DHS was always meant for this.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
Democrats had the chance to get rid of DHS, and the Patriot Act, but they declined. Now we're paying the price:

When Americans worried about their nation slipping into a dystopian authoritarian regime, no one ever expected those nightmares to involve the Federal Protective Service. That’s in part because before the post-apocalyptic images of federal officers dressed in military gear waving flaming cans of smoke and dressed in gas masks on the streets of the community that inspired “Portlandia,” few Americans knew the FPS existed at all. Even today, the obscure entity may still be unknown to people reading about federal officers roaming Portland, Ore., in unmarked rental vans, snatching protesters off the streets with seeming disregard for civil liberties.
Yet the protective service — which languished for years within the Department of Homeland Security, with depleted ranks and a dwindling budget — has suddenly become central to the Trump administration’s plan to assert federal power in America’s cities, against the wishes of local officials, in a ploy to demonstrate Trump’s “law and order” credentials and further his reelection.

Overall, DHS, run by Chad Wolf — a onetime Hill staffer turned lobbyist with no law degree, law enforcement or military background, who is in his eighth month as acting secretary — has become over the last two years a textbook example of what happens when legal structures built for good governance are hijacked. Day after day, the department has become one of the clearest demonstrations in President Trump’s Washington of the old Michael Kinsley maxim: “The scandal isn’t what’s illegal, the scandal is what’s legal.”

Why is there a DHS anyway?

All the other alphabet agencies failed at their job, so another government agency is just what we needed? Wrong!
9/11 happened because the FBI and CIA failed at their job.
Why do we pay these people to do nothing for us??!
Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.
Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.
All the bs happening today is the filthy lying democrats fault.
Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.
So you're cool with regular Americans dealing with the problems of today, amirite?
Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.

I was just pointing out that the Democrats had the opportunity to get rid of it and they didn't - which is true. The Republicans foisted it on us in the first place, so I'd never expect them to repeal it. Democrats supposedly opposed the gwot nonsense. But, once in power, they just couldn't bring themselves to actually reduce federal power (just like Republicans couldn't bear to let go of ACA).

So, anyway, now Trump is showing us all why it was such bad idea in the first place. Plenty of "fault" to go around, don't you think?
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Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.

I was just pointing out that the Democrats had the opportunity to get rid of it and they didn't - which is true. The Republicans foisted it on us in the first place, so I'd never expect them to repeal it. Democrats supposedly opposed the gwot nonsense. But, once in power, they just couldn't bring themselves to actually reduce federal power. So, now Trump is showing us all why it was such bad idea in the first place. Plenty of "fault" to go around, don't you think?
Certainly but you know how it is. No one wants to be soft on national security.
Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.
That "republican patriot act" not only passed the Senate on a 98-1 vote on original passage, your dear Boiking re-authorized it at least twice, and abused it to spy on his successor.

So take your "this is the fault of republicans" bullshit and stuff it up your ass.
Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.

I was just pointing out that the Democrats had the opportunity to get rid of it and they didn't - which is true. The Republicans foisted it on us in the first place, so I'd never expect them to repeal it. Democrats supposedly opposed the gwot nonsense. But, once in power, they just couldn't bring themselves to actually reduce federal power. So, now Trump is showing us all why it was such bad idea in the first place. Plenty of "fault" to go around, don't you think?
Certainly but you know how it is. No one wants to be soft on national security.

Yeah. I know how it is. And it has jack squat to do with national security.
Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.

I was just pointing out that the Democrats had the opportunity to get rid of it and they didn't - which is true. The Republicans foisted it on us in the first place, so I'd never expect them to repeal it. Democrats supposedly opposed the gwot nonsense. But, once in power, they just couldn't bring themselves to actually reduce federal power (just like Republicans couldn't bear to let go of ACA).

So, anyway, now Trump is showing us all why it was such bad idea in the first place. Plenty of "fault" to go around, don't you think?
They voted to pass it...Thes liberoidal fuckwits absolutely turn my stomach.
Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.
You talked about it. You expanded on it. From 2008 to 2010 you had total control by massive numbers. You did nothing. NADA! Now Homeland Security is here forever. When you were voted out in 2010 you even added more to it before the new congress took over.
Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.
You talked about it. You expanded on it. From 2008 to 2010 you had total control by massive numbers. You did nothing. NADA! Now Homeland Security is here forever. When you were voted out in 2010 you even added more to it before the new congress took over.
They even piled onto it!....Now they pretend like none of this is on them.

Golly, I remember being told that I hated America and wanted the terrorists to win for voicing my fierce opposition to the creation of the DHS and the Patriot Act all those years ago. Time sure does fly by...
Yeah, me too....Would ne amusing were it not so terrifying.

Oh, I remember quite well. It was on another forum named after a well-known Irish water-carrier.
Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.

I was just pointing out that the Democrats had the opportunity to get rid of it and they didn't - which is true. The Republicans foisted it on us in the first place, so I'd never expect them to repeal it. Democrats supposedly opposed the gwot nonsense. But, once in power, they just couldn't bring themselves to actually reduce federal power. So, now Trump is showing us all why it was such bad idea in the first place. Plenty of "fault" to go around, don't you think?
Certainly but you know how it is. No one wants to be soft on national security.

Yeah. I know how it is. And it has jack squat to do with national security.
That's exactly the charge that would have been leveled by republicans and it would have worked. It was already too late when the patriot act was drafted. The infrastructure was already being built and all it took was someone to make it legal.
Golly, I remember being told that I hated America and wanted the terrorists to win for voicing my fierce opposition to the creation of the DHS and the Patriot Act all those years ago. Time sure does fly by...
Yeah, me too....Would ne amusing were it not so terrifying.

Oh, I remember quite well. It was on another forum named after a well-known Irish water-carrier.
Then you do remember how guys like Me, JW Booth, Johnrocks et.al. got totally piled onto by the Bushbots.

I do so with Liability and House were here so I could rub their fucking noses in it.
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Funny you should bring up the republican patriot act. Classic genie out of the bottle scenario. Now here we have republicans crossing another authoritarian line and you are already saying it's the democrat's fault. It's like the old schoolyard bully tactic of "why are you hitting yourself?" all grown up.

What we have here is a classic case of selective memory...

The USA Patriot Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001, amid protests from several organizations, including many civil liberties organizations. Spurred on by President Bush and the continued warnings that more attacks were to come, the House approved the Act by a vote of 356 to 66 and the Senate approved the Act by a vote of 98 to 1.


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