DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,

They did not. They were dressed in paramilitary gear and just dragged people away. The US Attorney has asked the DHS IG to investigate. Their civil rights were clearly violated.
great. show me the videos of them being dragged away please.

stop talking bullshit and backup your point with something other than the shit coming out the wrong end.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...

Jack booted federal thugs are attacking American cities. This is a invasion.
Dont vandalize federal property’s and you won’t get arrested. Simple.

Bullshit. There is no evidence they did. They were not arrested. They were simply dragged away. There was a massive disregard for civil rights by these jack booted thugs. The US Attorney has asked for the DHS IG to look into this.
theres video of them doing it yu ignorant twit,,,,

So in a matter of seconds, the police were able to determine who did it. You are just regurgitating what they are tellingb you. You are the ignorant twit.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,

They did not. They were dressed in paramilitary gear and just dragged people away. The US Attorney has asked the DHS IG to investigate. Their civil rights were clearly violated.

We have already established that it would be more effective and in the end save more lives to simply shoot a few in the head and leave them in the street, but there are too many asshole bleeding heads like you.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...

Jack booted federal thugs are attacking American cities. This is a invasion.
Dont vandalize federal property’s and you won’t get arrested. Simple.

Bullshit. There is no evidence they did. They were not arrested. They were simply dragged away. There was a massive disregard for civil rights by these jack booted thugs. The US Attorney has asked for the DHS IG to look into this.
theres video of them doing it yu ignorant twit,,,,

So in a matter of seconds, the police were able to determine who did it. You are just regurgitating what they are tellingb you. You are the ignorant twit.
why not? in even less time the entire BLM bullshit society was able to determine all white people were guilty. but not the 90% of the white women who make up BLM rallys, go figure.

you are assuming they're just taking people at random off the streets and have not had what - 3+ weeks now to monitor their behavior and see what they are doing.

Bad shit was happening. Cops were murdering people in the street. You really think that the way to stop people from protesting abuse by police is to have more egregious police abuse?

This is a plan by you?

Here's how you stop the rioting. You make a serious effort to address their concerns.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
Like obuthole did.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...

Damn good way to get shot. These protestors should be carrying firearms.
Bring it. The protesters quit being plain old protesters long ago.
if they were in fact peacefully protesting then of course i would be out to be on the side to let them.

but they are not.
shooting people in cars as they try to get by
stacking up bricks along assigned paths to cause anarchy
pulling down statues
taking over city blocks
attacking the police and flat out killing them

all the assholes trying to cry out "but they are peaceful" great. we're not talking about the peaceful ones but the ones destroying shit. so you either are OK with people destroying shit if you don't like someone and if that is what you are after.

good. rest assured that is about to come back at them and these cries of BUT THE LAW...won't matter. they are busy ignoring the law right now and this is the shit that happens to you if you ignore the law and tear shit up.

no pity.
id be ok with a remote island, base infrastructure and drop 'em off with enough to live on for a year.

there. y'all do what you want but you're never leaving the island.

That is what we should do with every Trump supporter. Stick them on a island where they can do anything they want.
Us Trump supporters are the sane Americans.
Last edited:

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...

Damn good way to get shot. These protestors should be carrying firearms.
Bring it. The protesters quit being plain old protesters long ago.
if they were in fact peacefully protesting then of course i would be out to be on the side to let them.

but they are not.
shooting people in cars as they try to get by
stacking up bricks along assigned paths to cause anarchy
pulling down statues
taking over city blocks
attacking the police and flat out killing them

all the assholes trying to cry out "but they are peaceful" great. we're not talking about the peaceful ones but the ones destroying shit. so you either are OK with people destroying shit if you don't like someone and if that is what you are after.

good. rest assured that is about to come back at them and these cries of BUT THE LAW...won't matter. they are busy ignoring the law right now and this is the shit that happens to you if you ignore the law and tear shit up.

no pity.
Yep, 100% agree.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,

They did not. They were dressed in paramilitary gear and just dragged people away. The US Attorney has asked the DHS IG to investigate. Their civil rights were clearly violated.
great. show me the videos of them being dragged away please.

stop talking bullshit and backup your point with something other than the shit coming out the wrong end.

You are the one shoveling shit. Examine the video on this page. The thug asks someone what he is doing. Then he is dragged off to a black van.

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.

I would agree with you, not identifying yourself is absolutely wrong. I believe flash bang. tear gas and arresting the rioters is the best way to break them up. Portland needs to learn how to deal with rioters and protect the general public, which they are failing to do.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

I wouldn't trust you to be honest about it anyways.

ANyhow, we will get the full story soon enough.
Lol! You wouldn't trust me?

I'm not the fuckin' tRumpling here, Son. You are.

Trump supporters are the good guys.

You hysterical lefties are the bad guys, the assholes, the wace baiters.

You know that. Don't play silly games with me.

YOu are certainly dishonest liars. You lie all the time.

Trump supporters are the bad guys. They are jack booted Nazi thugs. Portland proved that. You people are so dishonest that you even lie when Trump says it.

Nazis are defined by mass genocide. In Portland, Trump has used Federal agents to protect Federal building from violent mobs after the mayor ordered the cops to stand down.

That you conflate those two actions, is you disrespecting the victims of genocide and using them for partisan gain.

You are the scum of the Earth and you are the bad guys.

That is not the only thing the Nazis did. Yhe Gestapo also picked up people off the street and dragged them away. In Portland, people were attacked by unkown people and dragged away into a unmarked van. Very Gestapo like. The police are supposed to identify themselves and read a suspect their rights. These thugs did not. Nazi still applies Nazi.
but they did ID themselves and NO they dont need to read them their rights,,,

you should learn the law before you speak on it,,,

They did not. They were dressed in paramilitary gear and just dragged people away. The US Attorney has asked the DHS IG to investigate. Their civil rights were clearly violated.
they had clear markings on their uniforms,,, and no civil rights were violated,,,
When a person is arrested. Explain to me the process that has to take place. I mean we do not just grab a guy and hold him indefinitely do we?
sure we do. depends on the crime. again, it seems you're unfamiliar with the laws of our country.

Are they arrested? People dressed in paramilitary outfits grab someone and put them in a black van. I have never seen a arrest like that.
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id be ok with a remote island, base infrastructure and drop 'em off with enough to live on for a year.

there. y'all do what you want but you're never leaving the island.

That is what we should do with every Trump supporter. Stick them on a island where they can do anything they want.
Us Trump supporters are the same Americans.

You are not Americans.
and pray tell - who are the ones that are destroying our history again?

Look at all the people supporting fascism.
id be ok with a remote island, base infrastructure and drop 'em off with enough to live on for a year.

there. y'all do what you want but you're never leaving the island.

That is what we should do with every Trump supporter. Stick them on a island where they can do anything they want.
Us Trump supporters are the same Americans.

You are not Americans.
More than you commie libtards are.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...

Jack booted federal thugs are attacking American cities. This is a invasion.
Dont vandalize federal property’s and you won’t get arrested. Simple.

Bullshit. There is no evidence they did. They were not arrested. They were simply dragged away. There was a massive disregard for civil rights by these jack booted thugs. The US Attorney has asked for the DHS IG to look into this.
theres video of them doing it yu ignorant twit,,,,

So in a matter of seconds, the police were able to determine who did it. You are just regurgitating what they are tellingb you. You are the ignorant twit.
NO they used video surveillance to follow them after they rioted at the fed house and arrested them when the least amount of violence was needed,,,
you should educate yourself before speaking on a subject,,it will avoid you looking like an idiot,,,

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