Dialogue with Putin. More US Politicians and Experts Talk about Better Relations with Russia

It's a very time to normalize relations with Russia. We have enough potential enemies around the world. I am not speaking about the alliance with Putin but not waging a war seems to me quite a reasonable political decision. Moreover When we conclude a peace with Iran Russia is a friendly country.
It's a very time to normalize relations with Russia. We have enough potential enemies around the world. I am not speaking about the alliance with Putin but not waging a war seems to me quite a reasonable political decision. Moreover When we conclude a peace with Iran Russia is a friendly country.

China and India - both have above billion people, both are boosts their progress in economics, both are making strong army, large resource interests and unpredictable way of thinking. And ocean would not be defence from they, because, I think, they also bought all the technologies, allows to cross it faster than USA navy reaction. By example, China is able to build much battle hovers from Soviet drawings, which would transport China soldiers to West Coast by a several hours...

While we have an conflict, sanctions, Ukraine, oil wars and so on - they grow rapid, with their armies and ambitions....
By example, China is able to build much battle hovers from Soviet drawings, which would transport China soldiers to West Coast by a several hours...

I have been reading this thread silently and haven’t had any intention of writing here, but the last statement has definitely changed my mind.

So, we get to know about hovers from the Soviet drawings which are able to get to the US West Coast from China in several hours. It is amazing. I don’t know what the respectable author of the statement meant by saying several hours, but let’s consider that it means 7 hours, for example. The distance from Shanghai to San Francisco, according to Yandex Maps, is 9870 km (it is the shortest way through Japan’ and Russian’ waters). So, in order to get to the US in 7 hours, the hover has to have the speed: 9870 km / 7 hours = 1410 km/h. It is incredible! It is more incredible, if we take into consideration that the speed of sound is merely 1192 km/h.

I wonder if geography and elementary arithmetic are in Russian schools’ curriculum at the present time.

Sorry, I forgot that miles are used in the US for the measurement of distance. 1 kilometre = 0.62 miles.
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By example, China is able to build much battle hovers from Soviet drawings, which would transport China soldiers to West Coast by a several hours...

I have been reading this thread silently and haven’t had any intention of writing here, but the last statement has definitely changed my mind.

So, we get to know about hovers from the Soviet drawings which are able to get to the US West Coast from China in several hours. It is amazing. I don’t know what the respectable author of the statement meant by saying several hours, but let’s consider that it means 7 hours, for example. The distance from Shanghai to San Francisco, according to Yandex Maps, is 9870 km (it is the shortest way through Japan’ and Russian’ waters). So, in order to get to the US in 7 hours, the hover has to have the speed: 9870 km / 7 hours = 1410 km/h. It is incredible! It is more incredible, if we take into consideration that the speed of sound is merely 1192 km/h.

I wonder if geography and elementary arithmetic are in Russian schools’ curriculum at the present time.

Sorry, I forgot that miles are used in the US for the measurement of distance. 1 kilometre = 0.62 miles.

Thank's for approving!
Rocket hover "Loon" makes 500 km/h, so it able to reach Frisco for about a day :)

P.S. Loon during the battle tests:

Thank's for approving!
Rocket hover "Loon" makes 500 km/h, so it able to reach Frisco for about a day :)

P.S. Loon during the battle tests:

I don’t want to upset you, but the maximal range of this beast is 1900 kilometres (1200 miles). So, it will be difficult to reach the US from China on it. But don’t worry, Russian engineers can propose the Chinese to use paddles for the rest of distance. I am sure the engineers already have the necessary drawings.
Thank's for approving!
Rocket hover "Loon" makes 500 km/h, so it able to reach Frisco for about a day :)

P.S. Loon during the battle tests:

I don’t want to upset you, but the maximal range of this beast is 1900 kilometres (1200 miles). So, it will be difficult to reach the US from China on it. But don’t worry, Russian engineers can propose the Chinese to use paddles for the rest of distance. I am sure the engineers already have the necessary drawings.

This beast lived in USSR, I know nothing about China, except the fact of buying one of aviacarriers of USSR in Ukraine by a price of raw metal :)
his beast lived in USSR, I know nothing about China, except the fact of buying one of aviacarriers of USSR in Ukraine by a price of raw metal :)

What do you mean by saying ‘I know nothing about China’? A couple of posts above you said that China had drawings of super-duper hovers which could take Chinese soldiers to the US in the course of several hours. And now you are saying ‘I know nothing about China’. I think this case should be clarified completely, because it dramatically changes the balance of power in the region.
It's a very time to normalize relations with Russia. We have enough potential enemies around the world. I am not speaking about the alliance with Putin but not waging a war seems to me quite a reasonable political decision. Moreover When we conclude a peace with Iran Russia is a friendly country.
Thank you, Donald, I think you're right. For example, USA and Russia have been pretty successful in space navigation.

On July, 16 it was 40 yrs since USSR/USA Soyuz-Apollo space mission. And there was a celebration of that event in Moscow. American astronaut Tom Stafford was present. American astronaut spoke Russian and Russian cosmonaut Alexey Leonov spoke English and told a funny story: when Russians and Americans were having a dinner together (40 years ago on the board of a spacecraft), Leonov suggested to have vodka (from a tube). Americans first refused, but finally agreed. And when they opened that tube with “Vodka” sign on it, they found out there was borsch (kind of soup) in the tube, not vodka!

USA and Russia could have benefited from cooperation with each other a lot more that either one “benefits” from confrontation with each other. As for me, I admire American-Russian cooperation in space navigation. American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts seem to be pretty efficient with each other and enjoying each other’s company, paying zero attention to politics.

Russia also has a lot of experience in war on terror. If Obama really wants to destroy International terrorism (not just to have long talks about it), he must built constructive dialogue with Russia. Right now if anybody benefits from another "cold war" with Russia, that would be only the terrorists. Somebody needs to wake up before it's too late.
And when they opened that tube with “Vodka” sign on it, they found out there was borsch (kind of soup) in the tube, not vodka!

Such a cruel joke...
The Soviets actually were afraid that after a couple of shots of vodka the cosmonauts and the astronauts would start questioning each other: "Do you respect us and our country?" (true fact) It's also an interesting fact that Tom Safford had adopted two Russian children (orphans) 40 years ago.

I like what Tom Stafford said: “Two countries, two superpowers in the world with different languages, different political systems could work together for a common goal and do it very successful.” It was very important 40 years ago and still is very important now for a number of reasons. Russia has a lot to offer to any country which would like to develop friendship and cooperation.

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