Detroit- The City of Scum

I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
I believe that the Globalist were in the process of blockbusting. But this time, they are not going to bring down neighborhoods so that they can buy the properties for a very cheap price. But this time, they were going to go global. Bring down countries economies, and build up other countries economies. They were going to have all of the corporations to move away from this country. And then everyone in this country will be looking for a new place to live. Then everybody here will be moving to other countries that has great job opportunities. Like Pres.Trump said, "Why every other countries have nice buildings, roads and airports, while ours is falling apart?" And I know someone that worked for a company, that works over in the middle east, during the Iraq war. That he was so surprise how fast their cities has grown after the war. He said that they have built skyscrapers bigger and fancier than ours, especially in India. Once they would of collapsed our economy. The crime rate will rise very high. Then people will want to move away. Then that is when the globalist will come in and buy up the lands for a cheaper price.

It's the pathetic city just like Chicago, run by Democrats that caused its demise.

And what’s the excuse for all of the southern red states which continue to be the poorest in the nation??

LOL....It's been 14 years since Katrina hit N.O. and they still havent recovered.

Houston was hit by Harvey in 2017 and we're back in business already.

It's the people that make the difference.
Oh..Texas has the 10th largest economy in the world.
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
Four super powers took them over and gave them billions of dollars in cash, that's how. Do you want to invite China in?
Bwhahhahaaa! Cities were given hundreds of billions of dollars if not trillions over the decades! What you got in the cities is what you got in Africa! Sorry!
I’d like to take a second to point out that the city of Detroit is not experiencing the “Great Revival” being applauded by so many throughout the nation. The city is still plagued by cretins and criminals who patrol the streets with little fear of a non existent police force. From pushers and opportunists on every street corner, to young thugs running freely, the city is far from the great days of the 50’s. One could blame the lack of opportunity and representation on its elected leaders, but let’s be real, the citizens must step up and be held accountable for the disastrous affairs plaguing the city today. As I work day after day in the city, I’m constantly reminded of a skewed culture who embrace violence and crime as way of life. While shootings, stabbings and punch-ups continue to be an everyday occurrence, the outsiders as well as the MSM push their agenda of altering the public’s perception of a city on the brink of destruction. You cannot change the identity of an entire city with the construction of a new arena or a couple of hipster restaurants. In my eyes, the current chaos within Detroit is part of a silent revolt against gentrification. The same people who’ve destroyed the city over the years are striving to deter new investors and potential buyers from fixing up blighted neighborhoods. People seem to think that the revitalization of downtown has somehow eradicated the scum off the streets. They couldn’t be more wrong. If you question my views on the sad state of affairs within the city, come see for yourself. You’re sure to be disappointed.
Germany and Japan rebuilt themselves after devastating bomb raids-how did they do it?
Without a black population.

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