Detroit used to be the richest city in the nation, but Progressive policies of tax the rich and spend it on welfare programs left the city in ruins.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
How Detroit went broke: The answers may surprise you — and don't blame Coleman Young
Instead, amid a huge exodus of residents, plummeting tax revenues and skyrocketing home abandonment, Detroit’s leaders engaged in a billion-dollar borrowing binge, created new taxes and failed to cut expenses when they needed to. Simultaneously, they gifted workers and retirees with generous bonuses. And under pressure from unions and, sometimes, arbitrators, they failed to cut health care benefits — saddling the city with staggering costs that today threaten the safety and quality of life of people who live here.

So the rich and middle class just got up and left for greener states. The reason why i posted this history of facts, is that California is doing the exact same thing, but on a larger scale. Only a matter of time when all of California will look like Robocop's Detroit.

Wealthy Americans Are Over California And Exiting With Their Money
Recently, a lot of rich people have moved out of California. This change has brought the state's population below 39 million, a historical all-time low since 2015.
The left is so stupid that they never learn from their mistakes but always double down, thinking that taxing the wealth out of people will make the poor very happy. Unless WALLS are build to keep the rich from moving away, the rich will got it....greener pastures....

How Detroit went broke: The answers may surprise you — and don't blame Coleman Young

So the rich and middle class just got up and left for greener states. The reason why i posted this history of facts, is that California is doing the exact same thing, but on a larger scale. Only a matter of time when all of California will look like Robocop's Detroit.

MSN The left is so stupid that they never learn from their mistakes but always double down, thinking that taxing the wealth out of people will make the poor very happy. Unless WALLS are build to keep the rich from moving away, the rich will got it....greener pastures....

View attachment 894702
Why not tell it like it really is today instead of digging up an article from 2013 that was reprinted in 2018.

Coleman Young, lol. Detroit Free Press must have benefited somehow from him.
lol, no. The collapse of the local auto industry left the city in ruins.

Nice try, though.

Stupid OX. Superior Cars began to come in from Non-Union, less regulated, less taxed States or Countries. Union labor could not compete.

By you logic the collapse in STL was also due to collapse of Car companies? Uh that was not the primary industry. You lose on every point always.

When the Big three and others got rolling was due to moving MFG to non-union states to become competitive. You can't pay HS dropout $75/hr to put in a seat and compete with the Japanese paying $25/hr to assemble cars in the South. Sod off chimp.
How Detroit went broke: The answers may surprise you — and don't blame Coleman Young

So the rich and middle class just got up and left for greener states. The reason why i posted this history of facts, is that California is doing the exact same thing, but on a larger scale. Only a matter of time when all of California will look like Robocop's Detroit.

MSN The left is so stupid that they never learn from their mistakes but always double down, thinking that taxing the wealth out of people will make the poor very happy. Unless WALLS are build to keep the rich from moving away, the rich will got it....greener pastures....

View attachment 894702
California is a mess to be sure, and it is largely due to their policies. However that state will never be as bad as what has become Detroit. Cali has things Detroit doesn’t- Moderate weather, beaches, tourism and Hollywood.
There are vast areas of the United States inner cities that law abiding people dare not enter.... that is a symptom of poor leadership and we should not accept it.... these justices and liberal courts have made the situation almost unrepairable...
We need MAGA leaders to clean up our courts.... the federal level on down...
California is a mess to be sure, and it is largely due to their policies. However that state will never be as bad as what has become Detroit. Cali has things Detroit doesn’t- Moderate weather, beaches, tourism and Hollywood.
Lots of illegals who are siphoning off the healthcare system, along with getting drivers licenses. Bankruptcy is a sure bet when you have millions of diseased criminals invading your state, while the tax payer is fleeing in droves.
I love this! That means the measure of success should be measured by today's richest cities. Here are all the cities flourishing under liberal agendas and leadership. By the way Detroit isnt in ruins.

GDP of US Cities
Why not tell it like it really is today instead of digging up an article from 2013 that was reprinted in 2018.

Coleman Young, lol. Detroit Free Press must have benefited somehow from him.
Because you dolt, it was in the 1950s when the Big 3 Auto's along with Motown that brought in so much money, the leftists just couldnt let that happen. So the Progressives bankrupted the city, turned it into a war zone and soon after that, only the poor had to stay. I cant help it is you are too stupid to realize that happens every time a Marxist is put in power.
I love this! That means the measure of success should be measured by today's richest cities. Here are all the cities flourishing under liberal agendas and leadership. By the way Detroit isnt in ruins.

GDP of US Cities
View attachment 894787
Those stats are totally meaningless. Totally. What does NYC manufacture?? Besides crime.

Know how goods are bought and shipped overseas without paying State, Local and Federal Taxes? Of course you don't.

