Devout Christians should not be prevented from engaging in NCAA sports.

The Bible is God's word, Jesus lived by it.

Everything after the book of John is Paul's words.
The book of Acts was written by Luke. The author of Hebrews is not known. Some people think Paul wrote it but Hebrews is not written in Paul's style. The book of James was written by James (possibly Jesus's half-brother). 1 Peter and 2 Peter were written by the apostle Peter. 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and also Revelation were written by the apostle John. Jude was written by Jude, the brother of James. The important thing here is that The Holy Spirit inspired all of the authors of the Bible including Paul. They only wrote what He inspired them to write.
No, the criticism i have is that you will condemn someone for not accepting your beliefs, while not accepting someone else's beliefs, and the left is ACTUALLY guilty of trying to force their beliefs on others against their will, churches haven't done that.
I don’t honestly care what you believe when it comes to your behavior. You can believe it’s very wrong to be gay or have premarital sex. If that’s how you feel, please do not do those things. I don’t tolerate people who feel like those beliefs have anything to do with someone else. A university who refuses people who don’t share their particular beliefs does not respect other people’s choices and is indeed forcing their will onto others.

Considering the last few years and the intolerance we have seen from the left on dissent, this is one hell of an ironic statement.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail

I have read Romans. I think Paul has a LOT of issues, and he never once spoke with Jesus. I'm not a fan.

If homosexuality is such a grave sin in the eyes of God, why is there no mention of it in the 10 Commandments? Why do radical right wing evangelicals place such an emphasis on banning homosexuality, and yet barely mention Adultery, upon which there is a prohibition in the 10 Commandments?

God says nothing in the Big 10 about homosexuality, and everything about lying, adultery, stealing and murder, and yet evangelicals don't seem to have a problem with any of these things. Only something which God didn't consider important enough to mention when he set down his laws.

Bakers aren't refusing to bake wedding cakes for Adulterers, liars, thieves, or blasphemers. Yet God considered these sins to be the WORST sins imaginable. Other than adultery, there were no prohibitions on other "lustful" or "shameful" behaviour.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail
Paul condemns it. Jesus never did.

The Bible is God's word, Jesus lived by it.

No it is NOT. It is written by MEN, inspired by God, but their personal prejudices abound.

In addition to which, the English language versions of these Biblical texts weren't even translated from the original texts. They were translations of translations, that had passed through numerous translators' hands, each of whom added their own personal interpretations to their translations of the originals.

Especially when speaking of sexual matters, the language is seldom direct, except in the 10 Commandments - Thou shall not Commit adultery.

So I ask again, if evangelicals are SO consumed with unforgiveable sins, why are they so obsesses with homosexuality, and not the behaviours which are outright banned in the 10 Commandments?

I've been a Presbyterian Church Elder for more than 20 years, and was a Sunday School teacher for 10 of those years. Let's talk about the Biblical references to sexual behaviour, the beginning of life, and other religious matters shall we?
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.
I have read Romans. I think Paul has a LOT of issues, and he never once spoke with Jesus. I'm not a fan.

You're a fascist.

You view government and the rulers of government as your god.

One thing about the Nazi left, you'll have no gods above your Reich.

You're so full of shit your breath stinks.

PS-Paul never met Jesus, and Paul was an asshole.
Read Acts 9:1-9. It tells of how Saul (who later became Paul) encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul was the greatest spreader of the Gospel in history.
Committing adultery is in the 10 commandments. Adultery being sex outside of marriage, which homosexuality would be. Also, the Bible defined marriage between a man and a woman when it talks about a man leaving his parents and cleaving to his wife, and in genesis when God made Eve to be a help mate for Adam.

Also, homosexuality was mentioned in Genesis, in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with homosexuality.
Read Genesis 19:1-5. Lot had angels visiting him in his house. It says the men of Sodom wanted to "know them carnally", NKJV. That is homosexuality.
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

No, sex outside marriage is not adultery. Sex with a person married to someone else is adultery.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail

I have read Romans. I think Paul has a LOT of issues, and he never once spoke with Jesus. I'm not a fan.

If homosexuality is such a grave sin in the eyes of God, why is there no mention of it in the 10 Commandments? Why do radical right wing evangelicals place such an emphasis on banning homosexuality, and yet barely mention Adultery, upon which there is a prohibition in the 10 Commandments?

God says nothing in the Big 10 about homosexuality, and everything about lying, adultery, stealing and murder, and yet evangelicals don't seem to have a problem with any of these things. Only something which God didn't consider important enough to mention when he set down his laws.

Bakers aren't refusing to bake wedding cakes for Adulterers, liars, thieves, or blasphemers. Yet God considered these sins to be the WORST sins imaginable. Other than adultery, there were no prohibitions on other "lustful" or "shameful" behaviour.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail
Paul condemns it. Jesus never did.

The Bible is God's word, Jesus lived by it.

No it is NOT. It is written by MEN, inspired by God, but their personal prejudices abound.

In addition to which, the English language versions of these Biblical texts weren't even translated from the original texts. They were translations of translations, that had passed through numerous translators' hands, each of whom added their own personal interpretations to their translations of the originals.

