DHS employee promotes war on whites

When TSA(part of DHS) first started I went to work for them. In the beginning it was ok. Mostly ex-military in the commanders and workers. The PC crap started about 2yrs in and by the time I left there were some really dumb f'ed up people working there. I quit after 5yrs because I couldn't stand to be part of it anymore. I was a retired meatcutter when I started with tsa and it wasn't worth the extra money to be associated with them. I quit 3yrs ago so I can imagine how fucked up it is now
When TSA(part of DHS) first started I went to work for them. In the beginning it was ok. Mostly ex-military in the commanders and workers. The PC crap started about 2yrs in and by the time I left there were some really dumb f'ed up people working there. I quit after 5yrs because I couldn't stand to be part of it anymore. I was a retired meatcutter when I started with tsa and it wasn't worth the extra money to be associated with them. I quit 3yrs ago so I can imagine how fucked up it is now

One of my kids is a union meatcutter. Working at a Kroger's making fairly decent change.
When TSA(part of DHS) first started I went to work for them. In the beginning it was ok. Mostly ex-military in the commanders and workers. The PC crap started about 2yrs in and by the time I left there were some really dumb f'ed up people working there. I quit after 5yrs because I couldn't stand to be part of it anymore. I was a retired meatcutter when I started with tsa and it wasn't worth the extra money to be associated with them. I quit 3yrs ago so I can imagine how fucked up it is now

One of my kids is a union meatcutter. Working at a Kroger's making fairly decent change.

Great job for 35 yrs. Hard work in the beginning left me with a ruined back. Maybe it was being 6'7" and working on equipment meant for someone a lot shorter. Now I'm bored stiff.
Professional Meat Cutters and Butchers are getting to be a thing of the past.

You simply can't find a good butcher any more.
It's not oftern I have something good to say about SPLC, but they called this on out.

But I think it was before they knew he worked for Obama.
YOU are being a racist. Why not try being an American instead? Those who commit crimes should be punished according to the severity of their crimes. Not a matter of color but of individual choices. You remember the word "individual," don't you?

What did I say that was racist? .

Oh, I don't know, how about by defining everyone in the country and making value judgments on hundreds of millions of people you don't know on the basis of race? Maybe something like that? You can't be this stupid.
Oh please stop the self righteous pap.
We are human beings. We make value judgements every day. Several times a day.
Someone in his workplace has got to grow a pair, and get this dick out of there.
Better to leave him there and keep an eye on him. He could be a valuable resource.

There also is the possibliity he is a decoy.

Last, based on what's been said about him it doesn't seem that he's broken any laws. And if he's doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment right to free speech he has the advantage in this example of being Black, which would bring the full weight of every civil rights organization in existence to his aid if his rights are violated -- and lawsuits would follow.

If all the Whites there are afraid of this guy that is their problem! It's about time White Americans abandoned their timidity when confronted by aggressive Blacks and either push back or stop complaining.

His right to free speech?
Bullshit. If were of any other race and said these things about blacks, he'd be out of a job.
So don't start this 'free speech rights' shit.
Newsflash...We DO NOT have a right to free speech. In other words, one cannot say or publish whatever they choose.
He is still employed. The investigation has so far not shown that he did anything wrong. His actions and website have been fully approved by his supervisors.

Of course he's still employed. So was Nidal Hasan after everyone was informed of him.....and we all know how that hairball turned out.
Someone in his workplace has got to grow a pair, and get this dick out of there.
Better to leave him there and keep an eye on him. He could be a valuable resource.

There also is the possibliity he is a decoy.

Last, based on what's been said about him it doesn't seem that he's broken any laws. And if he's doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment right to free speech he has the advantage in this example of being Black, which would bring the full weight of every civil rights organization in existence to his aid if his rights are violated -- and lawsuits would follow.

If all the Whites there are afraid of this guy that is their problem! It's about time White Americans abandoned their timidity when confronted by aggressive Blacks and either push back or stop complaining.
I don't see that he's broken any laws....

How about MAKING TERRORISTIC THREATS? Or is that not good enough for you?
Too bad some other employee doesn't put up a site about killing black people. See how that works out.
Wow, now I've seen it all. Your tax dollars at work.
Are we going to put up with this ?