They have to go to an International Port, a Free Port of sorts, go through Customs and are then shipped overseas with no taxes. Otherwise, they'd have to pay Sales Tax. And that would queer the deal.

So if you buy a 2 million dollar harvester in Waterloo, Iowa and want it shipped to BumFukk Egypt with out paying $150,000 in Sales Tax alone, plus all the Federal Taxes and Fees, you have to ship it that way.

To a Port in New York. Where it is recorded as a Sale in New York. NOT in Waterloo Iowa. New York. If it's recorded as a sale in Iowa, you have to pay Iowa Tax on it. Only a Free Port can get by without paying taxes

Same thing in Kaliphony. Same thing in Chicago on exports to Canada. Same thing in Florida where we ship to Central and South America all the time.

It's akshally purty interesting. Or not.
Those stats are totally meaningless. Totally. What does NYC manufacture?? Besides crime.

Know how goods are bought and shipped overseas without paying State, Local and Federal Taxes? Of course you don't.

They have to go to an International Port, a Free Port of sorts, go through Customs and are then shipped overseas with no taxes. Otherwise, they'd have to pay Sales Tax. And that would queer the deal.

So if you buy a 2 million dollar harvester in Waterloo, Iowa and want it shipped to BumFukk Egypt with out paying $150,000 in Sales Tax alone, plus all the Federal Taxes and Fees, you have to ship it that way.

To a Port in New York. Where it is recorded as a Sale in New York. NOT in Waterloo Iowa. New York. If it's recorded as a sale in Iowa, you have to pay Iowa Tax on it. Only a Free Port can get by without paying taxes

Same thing in Kaliphony. Same thing in Chicago on exports to Canada. Same thing in Florida where we ship to Central and South America all the time.

It's akshally purty interesting. Or not.
You have no idea how an economy works. Got it. GDP is actually the only thing that matters.
How Detroit went broke: The answers may surprise you — and don't blame Coleman Young

So the rich and middle class just got up and left for greener states. The reason why i posted this history of facts, is that California is doing the exact same thing, but on a larger scale. Only a matter of time when all of California will look like Robocop's Detroit.

MSN The left is so stupid that they never learn from their mistakes but always double down, thinking that taxing the wealth out of people will make the poor very happy. Unless WALLS are build to keep the rich from moving away, the rich will got it....greener pastures....

View attachment 894702
What an idiotic thread title.
You think maybe Detroit's decline was linked to all industrial decline in the USA starting in the 60s?
Especially as Detroit was tethered to auto which took an especially hard hit?
BTW, the auto hit was because of poor management not anything Republican or Democrats did.

You have no idea how an economy works. Got it. GDP is actually the only thing that matters.
I know how an economy works. You, OTOH, have no clue how the Import/Export Business works or what a Free Port is. And GDP is not carved in stone. Hardly.

The GDP numbers from a Port City/State are always inflated. They make nothing, they manufacture nothing, they create nothing. They employ very few. All they do is ship it or import it. Sometimes they process it (frozen goods) but not very often unless it's an export.

Does it account for ALL their economy? Hell no. But it counts for a lot of it. The Coastal areas aren't all that and a Happy Meal. Without the MidWest manufacturing and farming, they'd collapse into a pile of rubble, post haste.

Many Companies that sell imported goods go to 'Direct Buy' if at all possible. If they're big enough. You have no clue what that is, do you? Didn't think so. Ask your 3rd grade teacher. She might know but -- I seriously doubt it.

I'd explain it to you but talking to the slow-witted is tedious, at best......


One tip you can understand -- A bidnessman in Buttfukk Kaliphony imports 2 containers of Dildos. He then takes orders on them from other businesses throughout the Country. A million dollars worth. That gets filed as a millions dollars on the GDP books. But he didn't make anything, he didn't manufacture anything, he created nothing, and -- HE EMPLOYED VIRTUALLY NO ONE! All he's got is a small warehouse, a fat secretary, a desk and a computer. The Export side is more complicated and WAY beyond your understanding.

But you keep on believing your Grade School numbers. It suits you.
What an idiotic thread title.
You think maybe Detroit's decline was linked to all industrial decline in the USA starting in the 60s?
Especially as Detroit was tethered to auto which took an especially hard hit?
BTW, the auto hit was because of poor management not anything Republican or Democrats did.


More BS. Again, you can't pay a HS dropout $75/HR + benefits to tighten a bolt 8 hours. When other Countries/States are able to pay $25/HR for the same thing. Eventually you have to make it up somewhere. Quality began to go downhill....yes some of it bad MGT, bad Designs. DET got fat, stupid and lazy. DET Politicians taxed them right out of business on top of all of it.

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