Especially when speaking of sexual matters, the language is seldom direct, except in the 10 Commandments - Thou shall not Commit adultery.

So I ask again, if evangelicals are SO consumed with unforgiveable sins, why are they so obsesses with homosexuality, and not the behaviours which are outright banned in the 10 Commandments?

I've been a Presbyterian Church Elder for more than 20 years, and was a Sunday School teacher for 10 of those years. Let's talk about the Biblical references to sexual behaviour, the beginning of life, and other religious matters shall we?
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

How do you know what sex a person is?
Genitalia tells you nothing because that is the outgrowth of hormone chemicals, and can be influences by contaminated food, illnesses, etc.
And what would you do in the case of a hermaphrodite who have genitalia of both sexes?
You do not know that God created marriage for 1 man and 1 woman.
In fact, there are no primates that naturally are monogamous.
So it is very unlikely humans would differ from all other primates, and be monogamous.
What is a sin is trying to harm others who are not harming anyone else.
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

No, sex outside marriage is not adultery. Sex with a person married to someone else is adultery.

{... Adultery Defined The Bible defines adultery as the voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse. ...}

As long as neither person in a homosexual relationship is not married to someone else, then it is not adulatory.
Quit preaching hatred and division - problem solved.

It's God's commandment, not hate speech. Besides, the university is private and attendance is VOLUNTARY. Aren't you one of the guys that says that private organizations like Facebook and Twitter can do whatever they want?

As always, leftists have one set of standards for people they dislike and no standards for people they like.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail

I have read Romans. I think Paul has a LOT of issues, and he never once spoke with Jesus. I'm not a fan.

If homosexuality is such a grave sin in the eyes of God, why is there no mention of it in the 10 Commandments? Why do radical right wing evangelicals place such an emphasis on banning homosexuality, and yet barely mention Adultery, upon which there is a prohibition in the 10 Commandments?

God says nothing in the Big 10 about homosexuality, and everything about lying, adultery, stealing and murder, and yet evangelicals don't seem to have a problem with any of these things. Only something which God didn't consider important enough to mention when he set down his laws.

Bakers aren't refusing to bake wedding cakes for Adulterers, liars, thieves, or blasphemers. Yet God considered these sins to be the WORST sins imaginable. Other than adultery, there were no prohibitions on other "lustful" or "shameful" behaviour.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail
Paul condemns it. Jesus never did.

The Bible is God's word, Jesus lived by it.

No it is NOT. It is written by MEN, inspired by God, but their personal prejudices abound.

In addition to which, the English language versions of these Biblical texts weren't even translated from the original texts. They were translations of translations, that had passed through numerous translators' hands, each of whom added their own personal interpretations to their translations of the originals.

Especially when speaking of sexual matters, the language is seldom direct, except in the 10 Commandments - Thou shall not Commit adultery.

So I ask again, if evangelicals are SO consumed with unforgiveable sins, why are they so obsesses with homosexuality, and not the behaviours which are outright banned in the 10 Commandments?

I've been a Presbyterian Church Elder for more than 20 years, and was a Sunday School teacher for 10 of those years. Let's talk about the Biblical references to sexual behaviour, the beginning of life, and other religious matters shall we?
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

Sex within marriage to someone who has been divorced (except outside of rare circumstances) is adultery also. Evangelicals largely backed a serial adulterer.
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

No, sex outside marriage is not adultery. Sex with a person married to someone else is adultery.

{... Adultery Defined The Bible defines adultery as the voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse. ...}

As long as neither person in a homosexual relationship is not married to someone else, then it is not adulatory.

And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

Matthew 19:9

“Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.

Luke 16:18
How do you know what sex a person is?
Genitalia tells you nothing because that is the outgrowth of hormone chemicals, and can be influences by contaminated food, illnesses, etc.
And what would you do in the case of a hermaphrodite who have genitalia of both sexes?
You do not know that God created marriage for 1 man and 1 woman.
In fact, there are no primates that naturally are monogamous.
So it is very unlikely humans would differ from all other primates, and be monogamous.
What is a sin is trying to harm others who are not harming anyone else.

Another leftist who fails biology.

Despite what your Reich wants - reality exists.

Hermaphroditism are a congenital defect. True Hermaphroditism occurs in about 1 out of 12,000,000 people. Of course this doesn't fit with the agenda of the left, so the Reich does what the Reich does, and ignores actual science, attempting to redefine to "intersex" and remove physical and medical reality, replacing it with feelings.

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia

I don't believe in god, and clearly you don't believe in science or reality.
Your disbelief of God's word is not my problem. An unbeliever does not get to define the terms of a debate about God's word. Sorry son.

If I was your son, I'd hang myself.

Yet again, because we both know you are incapable of doing so without admitting you're full of shit: Using the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, cite EXACTLY where Jesus condemned homosexuality.

Sorry kid, you don't get to interpret the Word from a place of ignorance. You seem pretty hostile? You don't like being shown up?
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail

I have read Romans. I think Paul has a LOT of issues, and he never once spoke with Jesus. I'm not a fan.

