Zone1 Details of New Iran Deal Approved by Iran.T

So said the spider to the fly
View attachment 684626
What sickens me the most is the Israeli government sniper teams shooting children. This in itself, is a war crime

IDF shooting children
idf shooting children - Google Search

Israel destroying Palestinian fishing boats
Israel destroying Palestinian fishing boats - Google Search

illegal settlements
israel illegal settlements un - Google Search

I was once a devoted believer in Israel and defended them whenever/wherever I could.
Now I am a bit confused, should I ignore the above or not?

You tell me?
The leadership all over the world has been going to hell, two many dictators & want to be dictators. You have every right to be confused, me to, The ability to work together has been going down the drain.
So said the spider to the fly
View attachment 684626
What sickens me the most is the Israeli government sniper teams shooting children. This in itself, is a war crime

IDF shooting children
idf shooting children - Google Search

Israel destroying Palestinian fishing boats
Israel destroying Palestinian fishing boats - Google Search

illegal settlements
israel illegal settlements un - Google Search

I was once a devoted believer in Israel and defended them whenever/wherever I could.
Now I am a bit confused, should I ignore the above or not?

You tell me?

What sickens me is the use of children as human shields by Muslims.

What also sickens me is the lies told by Muslims Supremacists in their attempt to slander and defame the IDF.

Remember, this is all because the Muslims only control 99% of the middle east, and the greedy Jews won't give them the other 1%
Thought you guys said he was owned by China,? Anything that is a positive step away from nukes is worth trying.

Biden is owned by every enemy of America on earth.

He's been taking bribes from every two bit despot their is for 50 years.

Quid Pro is true to his name.
Joe Biden is not a king, and does not speak for the US Gov't all by himself. He can enter into any agreement like the Paris Accords were, but future presidents and Congresses are not bound by it unless the Congress approves the deal (which I believe requires 60 votes in the Senate); then it is a legitimate treaty that we should abide by, until such time as the Congress cancels it and the president at the time agrees. But if the new Iran deal is not approved in Congress then it does not have the force of law and the next president can rescind it after he/she takes office.

I think it's very likely that Biden will approve this deal, which IMHO will cost his party dearly in November and again in 2024. He's a feckless bastard that does not know what he's doing most of the time. He probably thinks he's being loyal to Obama by trying to resurrect the JCPOA.
An anti-semite with qualifications. The Zionism must be eliminated before they are the cause of a world war.

Those opposed to Zionism could very likely be dreaming up a plot to hit America again and it could be much bigger than 911!
If it's 'nuclear' then that could quite likely be seen by America as the justification to hit any country that's imagined to be responsible.

There have been ample warnings on America's support of Zionists.
So, are you are dreaming up a plot to hit America again?

It would stand to reason since you say those oppsed to Zionism (the right of self determination for Jewish people) are plotting another strike and you are opposed to Jewish self determination.
It would stand to reason since you say those oppsed to Zionism (the right of self determination for Jewish people)
Zionism does not represent (the right of self determination for Jewish people).

Today, Zionism is nothing more than a cult.

Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsiyyonut [tsijoˈnut] after Zion) is a nationalist movement that espouses the establishment of, and support for a homeland for the Jewish people centered in the area roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel, the region of Palestine, Canaan, or the Holy Land, on the basis of a long Jewish connection and attachment to that land.

In 1896, Theodor Herzl expressed in Der Judenstaat his views on "the restoration of the Jewish state"

The common denominator among all Zionists has been a claim to Palestine, a land traditionally known in Jewish writings as the Land of Israel ("Eretz Israel") as a national homeland of the Jews and as the legitimate focus for Jewish national self-determination. It is based on historical ties and religious traditions linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. Zionism does not have a uniform ideology, but has evolved in a dialogue among a plethora of ideologies: General Zionism, Religious Zionism, Labor Zionism, Revisionist Zionism, Green Zionism, etc.
Zionism - Wikipedia

The above desire to have a land of their own was satisfied in 1947ad by the establishment of “Israel”, This in itself should have marked the end of “Zionism” because its goal had been achieved. Sadly, the above was/is based on a lie.

