal when they are themselves. That is how sick they are.
No you aren't an American, you are a Nazi.
Ooh how hurtful. I'm going to cry. Ha Ha.
How could being called a Nazi possibly insult someone like you?

Don't call me a Bolshevik or it might hurt my feelings.

You remind me of a cartoon character.
Yes, because they were put in unsanitary conditions and were starved .
I have always acknowledged that many inmates died in the camps because of both disease and starvation.

It is the alleged death by gas chamber story that I dispute. ..... :cool:[/of iQUOTE].

You don't just deny it. You make a mockery of it and you spit all over the victims, Jewish and Non Jewish. Then you whine when people respond appropriately to you
You are pure Islamic evil :cool:
Toastman, I have always said that what happen to the juden during WWII was a tragedy.

If only Hitler had followed thru with his plan to deport them all to an isolated island.

Most european juden would have lived.

And a peaceful final solution to the jewish problem would have made the world safe for everyone. ...... :cool:
Toastman, I have always said that what happen to the juden during WWII was a tragedy.

If only Hitler had followed thru with his plan to deport them all to an isolated island.

Most european juden would have lived.

And a peaceful final solution to the jewish problem would have made the world safe for everyone. ...... :cool:

LOL The only who believe that there was/is a Jewish problem are demented and hateful Nazis.

The only religion that's causing a problem is Islam, and that's as evident as the sky is blue. :cool:
LOL The only who believe that there was/is a Jewish problem are demented and hateful Nazis.
People throughout history have had problems with jews.

Thousands of years before there were nazis or muslims.

Jews were driven out of their host countries.

Obviously, there is something seriously wrong with the jew people for this to keep happening again and again. ...... :cool:
Toastman, I have always said that what happen to the juden during WWII was a tragedy.

If only Hitler had followed thru with his plan to deport them all to an isolated island.

Most european juden would have lived.

And a peaceful final solution to the jewish problem would have made the world safe for everyone. ...... :cool:

LOL The only who believe that there was/is a Jewish problem are demented and hateful Nazis.

The only religion that's causing a problem is Islam, and that's as evident as the sky is blue. :cool:
Almost everyone was evidently unaware of the massive global conspiracy of all the allied powers to conceal the truth.

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