DEVELOPING: Trump’s Legal Team Prepares to File Motion to Dismiss Jack Smith’s Case Citing Prosecutorial Misconduct

If Judge Eileen Cannon is ethical, she'll do the right thing and dismiss this travesty of prosecutorial misconduct.

A motion to dismiss is always the first motion filed by any defense. It means nothing. It will be summarily rejected.
No one should get too excited yet. There's probably a half dozen or more motions that will be filed by each side between now and August.

I still think Trump's team should call Hillary, Biden, the National Archives Counsel, Garland, and maybe even Wray to testify.

Numerous whostlwblowers who have stepped forward against the DOJ, FBI, etc... might be able to help as witnesses, too.

Consider calling the Burisma Exec and / or Hunter's partners to testify to see if they were given access to any of Biden's classidied...

I would definitely consider attempting to expose the Democrats' 2-tiered justice system and turning it back into a 1-tiered system right there in court.
A motion to dismiss is always the first motion filed by any defense. It means nothing. It will be summarily rejected.
But the motion is proof positive that everything Trumps lawyers said is true because they were sent by god.

And the rejection is a forgone conclusion because coverup, deep state, swamps, Gorge Soros and stuff. More proof that the lawyers were correct. I am sure they can fit George Soros somewhere in there.
They should file a motion to dismiss based on the presidential records act which states the president can take any damn document with him that he chooses! Also backed up by the supreme court when it was bill clinton in the hot seat for the same thing.
That is not what the pra says. You got duped.

You are a tool who thinks they are a lawyer because you read some blog or something.
No one should get too excited yet. There's probably a half dozen or more motions that will be filed by each side between now and August.

I still think Trump's team should call Hillary, Biden, the National Archives Counsel, Garland, and maybe even Wray to testify.

Numerous whostlwblowers who have stepped forward against the DOJ, FBI, etc... might be able to help as witnesses, too.

Consider calling the Burisma Exec and / or Hunter's partners to testify to see if they were given access to any of Biden's classidied...

I would definitely consider attempting to expose the Democrats' 2-tiered justice system and turning it back into a 1-tiered system right there in court.

Wouldn’t that be like the damned fool caught speeding demanding that everyone else driving fast get busted before he gets a ticket? Isn’t it an admission of guilt?
Yet another fool demanding a link.

Learn to search for yourself. Or can't you type "google"?

And there was nothing "inaccurate" about what I said!

How can one look up something that exists only in your empty head?
The “secret nuclear docs”:


You understand that "classified" means you can't find it in a meme, right?
And who is the SOLE ARBITER of deciding what is personal and what is presidential?

That's right...THE PRESIDENT. The supreme court ruled it for bill clinton. The president cannot even delegate that authority and nobody can challenge it.

If that were true, you'd be able to post that Supreme Court ruling. Sadly for you, there is no such Supreme Court ruling. :cuckoo:

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