If homosexuality is such a grave sin in the eyes of God, why is there no mention of it in the 10 Commandments? Why do radical right wing evangelicals place such an emphasis on banning homosexuality, and yet barely mention Adultery, upon which there is a prohibition in the 10 Commandments?

God says nothing in the Big 10 about homosexuality, and everything about lying, adultery, stealing and murder, and yet evangelicals don't seem to have a problem with any of these things. Only something which God didn't consider important enough to mention when he set down his laws.

Bakers aren't refusing to bake wedding cakes for Adulterers, liars, thieves, or blasphemers. Yet God considered these sins to be the WORST sins imaginable. Other than adultery, there were no prohibitions on other "lustful" or "shameful" behaviour.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail
Paul condemns it. Jesus never did.

The Bible is God's word, Jesus lived by it.

No it is NOT. It is written by MEN, inspired by God, but their personal prejudices abound.

In addition to which, the English language versions of these Biblical texts weren't even translated from the original texts. They were translations of translations, that had passed through numerous translators' hands, each of whom added their own personal interpretations to their translations of the originals.

Especially when speaking of sexual matters, the language is seldom direct, except in the 10 Commandments - Thou shall not Commit adultery.

So I ask again, if evangelicals are SO consumed with unforgiveable sins, why are they so obsesses with homosexuality, and not the behaviours which are outright banned in the 10 Commandments?

I've been a Presbyterian Church Elder for more than 20 years, and was a Sunday School teacher for 10 of those years. Let's talk about the Biblical references to sexual behaviour, the beginning of life, and other religious matters shall we?
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

Sex within marriage to someone who has been divorced (except outside of rare circumstances) is adultery also. Evangelicals largely backed a serial adulterer.
To whom are you referring to as this "serial adulterer? Probably it is someone that you don't like that someone has alleged that he/she is an adulterer.
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

No, sex outside marriage is not adultery. Sex with a person married to someone else is adultery.

Correct not adultery. It's fornication.
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

No, sex outside marriage is not adultery. Sex with a person married to someone else is adultery.

Here is an extra Bilblical source for you. ;)

the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified in the Gospel of John with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ.

The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail

I have read Romans. I think Paul has a LOT of issues, and he never once spoke with Jesus. I'm not a fan.

If homosexuality is such a grave sin in the eyes of God, why is there no mention of it in the 10 Commandments? Why do radical right wing evangelicals place such an emphasis on banning homosexuality, and yet barely mention Adultery, upon which there is a prohibition in the 10 Commandments?

God says nothing in the Big 10 about homosexuality, and everything about lying, adultery, stealing and murder, and yet evangelicals don't seem to have a problem with any of these things. Only something which God didn't consider important enough to mention when he set down his laws.

Bakers aren't refusing to bake wedding cakes for Adulterers, liars, thieves, or blasphemers. Yet God considered these sins to be the WORST sins imaginable. Other than adultery, there were no prohibitions on other "lustful" or "shameful" behaviour.
The problem is some of these supposed Christian schools seem to have forgotten that they are not supposed to be following the Old Testament, but the New Testament, which does not condemn adultery, homosexuality, or anything really. Some things may be sins, but Christians are not supposed to judge or force anyone else to act any particular way.
Only the evil Old Testament does that, so then it is not Christian.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality, read Romans

Epic fail
Paul condemns it. Jesus never did.

The Bible is God's word, Jesus lived by it.

No it is NOT. It is written by MEN, inspired by God, but their personal prejudices abound.

In addition to which, the English language versions of these Biblical texts weren't even translated from the original texts. They were translations of translations, that had passed through numerous translators' hands, each of whom added their own personal interpretations to their translations of the originals.

Especially when speaking of sexual matters, the language is seldom direct, except in the 10 Commandments - Thou shall not Commit adultery.

So I ask again, if evangelicals are SO consumed with unforgiveable sins, why are they so obsesses with homosexuality, and not the behaviours which are outright banned in the 10 Commandments?

I've been a Presbyterian Church Elder for more than 20 years, and was a Sunday School teacher for 10 of those years. Let's talk about the Biblical references to sexual behaviour, the beginning of life, and other religious matters shall we?
The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Evangelicals (including me) do not obsess with homosexuality. We may place additional emphasis on it because of the increased acceptance of homosexuality in the world today, especially in America.

I am an Independent Baptist Church deacon. Sex outside of marriage is adultery! So, homosexuality is adultery. Some places are now permitting same sex marriage. Calling it marriage doesn't make it such. I know that God created marriage for 1 man with 1 woman. The beginning of life and other matters are important but so is homosexuality. All sin, except as noted above, is forgivable. The biggest problem with homosexuality is that they will not even admit that it is sin.

Sex within marriage to someone who has been divorced (except outside of rare circumstances) is adultery also. Evangelicals largely backed a serial adulterer.
To whom are you referring to as this "serial adulterer? Probably it is someone that you don't like that someone has alleged that he/she is an adulterer.


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