The Promised Land these Jews longed for is not the land these Jews now occupy.

Promised Land
“Moses went up Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah, looked over the promised land of Israel spread out before him,
and died, at the age of one hundred and twenty, according to Talmudic legend on 7 Adar, his 120th birthday exactly.

Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west.

The land these Israelis now occupy
is NOT their Promised Land.
It is all based on a lie

are plotting another strike and you are opposed to Jewish self determination.
Self-determination does not include the right to murder Palestinian children.

Zionism does not represent (the right of self determination for Jewish people).

Today, Zionism is nothing more than a cult.

Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsiyyonut [tsijoˈnut] after Zion) is a nationalist movement that espouses the establishment of, and support for a homeland for the Jewish people centered in the area roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel, the region of Palestine, Canaan, or the Holy Land, on the basis of a long Jewish connection and attachment to that land.

In 1896, Theodor Herzl expressed in Der Judenstaat his views on "the restoration of the Jewish state"

The common denominator among all Zionists has been a claim to Palestine, a land traditionally known in Jewish writings as the Land of Israel ("Eretz Israel") as a national homeland of the Jews and as the legitimate focus for Jewish national self-determination. It is based on historical ties and religious traditions linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. Zionism does not have a uniform ideology, but has evolved in a dialogue among a plethora of ideologies: General Zionism, Religious Zionism, Labor Zionism, Revisionist Zionism, Green Zionism, etc.
Zionism - Wikipedia

The above desire to have a land of their own was satisfied in 1947ad by the establishment of “Israel”, This in itself should have marked the end of “Zionism” because its goal had been achieved. Sadly, the above was/is based on a lie.

The Promised Land these Jews longed for is not the land these Jews now occupy.

Promised Land
“Moses went up Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah, looked over the promised land of Israel spread out before him,
and died, at the age of one hundred and twenty, according to Talmudic legend on 7 Adar, his 120th birthday exactly.

Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west.

The land these Israelis now occupy
is NOT their Promised Land.
It is all based on a lie


Self-determination does not include the right to murder Palestinian children.

You are another Muslim who hates Jews

It says right in your cut and pastes that Zionism is the movement to provide a homeland to the Jewish people - aka self determination.

It is nor a "cult" despite your ethnic hatred leading to you calling it one in order to deceive.
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You are another Muslim who hates Jews
Oh poor baby, have I hurt your feelings?
It says right in your cut and pastes that Zionism is the movement to provide a homeland to the Jewish people - aka self determination.
It is also stated in my post that the creation of a state for the Jews was achieved in 1947ad
It is nor a "cult" despite your erhnic hatred leading to you calling it one.
Please believe me, I do not hate anyone, period.
I do detest, loath, and find repugnant those who murder children.
i.e. IDF sniper teams under the direction of the Israeli government.

Oh poor baby, have I hurt your feelings?

It is also stated in my post that the creation of a state for the Jews was achieved in 1947ad

Please believe me, I do not hate anyone, period.
I do detest, loath, and find repugnant those who murder children.
i.e. IDF sniper teams under the direction of the Israeli government.

My feelings have not been hurt.

I'm simply impervious to Pallywood terrorist propaganda, kitman and taqiyya.
This is going to cause considerable blowback by the Zionists,
The purpose was to never allow an agreement and that will be made obvious very soon, if not already.

America's dog has caught the car!

Israel will make that plain to see. A success by Biden or an utter failure to keep Iran under control?
i wouldn't accept this deal-proposal by the Iranians.

they gain everything without giving up anything.
they need to give up their nuclear centrifuge infrastructure in gradual steps entirely, to reach their full wishlist of sanctions relief.
*that* is upholding decisions made by former US Presidents, instead of getting played by foreign powers like the Iranians.
*t.hat* is upholding decisions made by former US Presidents, instead of getting played by foreign powers like the Iranians
As one friend to another, I am bound by the friendship oath to correct misspelled words made by such friend; so here; for all to see is the appropriate statement I know in the depths of my heart you intended to say---
Now you do not have to thank me for correcting your obvious typo. Just consider this as one friendly deed done for a fellow friend.

