Detroit- The City of Scum


Aug 23, 2015
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
They weren't Democrats.
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
Four super powers took them over and gave them billions of dollars in cash, that's how. Do you want to invite China in?
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
They weren't Democrats.

What kinda dope have you been smoking this morning?
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
Four super powers took them over and gave them billions of dollars in cash, that's how. Do you want to invite China in?
I thought we were rebuilding them?
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
They weren't Democrats.

What kinda dope have you been smoking this morning?
Com'on, that was funny.
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
..undeniably, Germans and Japanese are [ were ] very industrious/disciplined/etc with a much different culture
....they are [ were ] hardworking..the Germans are well known for organization/orderliness/etc
....plain and simply = culture ......
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
......Japan, like England, is an island nation with not much resources...but look at Japan's [ and Germany's ] economy!...culture
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
......Japan, like England, is an island nation with not much resources...but look at Japan's [ and Germany's ] economy!...culture
They are an island, surrounded by water, ocean water......
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
Four super powers took them over and gave them billions of dollars in cash, that's how. Do you want to invite China in?
the $$$ did not do it
....we give $$$$ and benefits/etc to many '''groups''' and they are still failures= Palestinians/blacks/etc
..Africa--still a giant shothole
..we gave BILLIONS $$$ to Latin America and it didn't help
..the Germans and Japanese are much different--that's why
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
......Japan, like England, is an island nation with not much resources...but look at Japan's [ and Germany's ] economy!...culture
They are an island, surrounded by water, ocean water......
I agree--the ocean is water
I have been to Detroit on business trips twice, both for 3 days.
It is surreal. It has it's officials do little/nothing about home based unlicensed businesses. It just might be the one city left in all of America that still embraces a free market system. Detroit has been like this for several decades. Generally speaking, the people are friendlier than most cities. Cincinnati is like that also, especially on the Newport side.
And traffic in not a problem, and that is a bonus.
On the bad side, it is a city that is half abandoned. A business acquaintance that lives there took us into the residential areas that are virtually completely abandoned. It cannot be described in words what it is like. We got out of the car on the eastside, at what was once a 4 lane intersection...nothing. Dead silence except for the sound of distant traffic on an interstate hwy. No one there. You could probably play a full game of checkers in the middle of these intersections and not be disturbed.
At least that is how it was like the last time I was there, which was the early 2000's.
Having said this.... it is ignorant to say the city fell on the hands of Democrats.
No it didn't.
It's the pathetic city just like Chicago, run by Democrats that caused its demise.

And what’s the excuse for all of the southern red states which continue to be the poorest in the nation??

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