DHS Gun and Ammo dealer planned to Genocide whites!

Be Responsible and backup your statement, extract those passages from the articles I provided.

Oh wait, you're a Libtard, you're not responsible to begin with.

Why don't you show me a "passage" from any of your links that actually backs up the claim that DHS purchased any of these targets?

After all, you're the one who made the claim.

You asked for the links and passages, so that you may examine them. They've been given to you. Examine them.

And no, I am not the originator of the claim, I am the messenger; however, you are the originator of the claim that the claims made these articles are false, you even cited Alex Jones. The burden of proof is now on you.


YOU made the claim in this thread. Right here:

Well, seeing that they've purchased more than 2 billion rounds of hollow point ammo and use pictures of White Pregnant women and white old men for target practice, I'd say it fits in quite well with their overall pattern of behavior. Do you not agree?

The "burden of proof" is on you to back up your claim, not for me to "prove you wrong".
Can you post a single quote from any of those links that actually backs up your claim that DHS has purchased and is currently using those targets?

Hold on, are you at least admitting that the DHS bought the targets, and used them for at least one point in time?


Do you have any evidence that they did?
It's fine with me.

I think investigating employee websites should be a pretty low priority job for ICE agents.

yet when the DHS found out they put him on leave and will can his ass if he does not stop it. But don't tell 2nd he can fathom anything but his own persistent denial.
You guys'll say anything, won't you?

not really I was just referencing to the article I posted showing how they put him on leave to investigate.
yet when the DHS found out they put him on leave and will can his ass if he does not stop it. But don't tell 2nd he can fathom anything but his own persistent denial.
You guys'll say anything, won't you?

not really I was just referencing to the article I posted showing how they put him on leave to investigate.
"Call his ass if he doesn't stop it"? You mean slap his wrist? And "paid leave"? Gee, what a punishment.
2nd amendment is rather slow on current events, let me share some knowledge with you that you don't seem to have. research before you show us your Faux News outrage and stop making yourself look ignorant.

WASHINGTON -- The Homeland Security Department says an employee who runs a racist website predicting and advocating a race war has been put on paid administrative leave.

An acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement who deals with small businesses, Ayo Kimathi, operates the website War on the Horizon. It includes descriptions of an "unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race." Kimathi is black.

Ayo Kimathi Put On Paid Leave By Homeland Security Over Website Promoting Race War

Why do otherwise intelligent posters like yourself have to denigrate your own posts by using the laughable term

faux news?

And then link to HuffPo?
None of your links back up your claim.

You should actually read the stories you link, rather than just the headlines.

So you're just going to play games. K got it.


So me calling you on posting a wall of links that you got off google without bothering to read is "playing games"?

Can you post a single quote from any of those links that actually backs up your claim that DHS has purchased and is currently using those targets?

I am not military, LEO, or anything of the like but it is my understanding that certain shooting exercises involve moving through an obstacle course where targets pop up at random - some you are supposed to shoot and some you are not, to test the ability to make important discernments during the heat of the moment and all that. If anything about this 'target' hysteria is true, wouldn't that be a much simpler, less 'Crazy-ass-conspiracy-nut' explanation? Did any of the intrepid reporters who scrawled out the 'news' that has set bug-eyed lunatics like 2nd A into such a froth bother to contact the manufacturers of said targets and ask them what they are used for?
Why is a racist war monger still employed by DHS? Isn't the purpose of that dept. to protect the country from terrorists?

Excellent point. It's the fact that radicals surround Obama that should concern people. Just which of their qualifications impressed Obama the most? There are many radicals, including a science czar who has long wanted to put sterilization agents in our drinking water.

Many of the people Obama appointed have a history of saying and doing radical things. I am wondering why he likes them if it isn't about their hatred of Americans, racism toward whites or their love of communism.

People chose others for important jobs because they share their ideology. It's clear that some hate America and want it changed. It's no accident that they were chosen for some high level jobs. Of course, liberals call it coincidence or they obediently ignore the facts and continue to defend.

Amazingly, people want to believe that Obama is completely ignorant when it comes to the radical ideas held by the people he chose. I am amazed that they can respect someone who is considered to be so clueless. And Obama is never to blame for anything. His ignorance is always an accepted excuse and everything that goes wrong is Bush's fault.
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