*that* is upholding decisions made by former US Presidents, instead of getting played by foreign powers like the Israelis

An anti-semite with qualifications. The Zionism must be eliminated before they are the cause of a world war.

Those opposed to Zionism could very likely be dreaming up a plot to hit America again and it could be much bigger than 911!
If it's 'nuclear' then that could quite likely be seen by America as the justification to hit any country that's imagined to be responsible.

There have been ample warnings on America's support of Zionists.
If we're hit by a nuclear war it's probably going to be by our own politicians doing a false flag operation because the American people are about to overthrow them.

Of course it will be Russia's fault.
This is going to cause considerable blowback by the Zionists,
The purpose was to never allow an agreement and that will be made obvious very soon, if not already.

America's dog has caught the car!

Israel will make that plain to see. A success by Biden or an utter failure to keep Iran under control?
Isn't worrying about Iran having a nuclear weapon a little bit redundant in the first place at this point?

The recent covid-19 pandemic has shown us that a tiny virus can kill millions of people in a matter of weeks.... and covid-19 Coronavirus is a mild one compared to some of the real nasty stuff they have.

I think we should be more worried about some crazy right-wing lunatic coming from Ukraine with a bio weapon in a coffee can then about an Ayatollah wanting to have nuclear power who could possibly make a bomb. Besides... If Iran wants nukes , they could buy them from Pakistan or India couldn't they ?
Isn't worrying about Iran having a nuclear weapon a little bit redundant in the first place at this point?

The recent covid-19 pandemic has shown us that a tiny virus can kill millions of people in a matter of weeks.... and covid-19 Coronavirus is a mild one compared to some of the real nasty stuff they have.

I think we should be more worried about some crazy right-wing lunatic coming from Ukraine with a bio weapon in a coffee can then about an Ayatollah wanting to have nuclear power who could possibly make a bomb. Besides... If Iran wants nukes , they could buy them from Pakistan or India couldn't they ?
no. I am not worried about a Ukrainian with a
coffee can. Nukes do not come in boxes
wrapped up in ribbons for placement under the
christmas tree -----UNTIL "NEEDED" FOR HOLY
JIHAD. Has some Ukrainian threatened you?
Isn't worrying about Iran having a nuclear weapon a little bit redundant in the first place at this point?

The recent covid-19 pandemic has shown us that a tiny virus can kill millions of people in a matter of weeks.... and covid-19 Coronavirus is a mild one compared to some of the real nasty stuff they have.

I think we should be more worried about some crazy right-wing lunatic coming from Ukraine with a bio weapon in a coffee can then about an Ayatollah wanting to have nuclear power who could possibly make a bomb. Besides... If Iran wants nukes , they could buy them from Pakistan or India couldn't they ?
More to the point, if Iran really wants nuclear weapons it would be for defense reasons. America has the ability to bomb Iran, the same as it destroyed Iraq on false pretenses. Iran knows the same is going to happen to them some day.
North Korea, the same.
If we're hit by a nuclear war it's probably going to be by our own politicians doing a false flag operation because the American people are about to overthrow them.

Of course it will be Russia's fault.
Maybe a little extreme for even the Trump regime, but you're probably right about a false flag incident being used to change the progress of America's war against Russia.
Maybe a little extreme for even the Trump regime, but you're probably right about a false flag incident being used to change the progress of America's war against Russia.
Exactly is the Trump regime and how does it have anything to do with what I said?

You're saying bio weapons are not a threat seriously?
More to the point, if Iran really wants nuclear weapons it would be for defense reasons. America has the ability to bomb Iran, the same as it destroyed Iraq on false pretenses. Iran knows the same is going to happen to them some day.
North Korea, the same.
Is that when Iran found out that they would be nuked someday ?

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