DHS employee promotes war on whites

Wow, now I've seen it all. Your tax dollars at work.
Are we going to put up with this ?

DHS Employee Promotes Race War in Spare Time, Advocates Mass Murder of Whites

By day, Ayo Kimathi works for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a small business specialist in a unit that buys such items as handcuffs, ammunition and guns.

Off-duty, he calls himself “the Irritated Genie.” He’s a gay-bashing, revenge-seeking black nationalist who advocates on his website – War on the Horizon – the mass murder of whites and the “ethnic cleansing” of “black-skinned Uncle Tom race traitors.”

“Warfare is eminent,” the website declares, “and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count.”

A former supervisor of Kimathi’s at the DHS told Hatewatch, “Everybody in the office is afraid of him.”

“This guy is filled with hate,” the supervisor continued. “People are afraid he will come in with a gun someday and go postal. I am astounded, he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

When reached by telephone today and asked by Hatewatch if he is the Irritated Genie, Kimathi hung up. The night before, a woman answered the phone at his website, known as WOH, and refused to say whether the Irritated Genie is Ayo Kimathi.

“He just goes by the Irritated Genie,” she said, promising to pass along an interview request.

DHS Employee Promotes Race War in Spare Time, Advocates Mass Murder of Whites | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

He is still employed. The investigation has so far not shown that he did anything wrong. His actions and website have been fully approved by his supervisors.
Nothing to see here, no big deal, it's Bush's fault, blacks can't be racists, you're being hyper-sensitive, it's "freedom of speech".
It is not known what disciplinary actions, if any, will be taken against Kimathi.
I'm betting it will be NONE.
I could tell you that the US Government has COINTELPRO offices set up since the 60's to promote Racial violence but it appears Americans are more concerned about Ben Afleck screwing up their beloved Batman franchise.
Someone in his workplace has got to grow a pair, and get this dick out of there.
Better to leave him there and keep an eye on him. He could be a valuable resource.

There also is the possibliity he is a decoy.

Last, based on what's been said about him it doesn't seem that he's broken any laws. And if he's doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment right to free speech he has the advantage in this example of being Black, which would bring the full weight of every civil rights organization in existence to his aid if his rights are violated -- and lawsuits would follow.

If all the Whites there are afraid of this guy that is their problem! It's about time White Americans abandoned their timidity when confronted by aggressive Blacks and either push back or stop complaining.
Someone in his workplace has got to grow a pair, and get this dick out of there.
Better to leave him there and keep an eye on him. He could be a valuable resource.

There also is the possibliity he is a decoy.

Last, based on what's been said about him it doesn't seem that he's broken any laws. And if he's doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment right to free speech he has the advantage in this example of being Black, which would bring the full weight of every civil rights organization in existence to his aid if his rights are violated -- and lawsuits would follow.

If all the Whites there are afraid of this guy that is their problem! It's about time White Americans abandoned their timidity when confronted by aggressive Blacks and either push back or stop complaining.
I don't see that he's broken any laws, but employers do have policies, and in my opinion this guy has created a hostile workplace. If you are publicly calling for the death of a race of people, and then you turn around and work amongst those same people, that doesn't sound to me like a comfortable workplace.
I don't disagree that white people need to start fighting back, but it's not the white employees responsibility to throw this guy out. It's the employers responsibility, and they are taking quite a risk by allowing this situation to continue.
Any employment lawyer would tell you the employer here is opening themselves up
to a lawsuit.
Wow, now I've seen it all. Your tax dollars at work.
Are we going to put up with this ?

DHS Employee Promotes Race War in Spare Time, Advocates Mass Murder of Whites

By day, Ayo Kimathi works for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a small business specialist in a unit that buys such items as handcuffs, ammunition and guns.

Off-duty, he calls himself “the Irritated Genie.” He’s a gay-bashing, revenge-seeking black nationalist who advocates on his website – War on the Horizon – the mass murder of whites and the “ethnic cleansing” of “black-skinned Uncle Tom race traitors.”

“Warfare is eminent,” the website declares, “and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count.”

A former supervisor of Kimathi’s at the DHS told Hatewatch, “Everybody in the office is afraid of him.”

“This guy is filled with hate,” the supervisor continued. “People are afraid he will come in with a gun someday and go postal. I am astounded, he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

When reached by telephone today and asked by Hatewatch if he is the Irritated Genie, Kimathi hung up. The night before, a woman answered the phone at his website, known as WOH, and refused to say whether the Irritated Genie is Ayo Kimathi.

“He just goes by the Irritated Genie,” she said, promising to pass along an interview request.

DHS Employee Promotes Race War in Spare Time, Advocates Mass Murder of Whites | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center
Federal employee protections will insure this piece of shit gets to keep his job. Meanwhile he will continue to terrorize his co-workers.
Me, I'd file an EEOC lawsuit charging this guy creates a hostile work environment.
Then, watch him broil. Then of course, if he chose to take matters into his own hands, I'd be ready..."Go ahead. Make my fucking decade."
Someone in his workplace has got to grow a pair, and get this dick out of there.
Better to leave him there and keep an eye on him. He could be a valuable resource.

There also is the possibliity he is a decoy.

Last, based on what's been said about him it doesn't seem that he's broken any laws. And if he's doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment right to free speech he has the advantage in this example of being Black, which would bring the full weight of every civil rights organization in existence to his aid if his rights are violated -- and lawsuits would follow.

If all the Whites there are afraid of this guy that is their problem! It's about time White Americans abandoned their timidity when confronted by aggressive Blacks and either push back or stop complaining.
I don't see that he's broken any laws, but employers do have policies, and in my opinion this guy has created a hostile workplace. If you are publicly calling for the death of a race of people, and then you turn around and work amongst those same people, that doesn't sound to me like a comfortable workplace.
I don't disagree that white people need to start fighting back, but it's not the white employees responsibility to throw this guy out. It's the employers responsibility, and they are taking quite a risk by allowing this situation to continue.
Any employment lawyer would tell you the employer here is opening themselves up
to a lawsuit.

Facts About Race/Color Discrimination
Facts About Race/Color Discrimination


Harassment on the basis of race and/or color violates Title VII. Ethnic slurs, racial "jokes," offensive or derogatory comments, or other verbal or physical conduct based on an individual's race/color constitutes unlawful harassment if the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, or interferes with the individual's work performance.​
Oh, yeah. This guy's breaking the law.

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