Devastating impact of golf courses on the environment

Less devasting than playgrounds, tennis and basketball courts and pools...
I'd love to poke the Prez at every opportunity.. But I'm not gonna stoop to using the wild imaginations of pseudo-enviros who don't bathe regularly..
Well, that's just another excuse for Obozo to sit around playing with his balls..

Is the DNC hiring, or is SGT Wasserman-Shultz still screaming "PAY ME, I KNOW NOTHING"????
Obama isn't even mentioned in the thread link.
Yet, Obama and His Democrat minions decry the amount of water used by high pressure high volume hydraulic fracturing.

And Bernie Sanders has stated that if elected President, he will force every state to ban fracking.

Fuck fracking - and frackers! We'll all really be fucked when we run out of potable water due to gas contamination.
Obama isn't even mentioned in the thread link.
Yet, Obama and His Democrat minions decry the amount of water used by high pressure high volume hydraulic fracturing.

And Bernie Sanders has stated that if elected President, he will force every state to ban fracking.

Fuck fracking - and frackers! We'll all really be fucked when we run out of potable water due to gas contamination.
Potable water? :lol:

Agriculture has it's name on a Gulf of Mexico dead zone that's the size of Massachusetts.

Big River: A King Corn Companion | Agricultural Runoff and the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone

I bet you love some EPA.

Love on this, bitch...

EPA: Fracking doesn't systemically pollute water

In short, fuck you asshole.
The left never talks about the devastating impact of their sewage spewing toxic waste dump inner cities. Tell me how long will progressive liberal cesspool Portland, OR be allowed to dump raw sewage into major public waterways every time they get a heavy rain?

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