DHS Employee Promotes Race War in Spare Time, Advocates Mass Murder of Whites

By day, Ayo Kimathi works for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a small business specialist in a unit that buys such items as handcuffs, ammunition and guns.

Off-duty, he calls himself “the Irritated Genie.” He’s a gay-bashing, revenge-seeking black nationalist who advocates on his website – War on the Horizon – the mass murder of whites and the “ethnic cleansing” of “black-skinned Uncle Tom race traitors.”

“Warfare is eminent,” the website declares, “and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count.”

A former supervisor of Kimathi’s at the DHS told Hatewatch, “Everybody in the office is afraid of him.”

“This guy is filled with hate,” the supervisor continued. “People are afraid he will come in with a gun someday and go postal. I am astounded, he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

When reached by telephone today and asked by Hatewatch if he is the Irritated Genie, Kimathi hung up. The night before, a woman answered the phone at his website, known as WOH, and refused to say whether the Irritated Genie is Ayo Kimathi.

“He just goes by the Irritated Genie,” she said, promising to pass along an interview request.

DHS Employee Promotes Race War in Spare Time, Advocates Mass Murder of Whites | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

he is part of game plan of team obama

the IRS attacking conservative groups

the government teaching the military that conservatives are extremists

and terrorist groups

this guys "job" at DHS is ammunition procurement

imagine that

the only thing the admin regrets about this guy

is that he was discovered and the sunlight

is exposing him
Already a thread on this in current events.
It belongs in the Politics forum.

DHS employee spends spare time promoting race war against 'whites' | Fox News

A Department of Homeland Security manager in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government is

This man needs to fired and see who hired him should be fired as well .. What say you libs??

Are you accepting the Southern Poverty Law Center as a source for proof. Because whew boy you just stepped in it hard :lol:
Read some news now and then. It's actually true.

DHS employee spends spare time promoting race war against 'whites' | Fox News

A Department of Homeland Security manager in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government is

And is he being investigated? Has he been put on leave? My guess is the answer to those questions are NO.
The bastard is on PAID administrative leave.

DHS employee behind racist website on paid leave - Houston Chronicle

To fire his sorry ass would mean admin admits to yet another scandal. There will be a pseudo-investigation and denial of accountability at all levels above him...in hopes that another world crisis will upstage it on the news scene. CNN will likely be paid to ignore it.
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Already a thread on this in current events.
It belongs in the Politics forum.

Are you accepting the Southern Poverty Law Center as a source for proof. Because whew boy you just stepped in it hard :lol:
Read some news now and then. It's actually true.

And is he being investigated? Has he been put on leave? My guess is the answer to those questions are NO.
The bastard is on PAID administrative leave.

DHS employee behind racist website on paid leave - Houston Chronicle

To fire his sorry ass would mean admin admits to yet another scandal. There will be a pseudo-investigation and denial of accountability at all levels above him...in hopes that another world crisis will upstage it on the news scene. CNN will likely be paid to ignore it.
The true scandal is failure to make federal employees accountable to the people who pay the taxes that pay their wages, benefits, and tremendous vacation package. :evil:

And you're right, this political hot potato belongs in politics.
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I find myself in a conundrum. I hear (see on this board) that you can not believe anything you see on Fox News. Yet, when Fox News affiliate quotes SLPC it suddenly has a credibility hitherto unknown.

Explain how come!

BTW, just my opinion, but I think that this scumbag will definitely be fired from his cushy post and then he will be immediately hired by Eric Holden's Department of Justice and then immediately promoted to an unearned position attainable only by affirmative action.
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I find myself in a conundrum. I hear (see on this board) that you can not believe anything you see on Fox News. Yet, when Fox News affiliate quotes SLPC it suddenly has a credibility hitherto unknown.

Explain how come!

BTW, just my opinion, but I think that this scumbag will definitely be fired from his cushy post and then he will be immediately hired by Eric Holden's Department of Justice and then immediately promoted to an unearned position attainable only by affirmative action.
It is the truth of the matter, not the source that counts. This despicable asshole has been exposed in many places, including his own website. I doubt SLPC was the first.

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